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Posts posted by TheDanius

  1. Hexagon markers, sharing loot, increased loot spawns, base building, possibility for heals and revives, watching each others back, tactical movement and attacking, someone to guard your body and your loot when you die and have the run all the way the fuck back to your last position, people to chat with while you're passing the time exploring the wastes....


    Groups are also persistent on the server, so everyone in your group will stay in your group when you log off between sessions, which is a pretty sweet feature.


    I mean, grouping up is pretty much essential for this mod. 

  2. This has been discussed previously (couldn't find you a link.)


    It's slightly broken at the moment. However, I believe some people mentioned that the Group Leader needs to be the one to build the jammer, otherwise only the person who built the jammer will be able to build it. Also, everyone must be in your group when the jammer is built. If someone joins the group later, the jammer needs to be destroyed and rebuilt for them to have access.

  3. I enjoy the current trader system as well. I'm also fairly confident that the current system will be built upon and improved greatly over time. This poll is really unnecessary and premature.


    Having some traders stocked with the basic essentials isn't a terrible idea, though. However, I've found that once the server has been up for a decent amount of time, the trader stocks tend to be fine. 


    The only thing that irks me is the bug that prevents you from buying items from traders for no apparent reason. That can get a little frustrating. 

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