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Posts posted by bustedparts

  1. I have a nice epoch/overwatch sever that I have payed some on to put up for me . Well It has been running for quiet some time and now. I have a need to wipe the server and I have a few questions on how to get it done properly. Now i know you need to drop the current server . And then you recreate the the schema and name it properly to the same name it was before. Now do you take the epoch.sql and created a new query in the schema you have made?  Also I have a question about all the mods I have currently installed like the single coin currency system. Will that still work all the same? My biggest problem i have right now is all the vehicles and bases that are not being used . My server needs a cleaning!

  2. This is one of the errors that i am getting after the missions and epoch is loaded. It takes about 17 minutes for it to completley load up and ready for players

    NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #967804508, users.card=3
    22:17:13 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 967804508
    22:17:13 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 967804508 (ferdinand)
    22:17:13 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| 0h 19min | Disconnected: ferdinand(76561197971065950) - time: 1099.79 - serverFPS: 28.3186 (v0206)"
    22:17:13 Client: Remote object 8:1 not found
  3. I hear what your saying. I myself have 2 boxes and i host 4 different maps. I for one dont take other people work with out asking. I think this is mostly due to I am new at it and I dont want to step on anyone's toes. And I get stuck all the time and I do ask for help and I put in my server's credits who helped me out! And I also donate to people that do help me., I can't wright my own script , but i am leaning. And i will mess stuff up!

  4. I have this map installed and have the emod stuff out of the server and and client files. And I have RHS USA and Russian, CUP ,joint rails and mass vehicles. My restart time is about 45 minutes. No out of the order errors. It takes 3 times the time for it to wright 550kb of info in the rpt then my panthera server that is on the same box,.They have the same mods. Its like the sever is started and its running but it like waits for something then lets you in. I have rpts if needed. I am really at a loss with this. Lets see the masters work and see if we can get this fixed!

  5. I am having some what of same problem on my server. It seem's that the server loads in and everything is running but it doesn't let players in for about 30 minutes. It will keep kicking them back to the lobby saying server not ready error 02. I looked in the rpt and nothing out of the ordinary.   If I can fix this problem it would be great. Also when I finally get in the server fps is 46 so its not a lag problem.If anyone has any ideas that would be great cuz this is a awesome map!

  6. I thought I would share. I have a panthera map that i put this loot spawner and I have all the bulidings for that map. Here is the list

    //custom buildings
    ["Land_Airport_left_F", 0],
    ["Land_Airport_center_F", 0],
    ["Land_Airport_right_F", 0],
    ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F", 1],
    ["Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", 1],
    ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", 1],
    ["Land_Airport_Tower_F", 1],
    ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_MilOffices_V1_F", 1],
    ["C130J_wreck_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_Offices_01_V1_F", 0],
    ["Land_Sara_domek_zluty", 1],
    ["Land_Deutshe_mini", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_rasovna", 1],
    ["Land_Sara_stodola", 1],
    ["Land_Sara_Domek_sedy", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_istan3_pumpa", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_4_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_Hruzdum", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_10_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_5_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_Istan3_hromade2", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_11_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_5_V1_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_House_K_7_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_House_C_1_v2_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_Clhlovej_Dum_mini", 0],
    ["Land_dum_lstan3_pumpa", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_mesto_In", 1],
    ["Land_Hruzdum", 1],
  7. OK this is what mine look like, What you posted looks different

    orldSize = 12000;
    traderBlds[] = { "Land_Kiosk_blueking_F", "Land_FuelStation_Build_F", "Land_CarService_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_i_Shed_Ind_F", "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" };
    telePos[] = {
    { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 450.708, 417.767, 0.23 }, "", { 4411.55, 1633.22, 0.00143814 } }, // #,#,# is cords you want to go to 
    { "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 465.05, 417.812, 0.23 }, "",  { 4338.23, 6311.9, 0.00151825 } }, // #,#,# is cords you want to go to 
    { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 479.871, 417.226, 0.23 }, "",  { 8690.88, 3113.06, 0.00143886 } } // #,#,# is cords you want to go to 
    telePosCenter[] = { 465.23499, 417.42401, 0.7 };
  8. Ok , I have a problem, i have had a friend of mine update my server and all my others work fine , But my panthera server is missing the manhole covers.  Last update he said he had to do something to them to fix them and I never asked what he did.  Everything else seems to be working fine other than the manhole covers are gone and you cant respawn? I dont see anything worng in the rpt and the server itself is running fine,.Just need to fix the mission teleports.

  9. I have a altis server that has been up and running for a while , after the last update its has been having crazy lag spikes. The whole server will freeze then after the fps goes down to about 4 fps and it will stay there. It will get better if you run around and it may stop and go back to normal. But most time you have to log out completely and go back in and it will be fine for a while. Also when this is happening  the actual server fps is sitting at 30fps.  Now I have a cherno server that this does not happen at all. The rpt doesn't have any errors that would point me in any direction to fix this problem.So I am at a loss as to what could be causing this, that's why i am here.

  10. I have 2 servers that I have had a friend put together for me. I need to wipe the servers due lag and crashing issues. I have 2 servers running on the redis database. I need to wipe them both but I figgered I would start with one at a time. My cherno server lags and crashes and my altis has a weird servers seize then massive lag to the point you cant play . You log out and it will be fine until some one joins the server.So some instruction on doing this would be great! Thanks!

  11. I have been trying to add this to my server. Every time I add it i get errors, I added this


    if(isServer) exitWith {};

    fn_handleGetIn = {
    private ["_vehicle","_seat"];
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _seat = _this select 1;

    if(_seat == "driver")then{
    _vehicle setVariable ["GotIn",true];
    _vehicle allowDamage false;
    diag_log "[OX3] - Vehicle getin handled";

    fn_handleLocal = {
    private ["_vehicle","_local"];

    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _local = _this select 1;
    _vehicle setVariable ["LocalChanged",true];
    _vehicle allowDamage false;
    diag_log "[OX3] - Vehicle local handled";


    diag_log "[OX3] - Vehicle get in pilot protection";
    while {true} do

    if (!(_x getVariable ["added_EHProtect",false])) then {
    _x addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this call fn_handleGetIn;}];
    _x addEventHandler ["Local", {_this call fn_handleLocal;}];
    _x setVariable ["added_EHProtect",true];

    if( (_x getVariable["GotIn",false])) then{
    sleep 3;
    _x allowDamage true;
    _x setVariable ["GotIn",false];

    if( (_x getVariable["LocalChanged",false])) then{
    sleep 3;
    _x allowDamage true;
    _x setVariable ["LocalChanged",false];
    }forEach vehicles;

    uiSleep 5;


    to the sqf

    This is what my rpt says after it starts.

    21:15:20 Error in expression */\scripts\ox3_getinprotect.sqf"

    if(isServer) exitWith {};

    21:15:20 Error position: <*/

    if(isServer) exitWith {};

    21:15:20 Error Invalid number in expression \scripts\ox3_getinprotect.sqf"

    IDK is that */ ment to be there? 

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