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Posts posted by Tallahassee

  1. Yeh that red mist even throwing knife or improvised flamethrower even I think would be better just change the red mist to a flame and put a tank on the back of him


    Lol that's cool, though for another antagonist. But the red mist should be removed, yes.


    Edit: I just thought of something that would make the Cultist more challenging and much more scarier.


    The cultist could be able to, at let's say 20 or 25m from you or less (or whatever is thought to be ok in the game), throw a hook at you with 85% or so of chance of hooking you, if you are in front of him. If you are hooked, the Cultist will drag you towards him, damaging you in the way, taking 1000 or 1500 of your life (or so) before releasing you. If hooked again, another 1000/1500 will go away. And so on until killed.


    This way he could be potentially lethal for a single player and would have no weird mysticism around him. If there's a chance of them appearing in a group of 2-3, they will become a risk for a group of players.

  2. This just happened to me too. Killed a Sapper and checked its inventory. It had only "clothes" named Sapper, tried to get them in my bag and my clothes got duplicated on the floor with the same items I had.


    I took a screenshot, so that you can see how clothes on the floor and clothes I have are the same: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/41978886816254397/465DC9A58B7EDAD8AF932CDE0D4D18F3836946FB/

  3. I'm also on the side that thinks the cultist does not fit at all in this game. Not at least with these magic powers he has.


    Take the magic out and give him a hatchet, a butcher knife, a torch or something like that, as well as extra speed (so that you have to face him yes or yes most of the time) and I'll be happy with him... but not magic.

  4. No armored vehicles in the game yet (too OP).. in fact devs said they don't like the current cars and will be (eventually) reworking / introducing completely new custom made vehicles to the game. (YEY! hate driving model in Arma 3 ;p)


    This kind of made my day, except for the Hunter and the Strider, I hate all other land vehicles and its driving, armored or not.

  5. I've found some loot but yes, very scarce. The map is almost as empty as the original Altis. It's only v0.1.0.1, give it time, I'm sure in the future loot will be better spread.


    What I'd like to see is loot on the floor, not only inside containers. Specially weapons and things like that.

  6. I think there should be at least one antagonist that's relatively weak (a few shots on the body, a single shot in the head) but very common, filling urban areas. This way there would be a constant risk while looting, which is nice.


    You can call them zombies (I know there are no zeds in epoch), you can call them mutants, you can call them killer clowns...

  7. As far as I know and can remember (I'm just a peasant user), their initial plans were to have a public release by the time the Make Arma not War contest ends, which is in October. This might be still the plan or it may have already changed, I don't know, but with all these streams and keys giveaways, I'm pretty sure we are not far from a public release :)

  8. For me, the main objective in Epoch is to grow stronger than your enemies, and helis are an advantage you'll have if you are strong enough, and also a signal of power. We all have been poor survivors once (me, most of the time) and have shit ourselves at the sound of a heli/armored vehicle aproaching.


    Taking helis out would take an interesting part of Epoch out.

  9. There are no zombies in A3 Epoch.


    But there could be isolated hordes/groups of some other antagonist, wild dogs/wolves, etc... Wouldn't it be cool to be looting around an aparently empty city and suddenly you start to hear a horde of whatever antagonist it could be? And pray not to be seen because if so you are pretty much fucked?

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