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Posts posted by GabeWalker

  1. Hey I had the same problem i've redownloaded epoch checked files restarted and i still am getting the same problem this is the key i used just in case its needed (028f73c14995b2eb3591797ed7deb3236f70d082). I've been trying to record some gameplay for my channel and i cant even join a server what should i do?


    I got this to

    Was in noob cube stream too


    Unfortunately, what I found is all I could really use to explain the error you are getting. I can only strongly recommend contacting the server admin or forum moderator to get you in contact with the server admin. I have heard horror stories about BattlEye's customer support, but you could try them as well.

  2. Nothing that I know of for now. It's not to complicated yet. Double click the material in your inventory and see what you can make. Example with wood u can make a fireplace or plywood if u make plywood the you can make walls and floors or steps with those. Just trial and error not that many things to go threw atm I assume they will be adding more things as time goes on


    Awesome. Thanks man!

  3. ah nice to hear i followed your twitch , how many frames are you throwing out in a epoch server i can get up to 40 but most of the time 25-30 and do you think the processor will boost them alittle ?thanks for the feedback !

    Thanks man! :D I am throwing out about 30-40 on the Epoch servers. The processor will definitely boost that a little for you.

  4. I think a good medium, as I agree with your points, would be to have all vehicles with inherent damage. Choppers that maybe fly slightly to the left or right, or have fuel issues where they burn through fuel like crazy. So even though you are flying around, you still have these risks. You still have to worry that someone may shoot you down with a rifle, as your chopper is already damaged slightly.



    You still have risks even being in a squad in control of a chopper. It can crash. You bring a lot of attention to yourself when flying as well. And if you and your squad land in a city and someone sees, you can always bet money they will be wanting to take it or take your squad out.


    It can make for interesting conflicts, when the fight is over a vehicle. That aspect sounds pretty apocalyptic to me.

  5. Ok thanks for the fast responses :) i will try deleteing epoch and re downloading ill get back to you after this. Also you say something about the server admins how do i find out who runs which server?

    Yup no prob man :] Glad to help. Yeah, server admins may need to look at BattlEye settings for their server or use your steamID or loginID to work with BattlEye to get that error resolved. I don't know who the server admins are :/ But I am sure a quick thread or message to Awol will help clear that up :]

  6. Everything is up to date i restarted my computer just now and im getting this error http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/543004345243263676/E6E4CDD4BC9AA9978E95CDF4C85CDF1672B6F679/

    According to DayZ forums (Source: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198742-battleye-public-variable-restriction-0/) The error message is related to BattlEye server side information and the Server Admin (Most likely for the server you are trying to join) will most likely need to work with BattlEye and your steamID to get you back in.


    A Server Admin had issues with this as well, here is a link to his forum post about trying to clear it, Server Admin side (Source: http://opendayz.net/threads/public-variable-restriction-0.14243/)


    And this last link is for Breaking Point but it can show how updating and checking file integrity can help (Source: http://www.thezombieinfection.com/topic/6553-kicked-by-battleye-public-variable-restriction/)


    ... sometimes deleting everything and starting over helps. But since A3 is huge to download, I would start with removing the @Epoch files from ArmA 3 folder and reuploading them. (As this is most likely a BattlEye issue, this might not do anything to help.)

  7. Try to screenshot the errors and link them here or write down exactly what they say. Engineers won't be able to help to do much without them.


    I would do things in this order:


    - Open BittorrentSync and be sure the files for @Epoch are up to date (New releases for files could have come out between the time you left your home and came back.)

    - If BittorrentSync starts to update the @Epoch folder, let it finish then drag and drop the files into your ArmA 3 folder.

    - Then verify your file integrity in Steam for ArmA 3

    - Restart computer and retry to join a public server


    If after all this, still doesn't work, please write down the exact error message you are getting or a screenshot for us to see the error message.

  8. Has anyone found anything decent in these.

    To be honest, when I couldn't manipulate the first one I ran into, I assumed they were all closed elements in the game (With no doors, entry points, just big boxes essentially). I will try again when I get home from work.

  9. its just hard to be on during the time of the twitch streams :/ going to keep at it tho so me and my friend can finally upgrade from the arma 2 version :)

    Keeping most of them open even when you aren't there is good too, this way if the broadcaster goes through the viewer list randomly, there is still a chance for you to win.

  10. Start with verifying the integrity of your files in Steam for ArmA 3. Then you can check which version you are running when you launch ArmA 3, on the main menu should be a version somewhere in the corners. Once you get A3 on the right version, then you can use BittorrentSync to make sure you have the current @Epoch files and then move them to the Program Files > Steam > Steam Apps > Common > ArmA 3 folder (or if you already have @Epoch, into the @Epoch folder.)


    I hope this helps!

  11. I believe your body rests at 98.6 degrees F. I hope they allow you to change your measurements to fit the metric or imperial system. Everybody is different.


    But I know that if you are bitten by a snake, and your toxicity goes up, your temperature will also rise. You will need to use Cold Packs to make sure it doesn't get out of hand (I don't know the maximum temperature or minimum, maybe someone can elaborate on that?).


    Other implementations I haven't seen yet, such as getting colder in rain or hotter in the sun after running.

  12. I think the long distances are what does it. You're running along, trying to keep your eyes peeled, while 80% of the time, there is nothing to really pay attention to. For example, I run from one city to the other, while I am doing this, I keep panning around the horizon. Eventually, I start to notice I haven't seen anything threatening or interesting, then my attention span starts to kick in and wants something to happen. I think this is what is causing the game to feel like it has more weight on our gaming stamina. Compared to A2 DayZ mods, I have had 1 engagement in the 2 days (5+ hour sessions) which is VERY tame.


    I love the mod. I love A3. I think the fact that I don't see a player and feel threatened all the time is a good and bad thing. Good because it allows player growth, friends to meet up, players to enjoy the environment. Its disadvantage is the obvious strain on our gaming stamina, coupled with encounters so far and between that you have to be on your toes all the time to not be caught off guard, which is a lot of time thinking very hard when nothing is really happening or going to happen.


    The solution: More ways to travel faster without compensating for the cool aspect of walking from house to house or village to village, city to city. Maybe vehicles that aren't always in 100% condition. They could be slightly damaged and require repairs thus forcing more walking and looting around, work for your ride kind of thing. And the players who do manage to get the vehicles, wouldn't be super over powered in their ability to travel large distances, especially if the vehicle has a high chance of wrecking.


    These are just, like, my opinions man. lol. Feel free to counter them or add to them.



    EDIT: Also, more antagonists, not types, but more of them in frequency. I have encountered 2 sappers, 1 cultist and 2 quad copters. Having more enemies would make the experience a little more engaging and also stimulate the gamer and fuel that gaming stamina.

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