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Posts posted by GhostTown

  1. If you did that, I think DZMSAddMajMarker or DZMSAddMinMarker will start complaining about an undefined variable, or a null text element.

    You need to remove it from those two scripts, and from DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf.




    That is for the old mission system. DZMS and EMS have all the variables and logic completely recoded, so you can't just drop that in your mission.pbo anymore.




    In Minor SM10.sqf find this line:

    _vehicle call DZMSProtectObj;

    and change it to

    [_vehicle] call DZMSProtectObj;

    Also apparantly Fuchs doesn't have that mission announce itself, and has it trying to save the MI8 wreck to the database....


    Would someone be willing to explain how to do this?

    New to self scripting. Could message me in a pm so I dont keep spamming this topic.


    Also the new EMS is awesome! good work!

  2. Thank you! :)


    Also found this error in my RPT,

    12:01:35 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM10."
    12:01:36 Error in expression <"_object","_objectID"];
    _object = _this select 0;
    _objectID = str(round(random >
    12:01:36   Error position: <select 0;
    _objectID = str(round(random >
    12:01:36   Error select: Type Object, expected Array,Config entry
    12:01:36 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 157
  3. Nvm I just went ahead and installed it xD


    Now the mission markers on the map.

    How would I take off the black dot with the name of the mission and just leave the red circle?


    Also someone gave me this little script to play when the hillbilly mission starts.

    But I cant figure out how to get it to work. Anyone got any ideas?

    //Created by TheSzerdi
    while {MissionGoMinor == 1} do {
    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance Mcoords < 200  } count playableunits > 0};
    _nil = [objNull, player, rTitleText, "hillbilly"] call RE;
    sleep 30;
    playSound "hillbilly";
    sleep 2;
    cutText ["The Slender comes", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
  4. I have this full working on my server just got a few questions :)


    Anyone have a version that does not make the car your towing go underground? 

    and a updated copy arma2_CO_objects.sqf that has all the epoch vehicles and have been tweaked?


    Thanks :)

  5. Ok so a quick question:

    Just wondering if anyone else has got this error?


    We get this error when we try and use the new @CBA_CO, If we dont launch with it we dont get the error.



    Make sure you dont have anything that starts with NIL it always needs to be _nul or _nil or something like that :)

    Fixed it.

  6. How is Maintaining tedious? You walk up to your plot pole and pay 2 10oz gold lol.

    Thats it. Its easy and with missions and such on my server people have been building bases just fine. My stop dont degrade till 15 days if not touched or used. So the people that dont get on often still have a chance.


    But each to there own :) There is so many servers out there, That there is something for everyone.

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