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Posts posted by theninja35

  1. Hi. I was recently playing Epoch, driving in my hatchback Sport to go to a trader for mortar, when I crashed or died or something happened just as I began to get a red chain and no message recieved. But as soon as that happened, the server crashed. It is not my internet connection, I can tell you that. Anyways, I lost all my gear+my car because of the server crash/my random death, I lost a TON of stuff and I have pictures to prove that I had it. I also had 3.5k Crypto.


    I was wondering if anything could be done about this because it is not my fault. I understand it's testing/Alpha so there is a 99.9% chance that I will not get it back, that's not really okay but I'll take it (:P), but if something could be done that'd be nice.


  2. Of course you have to FIND a vehicle first... so far it's been Hiking Simulator 2014 for me, without ever meeting up with another player. 

    I found a hatchback sport but recently lost it due to the server crashing and me apparently dead on login...

    they're easy to find if you look in the right places ;)

  3. Not so much a bug, but the hatchback and (sport) varients are not to be used off road. On dirt roads you will notice the lack of speed. Please keep them on improved roads and grab a truck or any higher up vic to go on the dirt heck even an SUV will be able to go on dirt albeit lower speeds.

    Yeah, but any car IRL can go offroad. Especially down a slope, that just gives them more speed.

  4. there is no issue here , it's worked as intended , hive are shared between 01 and 02 serv.

    I don't think you understood well.

    No, this means that I would like an explanation of why this is, not an explanation about how I don't know.


    To my knowledge, no thanks to you, the servers reset your position so that you cannot combat log and then move to get an advantage in combat.

    This is nice, however, it shouldn't be for ALL A3 servers, just the Epoch ones...

  5. I found them really easy to fight off. I was in one building and they were in some bushes right around the corner, but I took them all down and then shot the UAV in no more than 15 bullets with a TRG.

  6. Same thing happened to me in .101 on a slope...went over one of those very small bushes that it handles just fine on flat terrain and bam stuck. You can still gain energy by pushing w while in it though.

    Sorry for shooting you and your friend the other day at the Church. :D


    I don't know how they're going to fix it, but it is annoying. Only on small to large slopes, too. I recently bought a new one so hopefully it doesn't get stuck again...

  7. I'm not sure 100% if this is Arma 3 or an Epoch bug, but I recently drove a Hatchback Sport into a forest on a hill, on a slope of the hill, and it got stuck. It just stood there, no movement. It might have been the small bush I parked it on, however, I've also seen it happen without anything around it to stop the vehicle. 


    It's quite annoying, especially if you then have to abandon it and you sold all the cars around you for 5k Crypto, so you don't have a ride anymore :D

  8. Hey D1RTY, I played with you the other day on King of the Hill :P. I am Dom.

    I don't think there is anything you can do since it's based on your Steam ID...maybe you can share the accounts as a "family account".


    Sadly for me I got a key but it still says I am not whitelisted. But I wish you luck on your key :P

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