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Posts posted by jj808

  1. Aloha all,


       Few questions, I know the AS50 was removed and replaced with the AK74 PSO (which never spawns) but if you have a legacy AS50 was the damage nerfed? Also, i looked through the change logs but i dont see where the DMR was removed. Was it removed or just made extremely rare?

  2. Ok, been checking out the new update and there is an item i cant ID. It honestly looks like a coffin. I would say it was about 7-8 ft long, 2-3 wide and 1-2 ft thick. Its dark black and it looks like a crate. It cant be opened as far as i can tell either. I looked at it from all around it and never got an option to open it. I whacked it with a crow bar, a sledge and an ax but only succeeded in destroying it. What is this thing? How do you get in it? 

  3. Was something done to the spawning rate of the Barracks and fire stations in On our private vanilla Epoch server i have noticed a marked decrease in loot spawning and quality (weapons) that from I mean like totally empty rooms even if i loot cycle.

  4. Yea, this is a big sticking point for me with an otherwise awesome mod. I have been hit a few times now in the private server i play on and lost alot of work. Luckily the last time i had aquired a safe so i didnt loose everything but i still lost vehicles, supplies, and a helo. I had bought the vehicle so the thieves blew it up vice steal it. Real nice guys i tell ya. If it was in a lockable building then at least it would have slowed them down some. Even more so if it was in a gated (locked) compound and in a locked garage, right? At least it would have been a very hard target so they might have gone on to easier pickings. this second go around almost made me quit playing too. the whole waste my time scavenging just to have some jackhole steal it cause he is too lazy to do the work himself or herself. I know someone will say something about hiding it in the woods but that only goes so far. Besides with the right video settings and a helo the hiding in a forest becomes useless as you can see everything and there is no hiding then.

  5. Build an enclosed wall of wood shacks, with just enough space inside for a shed and a chopper. Others won't be able to walk in, drive in, or land inside. I guess it's the poor man's version of a safety dome  :lol:


    How would that work? The player would still need to get in an out and that access would allow thieves in and out too. The access would need to be secured somehow and so far as i can tell that isnt possible in Epoch. Right?

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