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Posts posted by AdmiralAK

  1. I just found my base is fully intact with outer locked fence seal, locked downstairs door, locked upstairs door, on second floor with walls covering doors windows, so no jumping through, etc. and yet after a few days off I log in and it's cleared out.  If you had a wall missing it was probably blown up, but even with an intact base there's just to many flaws with A3 to have any security.


    In vanilla mode, imo the loot is just too hard to obtain for how easy it is to lose... I know you're not supposed to be attached to gear, but when you play a few weeks and then someone cheats or whatever happened to get to your stuff, kind of want to quit rather than start over.  So I bid Epoch ado for now until someone properly mods it.  



    There are two options to this. 


    1) you did not maintain your base on a daily basis (you gotta put krypto into the freq jammer quite often) what you described sounds like that. Walls n floors will just disappear if you don't maintain your base. 


    2) you parked a vehicle too close to the base. which spawned in and blew so you ended up with a wall missing

  2. Hi Guys. 


    My server: 


    Arma Build: Current (as of the 6/1/15) sorry not sure what build Arma is on

    Epoch build: 


    After getting killed by the Helicopter exploding bug I TP'd  back to where I died and tried to pick up my gear. 

    Bags, vests and clothes go on ok, as well as the side arm. But when I go to pick up my Gun and Rangefinders/Binos they vanish completely. I also have to log to be able to find my body or have my body appear on my screen. I have tried the Drag and drop technique or the Right click auto populate technique. With both the items appear in the correct gear slot for 2 seconds and then disappear from my inventory. 


    I can replicate this bug every time.


    I am not sure if this was a solve to the gun duping issue? still something I thought would be worth mentioning. 

  3. Hey guys, 


    I was thinking that as a solution to having militarized vehicles in the game we could upgrade vehicles like the Zamak or HEMMT with scrap metal/ steel in stages to add armor to the sides, front, windows etc 


    hell maybe even putting a snow plow on the front ;) 


    you could work it like 5 Large scrap metal + fire + Vehicle repair kit = Armor windows


    A further 6 Large scrap + fire + 2 vehicle repair kits = Armored wheels  


    Another 7 large scrap metal + fire + 2 vehicle repair kits = large snow plow/ front guard 


    Maybe make the parts degradable after a certain period of time or un repairable so you would have to re build the specified armor? 


    Just an idea like but it would add more to do and more reason to scavenge once established :) 

  4. If you snap the foundations (build and place one then build and walk directly backwards,) then you will not get the gaps in the walls. 


    I can make a vid tutorial tonight if you would like?  I can also include tips on the stairs?

  5. The default tool has ESP, healing and the ability to give ammo so it does most of what you are asking for. As for god mode, go invisible. The main thing missing I can see at the moment is the vehicle repair option.



    If you sit inside the vehicle and hit heal it will repair the vehicle too. so if someone crashes their truck and you decide to be nice you can heal it while they are one the go. 

  6. I want to create a server called "Underpoch" using most of the ideals described here. Anyone interested? ;p

    You know I am ^_^ we need to sort the weapons out first. then move on to building :o maybe spend a day this weekend if we can. Unfortunately I have to work :( 

  7. Survival to me would mean:


    - Houses on the map would very rarely have a weapon at all in it. Every house should have food, clothes, and light supplies. 


    - High powered weapons would only be available from either military bases or the rare supply crate in the middle of nowhere.


    - No machine guns, rocket launchers or thermal scopes. The best sniper you could get should be like an M24 or CZ. 


    - No helicopters or tank-like vehicles. Cars and trucks should be the standard... and scarce. 


    - Bases should solely be made out of wood. No concrete or whatever else. Obviously they should be destructible in raids.



    Although I agree that some of these would be awesome, (I am pretty open minded) I do however counter your points with the fact that you would be making the same game as before and VERY similar to Breaking Point. 


    You can of course remove these from a server If I am not mistaken? change the spawn settings so these do not spawn in? I think the point Darth_Rouge made (and I tried to make with worse effect) is that this is all trial and error. so technically if you did a little legwork as a collective we could implement such things?  not 100% accurately to your description but you can imitate such.


    This mod will be made how the devs make the mod. they beauty of PC and Arma is you can tailor it to how you want. With a little research, help and elbow grease you can effectively make a server to your playstyle.  


    Hell I would love to see a super Hardcore (Hardcore being the word used to describe your ideals) server and get involved. it would be great to see and play so if you guys want we could form a collective? 

  8. There's Epoch designed by the developers.


    And then there's Epoch, modified and made into a Call of Duty-clone made by many clueless people, who fortunately in most cases end up with empty servers once people start figuring out that what they thought they wanted really wasn't what they wanted.



    I agree to an extent. I think variations in the servers help create slightly different experiences and helps define a good variety in options for the players, the modifications in play or style are why I got a PC 6 months ago. Hell if all the servers where the same then why would epoch not just host their own servers so that nothing ever goes wrong with the game and you have official no changes allowed servers. 


    ( not a dig at you or anyone who keeps it vanilla) but the idea of PC from what I was sold by countless friends is the customization of servers, games and even characters. 



    We (try as we might) want to keep it as close to normal as we can. So the addition of 2-3 Armed pickups and some AI missions (for players when the server is empty is enough for us and will stay that way until the Devs put in AI missions (from what I have heard they are coming) 


    At the end of the day, it's down to play preference and what your community wants. we are a community starting from scratch and all we want is a solid base of like minded players that enjoy a laugh as much as we do. Without something to differentiate your server from the others then there is no point in having a server xD 

  9. in Today's gaming world survival means "you need to eat and drink not to die" hence every game with those two assets is automatically a "survival" game...



    Out of interest Johny, What would you class as a survival game? because from the top of my head there is quite a few ailments you need to fight off in Epoch and I want to know what true survival means in your eyes. 


    you have:





    PVP (other survivors)

    Damage or Limb breaking 






    Bearing in mind that this is an Alpha stage game, I think the guys are doing a great job in giving us stuff to survive against, and I would be damn sure interested to find out what else a game needs to class as survival. 

  10. I don't mind the whole military gear etc etc hell the first thing I would do is raid Local military bases if I could in an end of the world scenario. I understand it can be a bit of a downer when you get flattened but coming from a military sim and the fact that most survival films I have seen are people armed to the teeth with weapons and modded trucks Epoch doesn't seem that bad especially since vehicles get screwed up real easy.


    I think it would be great fun if you could upgrade normal vehicles like trucks etc etc with armor plating from salvage metal to create new vehicles. Maybe putting a snow plow on the front and armored sides instead of a hunter, Ifrit or Strider to create that end of the world feel and make sure there is one hello of a grind to get it upgraded. 


    With the need to have people play on the server we have put AI missions in. With AI comes RPG's and as a counter we put the Armed pickup in there to counter the RPG launchers that are bound to get hoarded. Making it a lot easier to kill the HMG operator and driver instead of a Bulletproof Hunter HMG or GMG xD 



    The game is still survival, You still have to build shelter, stay dry, keep warm, eat, not get killed by other players, the brutality is still there and you have the same chance of gathering Military gear as anyone else :) 



    Remember Altis is a big map too. Not that they are needed but Vehicles give people a lot more incentive to move around the map and run more risk of running into people. 


    All part of the Mod though, with new mods come changes the old school will not like and the same for anyone who gets on board with this mod for the next, just play and have fun. Just hope you find a decent Admin and learn to play a little different :D

  11. OMG, We have fictional guns that revive people and repair cars, on a fictional Island, In a fictional Scenario, with Fictional creatures THAT EXPLODE. but we can't have Tipi's to hide stuff in? 


    Shitting Christ almighty lord we best go play call of duty to get a realism fix before our heads explode.


    /sarcasm if you don't like it don't use the damn tipi's. They were put there to put easily acquired, easily built and easy to hide loot storage for the players. Srsly plz guis we belong to the master race stop with the stupid shit. 



    Stealth edit*

    "All you still on Enfamil need to keep out of the adult conversation!" This made me laugh, makes a post bitching and claims to be having an adult conversation xD ahahahahhahahaha

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