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Posts posted by crckdns

  1. Hi,


    i read your post and you are disturbed by the .exe file of database, but i resolve this mistake by using the redis ubuntu native server, but i have a another problem with linux server, at the start of server the linux don't found the correct dll version of epochserver.dll file because dll are not a linux file, have you resolved this trouble and if yes, how ? thx a lot foir your helping (before using Redis Ubunut Server i do first link with a delocalised database running on another ip on windows server and that are functionally, but actualy I do the inverse, i have a server on a windows linked on a database on linux can you help me to have a linux server with linux database ?


    It's ironic because i have the reverse of your mistake


    thax a lot for helping


    who are you referring to?

    because here..everyone is talking about the mission .so file and the loadextension for linux basically which makes the linux host impossible.

  2. Those are nothing to worry about, these won't effect performance at all, just Epoch Missions, which not alot of people use because of DZMS but I'll fix these now! thanks for the info  :) 


    Well, I'm (was XD) using the original mission system along with the EMS missions balanced on each other w/o any problems so far ^^

    yeah, I'm using already the cronjobed warnings via php calls.. nothing new for me there ^^

    Same here as for MrInfro, I never had problems with the timesync so far :D

  3. Thanks for the update!


    Динис а слушай, можно ли как то частоту обновлений в сторону mysql повысить?

    А то у нас очень часто состояние инвентара возврощается на последнийи 5 минут до перезагрузки.. из за етого нам приходиться уже 5 минут до перезагрузки выходить из игры и надеиться что нэ будет возврата назад ((


    ~ just asking him about the frequency of the writer.pl if it's possible to increase it due to rollbacks~

  4. So ~ now I've decided with my guys also to move to ( git) ~


    are there any special steps to follow except

    updating ArmA2 to 112555,

    dayz epoch to,

    throwing all the different files onto server,

    transfering the linux server from the temp-git onto server

    executing the sql update file?




    ok, updated the server~

    found errors so far:

    on startup:

    2014/07/07,  2:38:03 UH60Wreck_DZ: MachineGun_1 - unknown animation source Gatling_1
    2014/07/07,  2:38:03 "_iClass isNil, exiting loot spawn!"
    2014/07/07,  2:38:03 Error in expression <
    _itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
    [_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, >
    2014/07/07,  2:38:03   Error position: <_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, >
    2014/07/07,  2:38:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _itemtype
    2014/07/07,  2:38:03 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crash_spawner.sqf, line 91
     2:38:17 Game started.

    mid game:

    2014/07/07,  2:53:18 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2012,6,6,5,15]"
    2014/07/07,  2:53:18 "_iClass isNil, exiting loot spawn!"
    2014/07/07,  2:53:18 Error in expression <s select _index;
    _itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
    [_itemType select 0, _ite>
    2014/07/07,  2:53:18   Error position: <select _index;
    [_itemType select 0, _ite>
    2014/07/07,  2:53:18   Error Zero divisor
    2014/07/07,  2:53:18 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\supply_drop.sqf, line 56
  5. Is there a way to randomize the equipment of the AI??

    create an array with the possible equipment (I'd suggest to use one array for main weapon, one for sideweapon) ..and then just do a call BIS_fnc_selectRandom on that array~   pretty simple if you just take a look on the available scripts (even the one 5 posts above with a rpt bug..)

  6. I've added more AI levels, more different box-configurations and bit randomised the AI levels individual in general. Also reconfigured the missions and lowered the amount of spawned weapons, same goes to inventory of the AI ...like removing the DMR except for highest AI level (8 levels), same with VSS. SVD and m24 are also limited to higher AI levels (none of these 4 snipers is obtainable within boxes) .. a way to return DayZ to the old Vanilla feeling where not everyone had high grade equipment after few days.

    Will create a fork of my version on github after that weekend (not at home right now)

  7. wow.. I see that the thread was never answered :D

    I've found a way to do the stuff we were all trying to do!


    The problem is/was, that the texture we were setting .. wasn't in the mission file or loaded while logging in.


    my code works~  it spawns the flag only once while mission load (it HAS to be done by server load, not the player, else you will end up with X flags for each player logging in (funny looking I can tell!)

    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_481 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_481 = _this;
      _this setDir -56.676376;
      _this setPos [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554];
      _this setFlagTexture 'scripts\fail0r_flag3.jpg';

    residing in own sqf file flags.sqf   and called via init.sqf in the mission folder (dayz_epoch_11.chernarus)

    ..you can add it in the already existing isServer section of init.sqf ..to avoid being processed by players for nothing (edit the if () away!)



  8. hmmmm

    I could apply as developer/coding monkey for sqf~  though I never have coded anything new in ArmA (I don't mean editing, as every monkey with brain can take something already available and edit/adjust it!), I can code in C, C++ and ASM~ so I guess, the SQF scripts aren't that hard to learn in syntax or language-specific stuff~


    I could also translate to German and Russian.


    btw, as I'm here, I had an idea and it should fit to your dynamic missions..

    It could/should/is possible to adjust the AI-entity- and loot-amount depending on the monthly average of players.

    I mean it like you have a fixed amount of KI ..and then added for every 10 players one more to the mission. That way the missions wouldn't get too easy on a populated server with advanced players.

    The avg players variable could be read out from database or set via config file by the admin (for the case that the database isn't directly accessible like in the linux epoch version)


    ps: our server is more a testserver where we try to balance the loot, missions, AI ..as the epoch version with EMS and WAI mods ..isn't really balanced, you are getting everything very fast^^   I like the old DayZ Vanilla feeling more =)





  9. The AGN Safezone Commander Script v0.4 by AlienX is working fine on our server.

    The only problem(s) I found for now are:


    * if you are driving into safezone while being gunner ..you can fire your mounted gun and kill

    * if you are standing outside of safezone, you can damage/kill vehicles

    * the backpack protection works more than good so sometimes you can't get into your or friendlies backpack (disabling this protection works fine)

  10. The idea is great!

    Now I'm wondering~

    if you say, you've rewrote the hive calls to the NET framework~ would it be also possible to use same technique to rewrite it to a linux server compatible .so library? :D

    other question~ I guess, the editor won't open any listen-port for others to join the test area? ^^


    ah, found a bug^^

    the present version is trying to load the Databases.txt from wrong path~ (and failing at this.. freezing whole ArmA client)


    Info: 00:50:25 - Logging started in directory: C:\Users\crckdns\AppData\Local\Arma2NETMySQL/logs/
    Info: 00:50:25 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
    Info: 00:50:25 - Version number:
    Info: 00:50:25 - Loading databases...
    Warning: 00:50:25 - Unable to find the Databases.txt file here: D:\Games\ARMA2\Databases.txt
    Info: 00:50:25 - Databases.txt file loading in from: C:\Users\crckdns\AppData\Local\Arma2NETMySQL/Databases.txt
    Info: 00:50:25 - Type: mysql Database: dayzlocal IPAddress: Port: 3406 Username: dayzlocal Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
    Info: 00:50:26 - Unable to open connection to MySQL database, trying again in 10 seconds.MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
    pps: The missions folder (for non-steam version) is at

    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\CHARNAME\missions

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