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Posts posted by Moosen92

  1. So this is sort of hard to explain, but last night I was in the GPDE02 server at the main Airfield terminal, when inside I ran through a doorway to my right of the main entrance where a car had managed to spawn inside a room. As I ran through the door way a series of random explosions went off around me destroying the car but leaving me unscathed. It was really quite weird. As this happened these numbers frantically popped up in the bottom left hand corner so fast that you couldnt even read if someone had connected/disconnected.

  2. Last night I was able to play on the GPD02 one (cant remember it exactly) for like 3 hours. Try to play it today and get kicked every time I join :( There were 2 Aus servers not too long ago.. I dunno what happened to them.  :(  :(  :(

  3. I speant ages playing one day. Found a car, filled it with crap and went to the trader. Half way through trading all my crap, snake comes under my car whilst im removing crap from it. Bites me. Dead. I used to say while playing Altis Life "It'd be pretty cool if the snakes actually bit you or something" as I would frantically run around on top of it in hopes it would bite me... -_-

  4. Are the Aus servers down or something? I'm not seeing them in my server list. The mod is amazing in its current state and will only get better with time. The next Arma 3 update is really going to kick ass to with the implementation of new helicopters and the ability to shoot out of vehicles/off the side of helis. Having a server too empty is just boring IMO. Sure there's new enemies to face which are in no way as shit as the zombies in Arma 2 DayZ, but you can spend hours doing nothing without a worry in the world. That really takes away from the survival feel in my opinion. Same with a server that's too FULL though. Then it takes away from the post apocalyptic feel. I dunno. This is just my opinion obviously.

  5. What I meant was, IF there really is a problem with such little population spread across 2 Altis servers, maybe it would be best to just have the 1 for the time being until an official release. I also noticed, only recently, a decline in the number of people playing on Aus servers and there is always going to be trolls and safe zone campers. It still happens now on Arma 2 Epoch. People write their own stories in game and if that means being an annoying troll or an evil safe zone camper. So be it. Until they have a public release and server admins can have their own rule sets that will be the case, I believe. The problem also is that Altis is just not a very good map in general, in my opinion. Likewise with Stratis which has nothing to do with Epoch but with the maps themselves. A3 Epoch on Cherno, Sahrani or Takistan would be great.

  6. Hello all, I was able to play fine earlier then when i went to load in again before I get an error something like "you and the server are running different versions (you.01 | server .01.01)" Followed by a kick by battleye for public variable restriction #0. My installer also says everything's up to date. And I am whitelisted.

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