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Posts posted by Vexus

  1. I'd guess most posters are relatively experienced with the zombie apocalypse genre. With that said, how do you pull in the kids who are the age you were at when you first found DayZ?


    I think adding some "wow" factor is really good, and really impressive if they can do it right. Although I think the Rock Golem is kind of out of place, considering DayZ was full of zombie hordes and nukes going off every few minutes (slight jab), it is not beyond consideration.


    Anyone who is against the Rock Golem - are you FOR the autonomous 16 million dollar robot tank with gun and holographic optical camoflague? Both are just as impossible to see in a post-apocalyptic scenario. So deal with it.


    They could easily turn this Rock Golem into a tornado and it would have the exact same effect in game and be 'realistic' enough, and I'm sure individual servers could make it this way if they wanted. So let them play with it and provide them some support. I will be laughing so hard when this thing stomps on some guy's Vanad.

  2. Yes I am currently destroying jammers I see now that I know regular ammo brings them down. The Lynx is worse; at range, walls and other objects glitch out of view so you can see the jammer from any base and just line up shots on it. The bullets penetrate everything so it is guaranteed kill.

  3. Hi,


    The wiki shows a video which states the Frequency Jammer is destroyed by explosives. I have twice now had my jammer destroyed by bullets alone. I am assuming this is a bug so I am posting this here. If it is intended then I will update the wiki myself if no one else will.


    Thanks for checking on this and please let me know if this changes!


    Server: Mells House

    Build: Epoch 2.5.1 ,Arma 1.36

  4. What he's saying is your character should remain online like in a 'sleeping bag' in your base so when the base is raided you can kill the sleeping players. BUT he is also saying people should receive SMS text alerts if there is loud noise outside their base so they have the option to log on and defend... ah the dream...


    That or he wants ez mode. I'm sure there will be ez mode carebear servers, there already are.

  5. I disagree!


    Being able to explore building needs to be as available as it is now. I don't disagree with a shorter lifetime for items that aren't protected by jammer though. Give un-jammed wooden walls a 48hr lfietime? That's fine. But I should still be able to try things without investing in the time to make a jammer.


    Plus, the limit forces you to then go out and fight someone else's 'territory' and destroy their jammer if you want one of your own. It makes for a good fighting reason/dynamic.

  6. I think there is perhaps less 'story' behind Epoch than other similar mods such as Breaking Point. As an avid Breaking Point player I am super-enjoying Epoch as it has an even wider and more open playing field - loot isn't confined to just certain locations and thus, the whole map is playable.


    In terms of story behind the actual mobs, I do not know. What I can tell you is the Arma 2 Epoch had all sorts of neat triggered events - maybe more than I would have liked - and maybe that was the specific server I was on. There were random fire-team NPC spawns, crashed military vehicles, and all sorts of neat things to check out and run into people to fight.


    I STRONGLY PREFER the current state, with much more random and sparse 'events' happening, because I feel alive out in the world/map. Knowing players aren't camping 'high value loot' locations and knowing that players can be anywhere on the map is a lot of fun. In addition, the resource/economy mechanic means people kind of need to travel to accomplish things, so there is a lot of required moving back and forth around the map. Really cool stuff.


    I plan to play Epoch a lot more than BP now if the trend of smart features remains constant.

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