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Posts posted by Spodermayt

  1. I haven't been scripting in Arma 2 for a while now, i do see alot of errors in the script. I'll get it working by sunday. (That's a promise this time. I said before i'd finish it but i didn't. I'll remake the whole thing by sunday. I'll also try my best to get SUV's and helicopters working. Maybe add difficulties for players to choose from? Idk, suggest me things to add.)

  2. are there any fixes yet im geting infi kick also great mod shame carnt use it also geting infi kick with a action menu to :(

    Yep its infistar... dont know if there are any fixes.... so the script is useless for me :(

    I'll talk to Darihon if we're still going to revive this script, its a nice idea but it kinda died. I'll let you know as soon as he comes online.




    i use this random loadout and humanity based loadout

    private ["_loadout","_humanity"];
    _loadout = floor (random 4);
    _humanity = (player getVariable["humanity",0]);
    if (_loadout == 0) then {
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_X26","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    if (_loadout == 1) then {
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","DDOPP_1Rnd_X26","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_X26_b","ItemFlashlight","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    if (_loadout == 2) then {
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_3Rnd_X3","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_X3_b","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    if (_loadout == 3) then {
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_3Rnd_X3","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["DDOPP_X3","ItemFlashlight","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    if (_humanity <= -24999) then {
        removeAllWeapons player;
        removeAllItems player;
        removeBackpack player;
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["revolver_EP1","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_TerminalPack_EP1";
    if (_humanity >= 24999) then {
        removeAllWeapons player;
        removeAllItems player;
        removeBackpack player;
        {player addMagazine _x;} forEach ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
        {player addWeapon _x;} forEach ["revolver_EP1","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemMap"];
        player addBackpack "DZ_TerminalPack_EP1";

    Allright thanks for sharing

  4. Hello everyone, as you may have noticed atleast i have not been very active here in epochmod. Sorry for that, have had a lot of school stuff and i lost interest in scripting for a while. I promise to re-make the whole script, make it simpler and more enjoyable to read and edit. So you guys will get new AI and fixes, so if the player leaves the area it fails etc. Please reply to this message if you have any bugs, i will fix them as good as i can. Sorry for being inactive for so long.

  5. works ^_^   how do i go about getting server messages to tell thr people on the server  bank is being robbed though do i need to add any other lines of code to activate it   added   _debugBank = 1;  to top again aswell



    like a  global message to all people on server 

    It already says on the chat. "Bank is getting robbed!" or something similiar. Changed it to that, previously it was a text in the middle of the screen. Might get annoying at some point ;)

  6. The radio needs to know it's playing a track so that, if another player chooses to listen it does not play the same track over itself. At present it's possible to listen to several tracks at once. Do you think this would require a public event handler of sorts?

    I still don't know how you are executing this. Why not just create a helihempty and make it rSay "battery" ??? Then add a if (RADIO_PLAYING) exitWith {} else { scripts here };

  7. thanks bud hope it all works out such a great script for servers soo really hope i can get it to work at some point.

    change robbank.sqf to:

    private ["_silver","_silver10oz","_gold","_gold10oz","_briefcase","_loot","_robbing"];
    // Checks if script is active, thanks Halvhjearne <3
    if(isNil "script_in_progress")then{
            script_in_progress = false;
            systemChat "This script is only useable once (untill restart)!";
    script_in_progress = true;
    // End Checks if Script is active
    	execVM "rob\zone_check.sqf";
    	if(_debugBank == 1) then {
    		systemChat "[DEBUG] Bank ZoneCheck Executed.";
    	cutText [format["You are robbing the bank! Police has been alerted."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	systemChat "The Bank is getting robbed!";
    	sleep 30;
    	execVM "rob\ai.sqf";
    	if(_debugBank == 1) then {
    		systemChat "[DEBUG] Executed AI.";
    	sleep 30;
    	cutText [format["4 minutes left..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	sleep 60;
    	cutText [format["3 minutes left..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	sleep 60;
    	cutText [format["2 minutes left..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	sleep 60;
    	cutText [format["1 minute left..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	sleep 60;
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	sleep 8;
    	if (_leftZone == 1) exitWith {};
    	_robComplete = 1;
    if (_robComplete == 1) then {
    	if(_debugBank == 1) then {
    		systemChat "[DEBUG] Bank Rob Completed.";
    _silver = "ItemSilverBar";
    _silver10oz = "ItemSilverBar10oz";
    _gold = "ItemGoldBar";
    _gold10oz = "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    _briefcase = "ItemBriefcase100oz";
    	_loot=floor(random 6);
    		if (_loot == 0) then {
    			cutText [format["The vault was emptied recently, no big loot, except some silver."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _silver10oz;
    			player addMagazine _silver10oz;
    			player addMagazine _silver;
    			systemChat "The robber got: 2x Silver10oz and 1x Silver";
    		if (_loot == 1) then {
    			cutText [format["Some gold, not much."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _gold;
    			player addMagazine _gold;
    			systemChat "The robber got: 2x gold";
    		if (_loot == 2) then {
    			cutText [format["Nice job!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			systemChat "The robber got: 5x gold10oz";
    		if (_loot == 3) then {
    			cutText [format["Some gold, not much."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _gold;
    			player addMagazine _gold;
    			player addMagazine _gold10oz;
    			systemChat "The robber got: 2x gold and 1x Gold10oz";
    		if (_loot == 4) then {
    			cutText [format["The vault was emptied recently, no big loot, except some silver."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _silver10oz;
    			player addMagazine _silver10oz;
    			player addMagazine _silver;
    			systemChat "The robber got: 2x Silver10oz and 1x Silver";
    		if (_loot == 5) then {
    			cutText [format["Jack.. Jack.. Pot!!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player addMagazine _briefcase;
    			player addMagazine _briefcase;
    			systemChat "Ting ting ting... The jackpot has been stolen! Bye bye 2 briefcases";
    	if(_debugBank == 1) then {
    		systemChat "[DEBUG] Robbery Completed, exiting.";

  8. could you show me where to do this not 100% sure      would i place it like soo or in a different spot ?     private ["_silver","_silver10oz","_gold","_gold10oz","_briefcase","_loot","_robbing","_debugBank = 1",];       or if you could post the whole robbank.sqf   that be great thanks for help also

    above private[etc....]

    So its:

    _debugBank = 1;

    private [...

  9. added it to server but when i click rob bank on scroll wheel ai come  then a timer is set  once timers up player stands up does an action then nothing after that no loot or anything or message to say its failed any idea why?

    And replace your bank_zonecheck.sqf with this:

    private [_meters];
    _meters = player distance [7014.4897, 7645.3999, 1.6962879];
    if(_debugBank == 1) then {
    	systemChat "[DEBUG] Bank Zonecheck successfully executed.";
    waitUntil (_meters >= 100) then {
    		if (_robComplete == 1) exitWith {} else {
    			_failRob = 1;
    			systemChat "Bank robbery failed.";
  10. Thanks for the updates for this script. It's good fun.


    One question from me:

    If I have my item (replacement for Laptop) spawning at a random location each restart as part of scenery via a different script, can I make AI spawn 150m away from the object, in a random direction? And if so, how? Obviously your script by default spawns AI at pre-defined spots.

    _pos = getPos nearestObject "Notebook";
    _rand=floor(random 10);
    _squad1 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[_pos select 0 + 10 + _rand, _pos select 1 + 10 + _rand, 0], [], 10, "PRIVATE"];
    _rand=floor(random 10);
    _squad2 = _aiGroup createUnit ["Policeman",[_pos select 0 + 15 + _rand, _pos select 1 + 15 + _rand, 0], [], 10, "PRIVATE"];
    and so on...
    (Dont copy that it probs wont work :D just a reference)
  11. Hi guys :D I'm here this morning with a release of 2.9!




    Basically all i did was, FINALLY get the SUV to spawn and the AI to get into it.


    I do have a heli spawning too, didn't implement it yet, because its buggy.


    Hope you enjoy! And leave suggestions!



    This will be the "official" version when darihon edits the post.

    Installation is simple, unzip the zip and place the rob folder into your mission.pbo root. Now follow the original tutorial.

    And ignore the "Add the AI:" Part! Its already included in the selfactions. hf!

  12. Thanks for the updates for this script. It's good fun.


    One question from me:

    If I have my item (replacement for Laptop) spawning at a random location each restart as part of scenery via a different script, can I make AI spawn 150m away from the object, in a random direction? And if so, how? Obviously your script by default spawns AI at pre-defined spots.

    Anything is possible. -me 2k14

  13. Thanks. From experience the sleep command is unreliable as a timer, but I totally appreciate your advice. I'll experiment as I know the track length, but as you stated it should therefore work as intended.


    I'll also give yer script a run. At the last test, each player that triggers the music eventually made a cacophony. Do have any idea how to make the music play one at a time, despite the number of players in the vicinity? Otherwise I may have to swap the track for thrash metal...

    Got it sort-of working. Are you making it so the player can "listen" to the music from his radio so everyone hears it? Or are you trying to make it so the entity "Radio" plays music?

  14. I don't know about you guys, but the script still ain't working. I do however get a message after trying to start it a second time that it can only be running once a restart. Still the bank isnt getting robbed though. There still must be a bug. Replaced the old files with the new one (used the same link in the first post I v2.5)



    Weird. We'll take a look at it tomorrow. Thanks for reporting.

    Well that sucks... I got it to work but the script (unreleased) is really buggy and messy. I'll fix the bugs now and clean the code up. Expect a new version within an hour. (I mean when Darihon gets out of school and implements it into the post.)

  15. @Spodermayt


    I quite didn't understand last post. You saying that the code is messy? I would love to use this script you know. Just need the script ending if the player leaves the area of 50m or something.

    Me and Darihon are fixing bugs and making alot of stuff into it. Darihon said he'll be re-doing the whole code. I'll make the ai, and maybe something else. Dunno. But that will definately be in the script. (That the raid fails if player leaves the area.)


    If you want to repeat track(s) would this work?

    playSound "blah";
    sleep 12537365545;
    playSound "fdds";
    // And So on...
    if(_stop == 1) then { exitWith "";};
    } call REPEAT_MUSIC;
    Then make the _stop a global variable, and call it through fn_selfActions.sqf or something similiar.

    Umm, and what did you mean by the "sleep" command? It is in seconds... [delay: Number of seconds].

    All you need is here.

  17. Thanks. I added a parameter called; _musicrange = 100. This sets the distance of the sound to that range which works great. It even simulates the doppler effect which is impressive.


    The repetition of the track is controlled by the sleep command, but it must be exactly the same length as the track which can be difficult to get right as the sleep command is not in seconds.


    I'm curious whether there's a better way to repeat the track?

    If you want to repeat track(s) would this work?

    playSound "blah";
    sleep 12537365545;
    playSound "fdds";
    // And So on...
    if(_stop == 1) then { exitWith "";};
    } call REPEAT_MUSIC;
    Then make the _stop a global variable, and call it through fn_selfActions.sqf or something similiar.
  18. //by ZeroK00L
    call gear_ui_init;
    _playerPos = getPosATL player;
    _canVend = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["MAP_vending_machine"], 4] > 0;
    _soda = ["ItemSodaRabbit","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaLvg","ItemSodaClays","ItemSodaSmasht","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaMdew","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaLemonade"];
    if (_canVend) then {
                playsound "vendingmachine";
                sleep 2;
                player playActionNow "PutDown";
                player addMagazine 'ItemSodaRabbit';
                cutText ["You received a Soda from the Vending Machine!", "PLAIN DOWN"];

    I think the original script from ZeroK00l only puts ItemSodaRabbit in the players inv. (look at the player addMagazine line)

    The version BetterDeadThanZed posted randomly picks a soda defined in the list


    //by ZeroK00L
    call gear_ui_init;
    _playerPos = getPosATL player;
    _canVend = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["MAP_vending_machine"], 4] > 0;
    _soda = ["ItemSodaRabbit","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaLvg","ItemSodaClays","ItemSodaSmasht","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaMdew","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaLemonade"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    if (_canVend) then {
                playsound "vendingmachine";
                sleep 2;
                player playActionNow "PutDown";
                player addMagazine _soda;
                cutText ["You received a Soda from the Vending Machine!", "PLAIN DOWN"];


  19. игры карты онлайн маскировка, принцип новая онлайн игра бесплатная
    строить здания и т.д. Для супер игры онлайн декорациях. Придраться
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    настоящий военный онлайн игр женские прелести соперниц
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    для настоящего турнира. Сверху просто мини онлайн игры бесплатно его застроили заводами, превратив в

    According to google translator, are you seriously advertising your crappy game on Epoch <- (DAYZ) Forums? I just have no idea why you would come here... No one gives a flying you know what. Ban this guy pl0x

  20. Case Unboxing

    You know you want to.



    You need to goto the MAP EDITOR and place items yourself! Rename them to "Notebook"!!!

    Create a new file called case_unboxing.sqf

    Place it into Mission.pbo -> custom (Create a custom folder if you don't have it.)


    Place this into the created file:

    //Spodermayt's Case Unbox Script//
    /////Haven't opened enough.../////
    ///////May luck be with you///////
    _cash = {_x == "ItemGoldBar10oz"} count magazines player;
    if !(_cash>=5) then {
    		titleText [format["You dont have enough money. (Remember to remove your weapon!)",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    	} else {
    _crap = ["Colt1911","AK_74","glock17_EP1","LeeEnfield","M4A1","M9SD","M16A2"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //worthless
    _meh = ["M16A2GL","M4A1_Aim","UZI_EP1","MakarovSD","M4A3_CCO_EP1"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //low-tier
    _good = ["M24","MP5SD","SVD_CAMO","Pecheneg_DZ","G36K_camo","G36_C_SD_camo"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //mid-tier
    _godtier = ["M240_DZ","Mk_48_DZ","M14_EP1","DMR_DZ"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // high-tier
    _hacker = ["BAF_AS50_scoped","m107_DZ","SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //rare
    _impossible = ["SMAW","Javelin"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //super-rare
    _selection = [_crap,_meh] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    if (_selection == _meh) then {
    _selection2 = [_meh,_good] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    cutText [format["You got a worthless weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _crap;
    if (_selection2 == _good) then {
    _selection3 = [_good,_godtier] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a low-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a low-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _meh;
    if (_selection3 == _godtier) then {
    _selection4 = [_godtier,_hacker] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a mid-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a mid-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _good;
    if (_selection4 == _hacker) then {
    _selection5 = [_hacker,_impossible] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a high-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a high-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _godtier;
    if (_selection5 == _impossible) then {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a super-rare weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a super-rare weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _impossible;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a rare weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a rare weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _hacker
    player removeMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    player removeMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    player removeMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    player removeMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    player removeMagazine "ItemGoldBar10oz";
    player addWeapon _weapon;

    Here's a SC version if someone wants it:

    //Spodermayt's Case Unbox Script//
    /////Haven't opened enough.../////
    ///////May luck be with you///////
    _costs = 5000;
    if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
    		titleText [format["You dont have enough money. (Remember to remove your weapon!)",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    	} else {
    _crap = ["Colt1911","AK_74","glock17_EP1","LeeEnfield","M4A1","M9SD","M16A2"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //worthless
    _meh = ["M16A2GL","M4A1_Aim","UZI_EP1","MakarovSD","M4A3_CCO_EP1"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //low-tier
    _good = ["M24","MP5SD","SVD_CAMO","Pecheneg_DZ","G36K_camo","G36_C_SD_camo"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //mid-tier
    _godtier = ["M240_DZ","Mk_48_DZ","M14_EP1","DMR_DZ"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // high-tier
    _hacker = ["BAF_AS50_scoped","m107_DZ","SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //rare
    _impossible = ["SMAW","Javelin"]; call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //super-rare
    _selection = [_crap,_meh] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    if (_selection == _meh) then {
    _selection2 = [_meh,_good] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    cutText [format["You got a worthless weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _crap;
    if (_selection2 == _good) then {
    _selection3 = [_good,_godtier] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a low-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a low-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _meh;
    if (_selection3 == _godtier) then {
    _selection4 = [_godtier,_hacker] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a mid-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a mid-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _good;
    if (_selection4 == _hacker) then {
    _selection5 = [_hacker,_impossible] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a high-tier weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a high-tier weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _godtier;
    if (_selection5 == _impossible) then {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a super-rare weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a super-rare weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _impossible;
    } else {
    sideChat format["%1 unboxed a rare weapon (%2)",_name,_weapon];
    cutText [format["You got a rare weapon."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _weapon = _hacker
    player addWeapon _weapon;

    And add this to your selfActions (around line 100)

    _unboxing = cursorTarget isKindOf "Notebook";
    	if ((speed player <= 1) && _unboxing && (player distance cursorTarget < 5)) then {
    		if (s_player_unbox < 0) then {
    			s_player_unbox = player addAction ["Open a Case","custom\case_unboxing.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    	} else {
    		player removeAction s_player_unbox;
    		s_player_unbox = -1;
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