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Zombie Pacifier

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Posts posted by Zombie Pacifier

  1. i dont know what it has been doing before, i know i fixed it now, so if you use the fix from my github now, it will work.


    thanks to whoever kept noting about this, problem was the engine did not log my error, so it was pretty hard to find, i hope suppe updates his github with the fix soon ...





    so glad you guys worked hard and figured this out!! I was drained from trying to figure it out and just made the vehicles spawn in unlocked lol

  2. i cannot reproduce this problem on my server, i will do more tests later, but currently im not sure why this happends for you ...

    ok, so i thought the issue resolved itself when i updated to the new files, only thing that i changed was the cfgpricing again for my vehicles and prices.  I did the test myself, bought 6 vehicles, all 6 unlocked for me.  told everyone it seemed to be resolved, then my players started buying stuff and they couldn't unlock it.  went over to unlock it, and i was able to unlock it by using the default lock/unlock i didn't use my admin unlock.   so somehow the vehicles the players are buying are getting saved to me?

  3. started with 13000 crypto and bought 6 of these vehicles 3 out of the 6 i bought i was not able to unlock




    // Traders
    taxRate = 0.1; // controls the price increase for purchases


    class B_Truck_01_box_EPOCH {price = 1500;tax = 0.25;};


    final price was 2025


    client rpt



    server rpt


  4. 1. do you have my killfeed installed?


    2. do you have any rpt errors?

    i do have your killfeed installed, i've checked serverside and clientside rpt errors the only thing i've noticed is

    4:07:02 "[KillFeed]: Client loading message function"

     4:07:02 "[KillFeed]: Client loading PublicVariableEventHandler"

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Network simulation, time = 0.000

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup

     4:07:02 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x66676400) - network ID 2:13758

     4:07:02  - no main subgroup


    4:07:04 Error in expression <_libtxt,_pic,_BIStype select 0,_BIStype select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error position: <select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error Zero divisor

     4:07:04 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\trader\tradermenu.sqf, line 21

     4:07:04 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Finish!"

     4:07:04 Error in expression <_libtxt,_pic,_BIStype select 0,_BIStype select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error position: <select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error Zero divisor

     4:07:04 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\trader\tradermenu.sqf, line 21

     4:07:04 Error in expression <_libtxt,_pic,_BIStype select 0,_BIStype select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error position: <select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:04   Error Zero divisor

     4:07:04 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\trader\tradermenu.sqf, line 21

     4:07:05 Music Intro not found

     4:07:06 Error in expression <_libtxt,_pic,_BIStype select 0,_BIStype select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:06   Error position: <select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:06   Error Zero divisor

     4:07:06 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\trader\tradermenu.sqf, line 21

     4:07:06 Error in expression <_libtxt,_pic,_BIStype select 0,_BIStype select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:06   Error position: <select 1];



    _config = "CfgPri>

     4:07:06   Error Zero divisor

     4:07:06 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\trader\tradermenu.sqf, line 21

     4:07:06 "[HSBlackmarket]: Client Done ..."

  5. in the init.sqf you have this:

    //if any static cords are set here, there will be a trader at that exact position and direction
    _staticCoords = switch(toLower worldName)do{
    	case "altis":{
    		/*	[[pos,i,tion],direction,createmarker,props]*/
    			[[18459.1,14259.2,0.00141716],340.199], //trader by mine
    			[[13319,14523.9,0.00134587],143.067], //trader by stavros
    			[[6193.02,16828.7,0.00118256],1.52142] //trader by kore
    	case "stratis":{[]};
    	case "bornholm":{[]};
    	case "chernarus":{[]};
    don't know how i missed that, thanks!
  6. halv and/or suppe, great job on this!! I've been waiting for something like this for awhile now, you guys are totally awesome!  2 quick questions though, I didn't dig deep into the code, but then again i really wouldnt know what i'm looking for, but is there a way i could add these traders as replacements for my trader city traders?  the only reason i ask is because you guys have it setup to build these really nice trader outposts when they spawn in, and i've already spent a few good days creating my own custom trader cities and I wouldn't want them spawning in over top of everything i already have there.  Last question is with your takecrypto script, can I also just run this from the trader folder and it still work with the rearm/repair script as i've already set that up prior to this release.  Thanks in advance, again great job guys!

  7. This RHS I'm hearing a lot about is this a mod that everyone has to download or can it be run server side?

    its a mod like mas weapons and mas vehicles. just adds a few new weapons, vehicles. most of the textures and animations are better than the mas packs...


    anyone hear anything else on this yet? i used the suggestion from infi  that he posted above to get rid of the badbutton kick error, but i'm still getting the badcontrol spam crash

    or am i just missing the section in the sqf somewhere to put that as well?

  8. Im sorry if you got rude out of that man, I was trying to help lead you in the proper direction is all.

    I know its tough to work on this stuff but it is a learning experience if you are new to it, enjoy as much help as you get here and anywhere else you might ask.

    its all good man, I've only been running a server for about 2 months now, been a really good learning experience.  That being said I don't normally post on the forums unless its a last resort. I probably should have explained more as to what i've already done to try to solve the issue and what wasn't working correctly, but honestly it was late, i was tired, I wanted an answer.  Just frustrating to come back and the only reply 12 hours later was what you left.......


    Open your "run.sqf" and change 
    /*  Revert Keybinds      */ _RCK = true;
    /*  Revert MouseWheel    */ _RMW = true;
    /*  Check GearMenu CTRLs */ _GCC = true;
    /*  Revert Keybinds        */ _RCK = false; 
    /*  Revert MouseWheel    */ _RMW = false;
    /*  Check GearMenu CTRLs */ _GCC = false;


    this was the biggest FAQ for this issue and yet it still does not solve the problem for the newest v0157 of infistar thanks for the effort though :P

  10. Nice man, work ahead of yourself and learn absolutely nothing ahead of time.

    You have a lot of learning to do but we all start somewhere.

    Your answer is in your kicks

    what script is triggering those kicks?

    what file has the settings for that script?

    What kick are you getting?

    Those answers will lead you to nirvana.

    No need to be a rude about it, i know exactly what is doing it and i've changed files left and right, settings and otherwise...... after doing about another 2 hours of "learning absolutely nothing" I found out that infistar itself is buggy with the new version therefore having to revert back to an older version.  How about since forums are used to communicate info and help each other out you try doing that from now on......

  11. Most likely one of your changes caused an error.  If you like I can take a look at what you did.

    Sorry with the issues I've been having on bornholm I switched to chernarus and everything runs better there. Haven't tried your script again yet, but like I said, it was still doing it with a fresh install from the github, the missions and everything works, but that error still happens on some of the lootcrates.  It basically never spawns and when you kill everything and run up to where it should be (near the stactic guns) nothing is there, and the mission never ends.


  12. Anyone know how to setup RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF I was having issues before where only the admin could open the rhs menu and for everyone else it would do nothing.  However now I'm having an issue where anyone hitting ESC to open the arma menu is getting kicked even Admins with this error log

    10-05-2015 00:05:53 infiSTAR.de | 0h 06min | Zombie Pacifier(76561197961016827) | BadCTRLs on 49:   100 should be 99 (v0157)
    10-05-2015 00:05:53 infiSTAR.de | 0h 06min | Zombie Pacifier(76561197961016827) | BadButton: CTRL Control #-1, (findDisplay 49) closeDisplay 0; 0 spawn {_n=  createDialog 'RHS_Options_Menu';0 spawn rhs_fnc_menuOptions;}; (v0157)


  13. I'm interested to see if anyone is still having these problems.  I was able to finally get my server up and running fresh late last night early this morning however you want to look at it.  Almost have it back to the way it was minus the RHS pack atm. Currently running mas/masvehicles a3aei, SEM, and various other scripts atm.  Server running strong at 50 fps with a few dips and hiccups here and there when sappers spawn, but other than that seems to be running pretty good. Running bornholm, this was with only about 10 people on though. No complaints from the players except for the stuff I havent been able to put back in yet lol. if anyone wants to try it out.  I did however have 1 player that joined saying he was getting 7 fps when he normally gets 40-60 so I'm thinking at least part of the issue might be client side.

  14. I'm getting this error from the fillboxes.sqf only thing i've changed is the aiconfig to include mas weapons in the lootboxes would that make this conflicting?

    2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {

    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    _crate ad>

     2:00:06   Error position: <_a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    _crate ad>

     2:00:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _a1

     2:00:06 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\fillBoxes.sqf, line 24

     2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {

    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    _crate ad>

     2:00:06   Error position: <_a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    _crate ad>

     2:00:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _a1

     2:00:06 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\fillBoxes.sqf, line 24

     2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {

    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    any word on this? i reinstalled everything fresh for the updates yesterday and changed nothing at all this time and yet its still happening

  15. I'm getting this error from the fillboxes.sqf only thing i've changed is the aiconfig to include mas weapons in the lootboxes would that make this conflicting?

    2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {

    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _crate ad>
     2:00:06   Error position: <_a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _crate ad>
     2:00:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _a1
     2:00:06 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\fillBoxes.sqf, line 24
     2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {
    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _crate ad>
     2:00:06   Error position: <_a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _crate ad>
     2:00:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _a1
     2:00:06 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\fillBoxes.sqf, line 24
     2:00:06 Error in expression <for "_i" from 1 to _wepCnt do {
    _item = _a1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

  16. I just got it working.  Make sure the init line goes up towards the top of your mission init.sqf.  This MUST load before any if(isDedicated) blocks or anything of the sort.  If you put it towards the middle or bottom odds are other things will load ahead of it that will prevent it from working.  

    Not sure why, but after reading this darth, mine finally started working as well!  Thanks for the great script Halv!

  17. So I'm having an issue with launchers detecting my correct version of bornholm.  At first I thought it was a problem with my host having the wrong file, so I spent a good 5 hours on my slow upload connection putting the bornholm 1.3 version onto my server. Nothing changed.  My bornholm server folder was named @Bornholm, tried changing it to @Bornholm13. Still nothing changed.  So either way it's still showing up as bornholm v1.2 on A3Launcher, and even in the arma3 in game browser, yet I see servers that are being identified as v1.3 on both as well. How can I fix this issue?

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