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Posts posted by igoooor

  1. Hey bud, great thread! making some form of event system using this right now and having some issues with this section of code


    // admin menu
    if (_isAdmin) then {
        if((speed player <= 1)) then {
            if (s_player_admin_option < 0) then {
    			s_player_admin_option = player addaction[("<t color=""#E65C00"">" + ("Admin Menu") +"</t>"),"event\AdminMenu.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_admin_option;
            s_player_admin_option = -1;
    // player TP menu
    if((speed player <= 1) && Dayz_Epoch_Event_Running) then {
    	if (s_player_event_option < 0) then {
    		s_player_event_option = player addaction[("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("-- EVENT ACCESS --") +"</t>"),"event\PlayerMenu.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""];
    } else {
    	player removeAction s_player_event_option;
    	s_player_event_option = -1;

    Long story short, no options show on scroll wheel unless i'm looking at a trader? Not tried this with other players yet but i assume it'd be the same results

    EDIT: It doesn't show options unless you're looking at any object

    this is weird, could you show us the surrounding lines where you put this code in your server_functions.sqf?

  2. its possible , you can use the global variable DZE_display_name , but im not sure how to write it because of the true or false part of it , would be pretty simple other wise ,


    you could also as a temp fix change the code to remove the name part and just make it show some text give money to player


    Thank you very much ! I changed this:

    s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
    into this:
    _targetName = if ((_cursorTarget getVariable["DZE_display_name",false]) || (DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader && isInTraderCity)) then { name _cursorTarget; } else { "Player"; };
    s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", _targetName], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];

    And it works like a charm :)

  3. Hi!

    I installed this mod and it works just fine, at least for me.

    Other players (this is a private server, just a few of my friends play on it) can't make it work, when they press the Advanced Trading menu, nothing happens and this appear in their .RPT client file:

    "DayZ Epoch: PRELOAD Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
    "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"
    Error in expression <;
    _recompile = (count _this) > 0;
    if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t>
      Error position: <BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t>
      Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: bis_fnc_init
    File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28

    Anyone have an idea why this is happening, and not to me?

    I already told them to delete their MPMissionsCache folder, I don't know if it helps ^^ but it seems it did not change anything :S


    EDIT: nvm it was due to infistar, already answered in this thread.

  4. Has anyone got a up to date community ban file? Recently started getting hassled with script kiddies so just want to put a stop to it before it gets worse.

    Also if a hacker was to execute a script, is it more likly to show in a be log or in the rpt?

    Just got one that killed everyone on the server then crashed the server.



    I merged a few community lists, so here it is: http://pastebin.com/25eV7XSt
    8071 records.
    They come from opendayz community bans thread, DaRTBans list, and from the community thread of infistar.de
    It's all merged and no duplicates
  5. good catch.  always nice to have code review.  I'll edit the samples so they are correct

    you did the same error "_packet = _this select 0;" in lesson 3

    And also in lesson 3, I think this is not correct:

    PV_EventStatusClient = [Dayz_Epoch_Event_Running];
    publicVariable "Dayz_Epoch_Event_Running";

    and should be:

    PV_EventStatusClient = [Dayz_Epoch_Event_Running];
    publicVariable "PV_EventStatusClient";

    right ? You did it twice this one ;)



    I just saw:

            private ["packet","_sender","_status","_logString","_isAdmin",];
            _packet = _this select 0;

    see "packet" and "_packet" ? ^^

  6. I would like to know if there is a way to know if our cursorTarget (when is a player) has selected the option "Don't display name", or "Display name" (you know when you login).

    This way we could change this line in fn_selfActions.sqf:

    s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];

    and keep the name of the target "secret" as he wanted it to be.

  7. Thank you sir, I learned a lot today, I now know how to cutText to the cursorTarget ^^!


    However I think there is some mistakes in your code, lesson2:

    // server side check, make sure only the server runs this code
    if (isDedicated) then {
        // DEBUG: Manually set our event to running... You would normally do this thru a menu etc.
        // note, that this variable is only set on the server itself, so the client has no idea of the value
        // if you wanted, you could pass this thru instead of a skin but that's out of the scope of this tutorial
        Server_Event = true;
        // expects: [player]
        // Handles our client JIP requests
        "PV_JIP_Event_Check" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
            private ["_packet","_player","_owner","_skinClassName"];
            // deserialize our packet
            _packet = _this select 0; // shouldn't be select 1 according to lesson1?     <=================== HERE
            _player = _packet select 0;
            _owener = owner player; // wrong var name <=================== AND HERE
            _skinClassName = "FR_GL"; // my personal skin
            // check to see if Server_Event has been set by an admin/script.
            if (!isNil "Server_Event") then {
                // validate Server_Event is true, if true, our even is running
                if (Server_Event) then {
                    // our event is running, change skin of JIP player
                    PV_ChangePlayerSkin = ["FR_GL"];
                    _owner publicVariableClient "PV_ChangePlayerSkin";    

    I know this is not big mistakes, but if someone copy/paste to give it a try, he might encounter some issues ^^

  8. Could you explain the choice of lowering the skill level?

    _weaponArray = [_skill - 1] call DZMSGetWeapon;
    switch (_skill) do {
    		case 0: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills0;};
    		case 1: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills0;};
    		case 2: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills1;};
    		case 3: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills2;};
    		case 4: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills3;};
    		case 5: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills4;};
  9. In here

    if (_isMan and _isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal and !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
    	if (s_givemoney_dialog < 0) then {
    		s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
    } else {
    	player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
    	s_givemoney_dialog = -1;

    Is there a way to know if the cursorTarget accepted the "Display Name On/Off"? If so I won't display the name in "Give Money to %1" if he did not accepted

  10. No its now..its an extra thing admins put to allow custom sqls.

    If you want to play with it, get my 3d.live.mission from my signature..it has all the necessary files to make it work.

    and check dayz_server/init/server_function.sqf (in the 3d live files) to see how you can use it.

    Its not that hard..you just need to know how do mysql queries. 


    ps: in the mission folder/init.sqf at the top is the global variable for the database i am using. You dont have to have it there...you can edit the server_functions.sqf instead. I just put it there so people using the mod dont get lost trying to find the db value.

    Ok thanks I'll check your files then. Don't worry for SQL queries, this is kind of my daily job ^^ (PHP/Symfony dev)

    But just for my information, is the link I provided the good stuff too?

  11. I wouldn't say days, Commander and SiX take a day, DayZ Launcher usually only takes a couple hours. If it doesn't show up by tomorrow, i would contact your host and and have them look into it. I run all of my dedi's from home so I have no rented dedi knowledge unfortunately.


    Well, my server is running for a few days now, so I guess there is an issue somewhere even though I can connect and play by manually typing the ip and port

  12. You need to see if others can join the server. It takes a bit of time for the 3rd party launchers to recognize the server. If others can't remote connect using the in game multiplayer launcher or find it with the filter, then it's a port issue. Forwarding ports isn't always as easy as logging into your router and forwarding them. If no one can join then the easiest thing you can do is call your ISP and tell them what you are trying to accomplish and likely they will do it for you over the phone. If people can join, then it's just a matter of time until it shows in the launchers.


    I already login into the server myself, my server is hosted on a rented dedicated server, and I play from my own computer, so it is not a port issue. I guess I'll just have to wait a few days then?

    And since it is a dedicated server, there is no configuration to do on some router, just to allow the rules in windows firewall; again, i'm able to connect to my server and play remotely

  13. Hello guys,

    I followed this guide on a brand new dedicated server (windows server 2012 standard) and everything works, I can log into the server and play, but the server is not listed in Play withSIX or DayZCommander. Even if I manually add my server to my favorites (both software), I don't have any informations of it (http://i.imgur.com/Tpgxksf.png) I tried with 2 different dedicated servers, and as you can see, it is not working as expected ^^

    Any idea how to get this to work?

    My server is running on port 2302 (udp in/out ports open), config.cfg => steamPort = 2304; steamQueryPort = 2303;

  14. Hello guys


    I run a new server following this guide 

    I am able to join the server and play, if I launch DayZ Epoch, and add the server manually with the IP and port.

    But I don't see it in Play withSIX or DayZLauncher (also tried from the dedicated server itself with local IP). I already googled the issue, used the search function here, so here is my config.cfg:

    hostName = "DayZ Server";
    password = "";
    steamPort = 2304;
    steamQueryPort = 2303;
    passwordAdmin = "password";
    maxPlayers = 50;
    logFile = "server_log.txt";
    voteThreshold = 2;
    voteMissionPlayers = 3;
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    motd[] = {"DayZ Server","Have fun!"};
    motdInterval = 0;
    vonCodecQuality = 11;
    disableVoN = 0;
    kickduplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 2;
    persistent = 1;
    BattlEye = 1;
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData =  "kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    regularCheck = "";
    requiredBuild = 103718;
    requiredSecureId = 2;
    class Missions
        class Mission1
         template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";

    For the steamQueryPort and steamPort, I tried a few other settings like:

    steamPort = 2303;
    steamQueryPort = 2304;

    or (found on this forum):

    steamPort = 2424;
    steamQueryPort = 2423;


    steamPort = 8766;
    steamQueryPort = 27016;

    but nothing worked. I use -port=2302 to start my server, and of course I opened all UDP ingoing and outgoing ports (from 2300 to 27016) on my Windows Server 2012 Standard.

    So if anyone has any idea, I'll be happy to try, thanks :)



    I checked my open port 2302 with http://ismyportopen.com/ and it is open (only if I deactivate windows firewall, which I don't really like, but well, that's another problem I guess ^^), so for now I let the firewall deactivated, just for the tests

  15. Hello guys


    I just created a brand new server following this guide  everything works fine at first try.

    But I have just one issue, when I'm in game and I type "#beclient GUID" it returns: "My GUID: " and nothing, it is just blank. I tried on some public servers and there it works fine (I have my 32 chars long GUID).

    When my server starts, here is what I have in the console

     4:21:25 Hôte dédié créé.
     4:21:31 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.195)
     4:21:31 Identité d'hôte créée.
    So it looks like BattlEye is working no?
    And I have the following directories in my dayz server folder:

    in the last one I have all my filter files, beserver.cfg (since it's this one that is used given my DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat (following the -profiles option):

    @echo off
    start "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

    I also tried to set the arma2oaserver.exe in DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat as the one from my Steam Arma2OA directory instead of the one from my server directory, but it still does not work, so well I'm kinda out of ideas right now.

    And here is my Arma2OAServer.RPT after I started the server and logged in (in lobby): http://pastebin.com/hfEepdD0

    If anyone knows how to fix this, help ^^

    I also tried a tool like DaRT, I can connect to the server and send commands (like the Say Global), but the players list is always empty (even if I'm logged in)




    PS: basic stuff: sorry for my english (not native language)

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