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Posts posted by Mr.XXX

  1.  #45 "emchat("YOU ARE HUNGRY! EAT OR YOU WILL DIE SOON");

    player setDamage _damage;

    sleep 15;

    _ate = EPOCH_playerHunger;

    if(_ate < 100"

    getting this error.. no matter what I put into the script.txt for line 46 nothing seems to work.. I then get server not ready 03 errors.


    line 46 is 7 setDamage


    7 setDamage  !="emchat" !="player setDamage _damage" !="EPOCH_playerHunger" 

  2. No clue, that was one of the things that caused me to abandon this script.


    Edit this ( @epochhive\addons\ZombieMission\init.sqf ):

                    } else {
                        sleep 1;
                        if ( (_playerCount < 1) && (_pos in spawnedZombies) ) then {
                            spawnedZombies = spawnedZombies - [_pos];
                            diag_log format["Removed %1 - Spawned Zombies: %2",_pos,spawnedZombies];
                        //  { 
                        //      deleteVehicle _x;
                        //      diag_log format["Deleted Zombie %1 @ %2",_pos];
                        //  } forEach units _aiGroup;
                            _aiGroup = createGroup RESISTANCE;
  3. ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5a.7z


    This is blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5 found here: 

    Disclaimer:  I take no credit for any of this content, nor do I support it.  I've given up on this script, but sharing what went into it to make it work.


    Changes from the orginal 0.0.5 version posted:

     - Made functional for Epoch.Altis Build 9

     - Consolidates all the client side files into folder under addons/zombie, updated all references to use new location.

     - Fixed the _pos variable in the server side pbo to set z to 0.1 instead of the -10 to -20 it was pulling from the "citycenter"

     - Fixed and turned on additional debug output for spawns (in the pbo, line 25 and 31)

     - Performed exploratory surgery with battleeye filters, and created an Install.txt




    Zombie despawn when i get in a vehicle.


    How can I change the?????

  4. This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"


    1. Download and Unzip this: attachicon.gifZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip

    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.

    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.

    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.

    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.

    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp"

    6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf

    if (isDedicated) then {
    	[] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf";
    [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf";
    "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound};
    "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound};

    7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder

    You are now complete


    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)

    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >

    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >

    Added code to play sound for client side >

    Added zskin.jpg to zip file




    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...


    Does it work well in the Esseker Map

  5. 02.07.2015 12:44:41: jus61 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - #34 " = 600;
    SideZMB = createCenter civilian;
    groupZMB = createGroup civilian;
    sleep 0.1;
    fncZcontact = compile preprocessFile "
    Script Restriction  #34
  6. Here is the one I use on my server. It's a work in progress as it was based on the Chernarus one so some things aren't right yet. (I haven't looked at it for a while as I've kind of lost interest at the moment)


    //Esseker config created by second_coming
    class Esseker: Default
    	worldSize = 12000;
    	traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
    	containerPos[] = {};
    	telePos[] = {
    		{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 386,57,0.3 }, "", { 6802,5187,0 } },
    		{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 402,49,0.3 }, "", { 4014,9223,0 } },
    		{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 371,49,0.3 }, "", { 10139,7979,0.1 } }
    	telePosCenter[] = {387, 44.5, 0.3};
    propsPos[] = {
    			//debug lights
    			{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 402,40,0.249583 }, 133 },
    			{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 370,40,0.217788 }, 230 },
    			// phones
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10455.2, 2214.84, 0 }, 52.4502 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10480, 2350.02, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10479.1, 2349.45, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6809.42, 2703.85, 0.101999 }, 131.438 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6795.85, 2484.88, 0 }, 312.46 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6738.58, 2393.89, 0 }, 221.25 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6409.57, 2439.88, 0.0883212 }, 46.4278 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 7496.04, 5126.04, -0.000732422 }, 182.17 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10132.1, 5471.31, 1.52588e-005 }, 46.4049 },
    			{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 11285.3, 5492.9, 1.52588e-005 }, 160.867 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11282.8, 5491.04, 0 }, 162.031 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 13359.8, 6170.49, 0 }, 176.672 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12102.1, 7283.6, 0 }, 96.4346 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10654.9, 8013.35, 0.102005 }, 303.161 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12022.4, 9151.21, 0 }, 47.4504 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12023.3, 9150.26, 0 }, 45.6474 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12265.6, 9479.49, 1.18411 }, 141.691 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6017.95, 7821.39, -0.00500488 }, 223.037 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6227.46, 7721.33, 0 }, 36.2285 },
    			{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 1969.65, 7361.86, 0 }, 35.9378 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 1971.84, 7359.15, -1.52588e-005 }, 127.545 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11242.2, 12209.9, 0 }, 118.072 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 2706.84, 10002.9, 0 }, 12.6221 },
    			// Traders at NEAF
    			{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {12072.8, 12627.4, 0}, 108},
    			{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {12074.4, 12631.9, 0}, 108},
    			{"Land_CampingTable_F", {12064.2, 12604.5, 0}, 106.286},
    				// Trading Post
    				{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {11655.1, 3183.29, 0}, 247.273},
    				{"Land_Misc_Cargo2E_EP1", {11672.8, 3211.9, 0}, 154.091},
    				{"Land_Misc_Cargo2E", {11647.4, 3201.54, 0}, 155.455},
    				{"HeliHCivil", {11648.8, 3240.49, 0}, 0},
    				{"ShedBig", {11703.1, 3152.92, -0.316751}, 334.091},
    				{"Land_Market_stalls_01_EP1", {11661.1, 3207.69, 0}, 341.364},
    				{"BlackhawkWreck", {11681, 3236.4, 0}, 0},
    				{"Land_Shed_Small_F", {11660.2, 3206.51, 0}, 71.8182},
    				// phone boxes near spawns
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 4587.05, 4518.51, 0.201431 }, 90 }, // south west
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12077.5, 5114.38, 0.00123596 }, 133}, // south east
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10688.8, 9439.87, 0.00151825 }, 50},   //north east
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6793,5174,0 }, 251 }, // Central
    				// safe zones
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 4587.05, 4518.51, 0.201431 }, 90 }, // south west
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 12077.5, 5114.38, 0.00123596 }, 133}, // south east
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10688.8, 9439.87, 0.00151825 }, 50},   //north east
    				//Boat Trader
    				{"ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", {9966, 5433, 1 }, 179},
    				// East Spawn (Shardak Resort) safezones
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10143,7971,0.1 }, 10.286  },
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10145,7946,0 }, 300.143  },
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 12060.6,12604.3,0 }, 330.857  }
    	staticNpcPos[] = {
    			// South West 0
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 4585.05, 4516.51, 0.201431 }, 273.197 },
    			// South East 1 
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 12075.5, 5109.38, 0.00123596 }, 313.34},
    			// North East 2
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10686.8,9437.87,0.00151825 }, 231.976},
    			//Boat Trader 3
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 9966, 5433, 1 }, 179 },
    			// East Spawn (Shardak Resort) 4,5,6
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10143,7971,0.1 }, 159  },
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10145,7946,0 }, 169  },
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10106,7911,0 }, 3  },
    			// West Spawn
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {4021,9223, 0}, 296},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {4020, 9217, 0}, 352},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {3964, 9268, 0}, 300},				
    			// Central Spawn
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {6805, 5173, 0}, 350},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {6806, 5191, 0}, 201},	
    			// Traders 12,13,14,
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11666.9, 3205.76, 0}, 133},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11662, 3203.14, -1.19209e-007}, 168},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11654.7, 3199.9, -1.19209e-007}, 139}





    class Esseker: Default
    worldSize = 6000;
    traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
    containerPos[] = {};
    telePos[] = {
    { "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 6802,5187,0 } },
    { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 4014,9223,0 } },
    { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10139,7979,0.1 } }
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