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Posts posted by Mercules

  1. You mean so called "advanced" mode? I said it before and say it again, arma 3 is no god damn flying simulator. Next thing you know Bugemia will be forcing manual transmission and make it impossible to drive any car without gaming wheel. Screw advanced mode. To me regular mode was hard enough to learn. I can't understand people who would prefer advanced mode. It's no surprise why 1999 servers of 2000 have it disabled. Because it sucks.


    There are things you can do with the advanced  mode you can't even try with the basic... so.... yeah some people will use it. 

  2. I personally would like to see more low end antagonists like Sappers and fewer Drones. I hate drones. I also really wish antagonists were not "sudden". I don't like when things suddenly spawn right next to me. I'm the type who scans an area as I move in and clears it and spawning mobs who spawn suddenly behind me drive me nuts. I have to live with it, but at least in DayZ mods the zombies would spawn in an area and you could clear it out for a time and then move through. In the Epoch Mod it seems like things only spawn after I have hung out for a while in an area. 

  3.  But to Hell with the kids that can't afford the DLC stuff; but hey, fuck em, Dislexy or what the fuck he's called says you can still use the stuff, you just can't operate it. 


    So that's my take on it. 


    You can't afford $25? That is a trip to the movies, dinner at a nice restaurant with a drink, a shirt, half a pair of jeans or shoes, 3 packs of cigarettes, or a delivered pizza. 

  4. We have guns that magically repair cars, magically heals players and magically wakes them up from death. So, maybe we should know how to build something more sophisticated than a tipi?



    Correction, we have a "placeholder" that magically does the stuff above. If I remember correctly that multi-gun will be replaced with other things as the game develops. 

  5. are these dmn armless walking bombs really required. i cant count how many firefights they have killed me in. please remove these stupid pointless ai that no one likes. they are inconvient and take away from your mod.


    Sounds like they are working as intended. Epoch is not strictly about PVP. 

  6. So let me get this right i don't mind that you chose your answers and say now but like seriously how dose that make any sense. You both say no but want more building/food or drinks so you do want a increase in loot. General loot needs to be increased i have not said guns, mags, food, drinks i just said loot. 


    I'm not in the mood to read post that make no sense. 


    It's rather easy to understand. The AMOUNT is fine, the TYPE is not; at least in their opinion. They don't want more loot they simply want a couple less mags of ammo and a couple more things of food or tools or whatever. 



    As for me. Haven't had an issue. In about 10 minutes I tend to have more carrying capacity and a weapon to protect myself with. That might be a little too easy to find.

  7. Unfortunately we have kids like yourself running around, who've been indoctrinated into a self-refuting philosophical position known as naturalism.

    The point is simple: physical objects such as brains, bodies, or what have you, cannot possess the property of emotional states such as being happy, sad, angry, being in pain, and all the rest.

    In other words, if dogs are just physical things, they cannot possess emotional states and are not individuals (I know this is sophisticated stuff for someone on your level, but try to read into the words, that might help you).



    I feel sorry for you and your lack of empathy. 

  8.  The first couple of months there was terrifying but in a good way never felt so scared playing a game before felt like a real survival mod, but they have taken a kinda weird turn so don´t know what will happen there in the future but don´t really like it feels a lot like the sandbox is gone there.

    Yep, totally scared...


    Scared of going near some of the spawned loot boxes as they would occasionally start moving and damage you or trap you if in tight locations. ;)

  9. For those who feel claustrophobic in FP, if you haven't already...get a trackIR.  Worth every penny and steps up the immersion to another level.   It will take a bit to get used to, but after that, you can't play without it. 


    I have to agree. TrackIR makes any game that uses it THAT much better. Even driving in FP is easier with a TrackIR since I can look into turns like I would driving down the road in real life. 

  10. Personally in a game like epoch, I don't play for the "survival" aspect but the tactical combat so I'd like to be somewhat geared quickly if I die.  Not because don't want to earn the equipment,  I don't wanna search for an hour for a pistol.

    There are going to be players searching for what suites them and they'll wind up on servers they like.. unfortunately with the a lot of the younger crowd, they have the "I want it now" mentality.

    Um.....  :huh:

  11.  "Why settle for less?".


    Because "Less is More". More fulfilling, more adrenaline, and more fun. 

    When you can get something in 10 minutes of playing on a regular basis it loses value. Since stuff is the one thing that is more or less wiped when you die having stuff that is easy to get in 10 minutes means dying means nothing. You get different gameplay on servers where it is not as easy to get "stuff". :)

  12. I don't get it either. I play DayZ not to shoot people, but for the buzz I get when I've gathered up basically what I need to survive and I am suddenly aware there is another player nearby. With no risk of death, what is the point. 

    I saw this in playing RPG TT games.

    Some GMs were actively antagonistic towards their players and so the players never got attached to their characters and never carried if they died because they could whip up a new "generic warrior" in about 15 minutes and be playing again. These are like the full servers where you spawn with a gun and everyone deathmatches from the moment they spawn. No one bothers to run away since it's faster to die and run back than to try and get away and heal up. 

    Some GMs crafted intricate stories that the players were very much a part of. The characters were integral to the story and very carefully crafted and so if they died it would disrupt the game.  Because of that the GM would fudge dice rolls, offer up threats that were only threatening as long as the players were still beating them, and such. Players just never died or never did so permanently. I see these as more the PVE servers that offer things like base building kits and such. 

    Then there is the others. The campaigns where you work very hard to get your character to where you want them but you know that the GM is wiling to let you die and the plot he has planned out go to hell because heroes rarely die quietly in their beds of old age. That moment when you are unsure if you might survive or not... if you do every time it belittles your effort, if you die every time it dulls the point, but if there is risk to all that build up you did, it makes it perfect. 

    A good sandbox survival is just that. There is always a threat of dying but for it to matter you have to have actual loss not just, "Oh no I will be on the coast missing this one piece of gear I can easily get back." 

  13. the things i miss are the AI mission that you had on arma 2 epoch mod.

    The shipping container and epicenters are good idea's but it would be fun if the AI where atleast defending it or patrolling in the area so a fresh spawn can't just randomly walk towards a shipping container and loot it.



    I hate bog standard ARMA AI with guns. The missions most people added to DayZ Epoch were also rather annoying. Missions are basically good for low pop or PVE servers and PVE removes half the point of a survival mod. Don't get me wrong I don't like to run around PVPing people like crazy, but I like to interact with them and that sometimes means gunfire. With AI there is always a best way to deal with them and that is at ranges that they don't fight back. You snipe them all dead and walk away with their stuff. 

    Now we need AI, but not "I'm like a player." AI because either they are far to easy or they are far to accurate and finding a good balance is hard to do. With the other antagonists in the game they can tweak the numbers and do things like increase the health drain, or how fast you take poison damage but a pistol shot to the head means you are dead in most cases. So AI with guns end up either boring or deadly.

    Missions were basically ways to earn a crapton of money/gear/vehicles with minimal effort. Very few servers set them up with a proper risk/reward level.

    Besides, there is NOTHING wrong with a freshspawn stumbling onto a shipping container.



    That's DayZ bore-alone stuff, and I'd be surprised if many of their players bother with shit like that.


    A lot do. I will always craft backpacks for a character. They have very nice profile/visibility ratio to amount they hold. Bows are not easy to use but they do solid damage for a silent weapon and noise is usually a bad thing. The number of people I have killed in DayZ because I got the drop on them from them "announcing" their presence in an area by shooting a zombie with a loud rifle is incredible.  I've also crafted bolts for crossbows until I had a good solid rifle and wandered around killing zombies left and right without alerting groups of them or other players. 

    The cooking crafting works well and the medical crafting is an excellent thing. Syringe and anti-biotics is a good thing as is some rags and sticks to make a quick splint for a broken limb. No more crawling for miles on end to find morphine, you tear up a t-shirt and scrounge around in the woods for some sticks and you are good to go. 

    I play Epoch and DayZ SA because they both have aspects I like and the systems in SA that have you interact with objects you can pick up are a great thing. I like taking a simple Mosin and spray painting it a couple times to make it camo. Find a bright blue UN helmet? Well it's not trash since you can spray it green or black and it won't stick out asking for someone to shoot you in the head. 

  14. They have though, back at the very start playing BHD I was brought into a group of 3, all potheads, only 1 worked. My presence evened it up.

    When I first played Dayz Epoch, a few of the players I regularly played with were all unemployed.

    The frequency of encounters with dole dossers may be heightened because I play during the small hours once I'm home from work. The only people that play at those times are shift workers or dossers.


    So you are basing your summation off of a sample size of less than 30 players? :) What time and in what timezone? Was it during what would be business hours in your area of the world? Since you use "dole" I'm assuming Western European or Australian/New Zealander. 

  15. I work 7 days a week most weeks, and I can't afford to buy this.

    Most gamers I've encountered over the years have been dole wallerers (benefit bums), that just sit and play games for hours upon hours a day, yet they can afford to buy this shit all the time.


    I don't know who you hang out with online, but 90% of the gamers I've encountered and all the ones I know on a personal basis work for a living. Sometimes we have to wait a few weeks to make a purchase fit into our budgets and sometimes we have expendable money on hand when something like a new game or DLC becomes available. Typically when I see something new I want I skip something like having a drink with my meal when I go out to dinner with friends or making a sandwich for lunch instead of buying lunch. 

    You can afford to buy it, it's what you are willing to give up to buy it that is the point. You obviously have a computer(that is good enough to play ARMA III), and internet, and that means you are not piss poor. Other than the intial investment in a computer, video games are cheap entertainment and if you wait I bet they will have a sale on the DLC at some point in time like they did ARMA III itself. 

    We are slowly getting rid of the stereotype of Video Gamers living in their parent's basement and being socially awkward recluses, can we not perpetuate the other one of them being jobless benefit receivers who do nothing else? Most of us work and have lives outside the internet.

  16. Building was about the only reason I ran a server that allowed 3rd person when I had a server. Even I had to admit trying to line up a wall all by yourself in 1st person was far too difficult. The new build system in A3 Epoch seems a bit more friendly to 1st person so 3rd could go and now one would care. 

  17. Not only wrong forum, but "topping them off" is lame and only serves to make players lazy. Why hunt for NVGs when you can hit a grocery store and have enough in Orange Crush to buy a pair in 5 minutes? If someone else had to sell them to the trader first... well then it means players are having an affect on their own world and limits how often rare items show up in the vendors. 

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