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Posts posted by Killawhat

  1. I guess that I am somewhat confused on what you are refering to in your photo (Maca134) vs the original post from NuFaN.  Are you talking about the Steering Wheel Icon, or the Inventory Icon?


    Steering Wheel -- ARMA so you know what you are accessing and within range.


    Inventory Icon -- Epoch Devs, but this is just debug from what I have been told.  I believe this will go away or be a Server Side Item.


    But as for NuFaN, do you have a photo of the "Name" that you state shows up in "Large"?  This I would be very curious about!



  2. @ Todd1 and Killawhat stop the troll and the hate :P


    lol no hate here, just a suggestion  :D


    How you wanna take it? Grab it and run to your base? Right now you can not pack it in your backpack, can you?


    You can not pack the walls in your backpack or a vehicle just yet, BUT I have seen numerous times groups and individuals go pretty far lengths to move their own walls/ramps, or what they claim now is theirs, to their base.  I will admit that there is a HUGE risk involved from having a ramp over your head and running across the map, but they made it work for the limits that are set at this time.

  3. After reading all the "Agrees" and "Totally Agrees", started to wonder what you all are "Totally Agreeing" for?  :lol:

    But seriously... I think that HFPatzi said what we all should realize... !!ALPHA!!  Don't know how long you "Pro Builders" have been around, because a couple months ago you would have been whining that you didn't have enough materials to build a proper structure!  Unless that was some of you even back then  :ph34r: 

    HERE'S AN IDEA!  You have a group of guys/gals, or by yourself, go rob the noobs that don't have a Frequency Jammer and take their building materials!!!!  Stop whining to the dev's about upping it again, when they are working on more important things at the moment, and look for a solution! :P


    *and yes I believe everyone has their right to their own opinion... I'm sure you have your own about me right now  B)

  4. I am, personally, against this because too easy to exploit at this time!  But, i am not totally against it for the future, but I have been playing Arma 2's mod "DayZ" for a couple years now and know that even if you place a mine in one spot and then someone else places a mine, someone is going to loose!  Now add the capabilities of base building in Arma 3 Epoch (also that I have been playing A3 since it came out and Epoch while still closed), the longer you are alive, the more stamina you have and other perks.  NOW, because one of your group members set a few mines, while you were sleeping/at work/ just off the server, and did not PM/email you to location of them, your 24 hr character is now dead and you are on the island... In your skivvies!  How happy would you be then that because you have.


    (MY THOUGHTS NOW) a frequency jammer, radar detector, and squad -- that not only show your groups mines but those of OTHER PPL that put them at your door step  :P.  This way, EVERYONE in your squad can see where the dumb one of your group (There is always at least one) set a mine, and you are now safe.


    (now insert quote and how stupid I am, blah blah blah, because you know its killing you not to  :D)

  5. So pretty much you are wanting an updated Trespasser... lol... They do already have a mod for A3 called "Reign of Jurassic", but I could see in Epoch where getting a group together to build a complex with towers and try to keep it safe, while needing to hunt outside the walls for food. I could see it! Not for quite some time, but I could see it, and Yes I would play it!!

  6. So I know that I am going to get ALOT of flack, but that is why it is a suggestion.  First off, after playing for many hours, or seeing other that have 24+ hours on a character, I started to think about non-lethal tactics...


    First -- Shotgun

                 (12 or 16 gauge)

                 Pump action or Semi-auto

                 Solid or collapsible stock


    Second -- Taser ammo

                 Like the one from Taser's xREP Shotgun Shell


    Now I know that most will not like this but it could be a very useful tool when approaching a group while lone wolfing it or when approaching a someone at your base without taking them completely out.


    What do you guys/gals think?

  7. So this happened to me last night (10/20/14)


    1. The server you were playing on.

        Mell's House Official Server

    2. What arma3 build and what Epoch build you are using.

        ARMA3 version 1.32, and Epoch version

    3. What it was you were doing

        I placed a backpack in my backpack.  I believe a camo tactical backpack into a carryall.  After a while, logged out and upon logging back in, the     extra pack was gone and the space in my pack was open.

    4. Is it repeatable

        I have only had it happen to me once, but I have heard others having the same problem.

  8. No Problem i dont know it too but yesterday i test this and it Works. 1 vehicle repair Parts is one wheel in example

    From what I have found, it is one for one. Meaning that if you have a blown tire, you will need a vehicle repair for that, but if you have two blown tires, you will need two vehicle repairs.  I have not tested on engine yet because vehicle repair kits are sometimes difficult to find, just look for a multigun with a vehicle repair (The one that looks like a gear as an icon) and use that after using all your vehicle repairs.

  9. I will say that I am HUGE on the survival aspect... but you are in the incorrect forum, UNLESS, you plan on testing out the wonderful works of the Epoch team on Arma 3 and try to open up your server to hosted, with the help and approval of the team.  Once they allow for other to host the "OWN" Servers, I'mm sure that would be the place to start for you.  But again, till that time, download the launcher and test the AMAZING changes that the team has done for Arma 3 Epoch.

  10. the chinook is coming with the new helicopters DLC in november (one armed with 2 gatlings, one unarmed) along with another modular coaxial rotor chopper used for different things like freight transport or vehicle transport.


    i'm pretty sure the devs will add them :)


    Ahhhh Yea Boi!!

  11. You guys make me laugh...  Yes you will see that I have not been on the forums for a long time, does not mean that that I do not know what is going on in the community though.  I do understand that the long term supporters are wanting more, could I say, RECOGNITION, for their long term support?  <---  Thats your Que guys that are wanting it ;-)  But seriously, have you guys ever seen a mod, so complex, clean, AND GROWING?!!!!  If you have access to the servers, it has been said sooooooo many times that the devs are wanting to see the bugs and kinks, because we ALL know that ARMA has them, and work them out one by one, NOT the way that is was done in the past with other games!


    Do you guys remember playing, unless you still do, every different mod on ARMA2?  Each and every mod, had all different types of guns, glitches, frame rates that were cleaned up; those came from different server host such as the ones that are wanting the "recognition", and we did appreciate them then and will again in the future.  The one thing that is putting OUR EPOCH DEV's ahead of all of that, <IN MY OPINION>, is that they are working together at is piece by piece, and going through a crap load of stuff in the process to make this mod like no other epoch mod that we have EVER seen!  And it is well on its way.


    Makes me laugh at typing this (In one ear and out the other (now the ranting "Quote" fanatics will be having fun  :lol:))  In just a little while longer, you guys will be able to get your servers up and running, IT IS STILL IN CLOSED ALPHA!!!!!!!!  Got it "CLOSED"!!  As in if you don't have a key, your are not testing the stress caps of the servers or finding bugs!  As in, PRE-PUBLIC RELEASE!!!!  Do you not trust that when it gets released to you different ones when it is public and they release the scripts for you hosting that you will NOT KNOW?!  :wacko:   Just be happy and be the "Stress Tester" and "Bug Finders" that you were given a 'KEY" to be!  And stop wasting the Dev's and Admins times with petty, due to the timing!!, squalls!  And help the devs instead of trying to be them...


    My two cents  :D

  12. Since this is a "Suggestion Post",  Can we get any actually suggestions for New Heli's?  How a about a Chinook?  Or can we get another plane like a C130/C17?  But be able to load an actual vehicle/tank with cargo...  Just another thought.

  13. So here is what is going on for me, very strange.  I am whitelisted and have been playing, and tested every type of server for Epoch that I can see, and I must say, WOW!  Amazing that this is just a mod!!  So after playing on the different servers, I found that I knew some that were playing on a couple of servers that I have not been able to see in the list.  Let me fully explain...


    I can see the following servers on the Arma 3 Server List: OCAU01&2 / NRDE01 / OCFR01&2 / SSNC01&2 / And the two Dev Hosted -- Skaronator.com / EpochMod.com Dev.


    So the ones that I can not see, EVEN if I Remote the IP addresses and ports that have been given to me by multiple ppl, in the Arma Server list are OCATL01&2...  


    Here is what I have tried:

    Tried waiting 20 min before just to make sure that all possible servers have loaded in.

    Tried filtering: Nothing(Default), Epoch, EpochMod, Epoch Mod, And every combination of check marks that are available.


    I am at the point of trying to FULLY re-install not only Epoch, just weird that I can see and play on all these other server with easy 50-60 fps with a ping of 200 - 230, but also Arma 3...  But first before I tthis long journey or re-downloading and installing, thought I would get all of your thoughts.



  14. I can confirm it happening to me on both FR servers.  Played a few nights ago on FR1, got killed, logged off for a while to make food, came back and island spawn to: "Killawhat killed by Killawhat".  Logged in on FR2 just fine played for 15 min on 9/15, upon entering the server, stuck on a 10min respawn loop on the island.

  15. I have been having the same problems as Pup, but with only I can't get into the OCATL01 or 02...  Checked everything that I could think of, but can NOT figure this out...  It is odd though that I can connect to the SSNC server... Any thoughts as well would be great.  Maybe it'll help out Pup or I can see what the answer for Pup would be.  Thank You in advance.



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