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Posts posted by Willids

  1. ive seen this on another server before and was wondering how i could have this verson 3.0 to store stuff in vehicles etc and have a banking system aswell? :P banker will be a npc at each trader btw


    I have tried this and got the NPC in place also added it so it states Money Storage but when it comes up it say can hold 0, this is because the amount of  money capacity is depended on ammount of magazines the object can hold. Anyone know how to state how many magazines a trader can hold?

  2. have this installed but have 1 issues which I am hoping can be sorted out, I also have SIngle Currency & Banking 1 installed and no problems with that.


    1. Must remove Backpack to wear change clothes


    Anyone got a fix for these please.



    Got this sorted removed


    cutText ["You cannot change your Skin while wearing a backpack", "PLAIN"];


    from the changeclothes.sqf file and it works fine at the moment

  3. Just installed this on our servers and it is running great, just got one question regarding the AI, is there a way to change the AI (Static Guns) to run in DZAI, I have changed the AI but want to change the "M2StaticMG"


    [[[13757, 2855.6951, 0.0001411438],[13581.159, 3095.7595, -0.00020980835],[13672.707, 2923.532, -1.5258789e-005],[13757.219, 2913.2258, 0.00010681152],[13803.734, 2948.77, 9.9182129e-005]],"M2StaticMG",2,"Bandit2_DZ",1,3,"","Random"] call spawn_static; //Skalisty Island ground weapons//


    Reason been the AI will only spawn if someone approached the area which I think would help FPS (not sure though), I also have a Bandit HQ AI Mission on the server as well which spawn but with justs AI no ground weapons.



  4. We are using Infistar AH and when we try to view our money at the bank it is not showing anything and when we go to traders it is not showing the priice of anything.


    Sorry not got a photo of what bank shows but here is the image at the trader any help would be grateful.


    (Gold (itemGoldBar) is highlighted to buy/sell and not showing prices)





  5. Anyone having problems with these mods who are also using AH (Infistar)


    I am unable to view coins in bank and view prices at traders or change skins/clothes.


    My computer has been playing up so thought I would ask before going back to Infistar.




    If using "ELLIPSE" or "RECTANGLE" you have to fill the Marker, otherwise it's invisible.

    _marker = createMarker ["CircleOnMap",[1312.72,4112.0,0]];
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _marker setMarkerBrush "SOLID";
    _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.9;
    _marker setMarkerSize [100, 100];


    Many thanks

  7. I am having problems with my markers anyone point out what I am doing wrong please.



    _marker = createMarker ["CircleOnMap",[1312.72,4112.0,0]];
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.9;
    _marker setMarkerSize [100, 100];


    _dot = createMarker ["DotInCircle",[1312.72,4112.0,0]];
    _dot setMarketColor "ColorBlack";
    _dot setMarkerType "mil_dot";
    _dot setMarkerText "Release Me";


    I am looking at putting marker on the map like one that is shown when missions appear.



  8. if you find to many AI then just alter the file - cust_spawns_chernarus.sqf (where the ***, below) for each line.


    ["dzailargebandit",***,2,false ] call DZAI_spawn_units;


    On some fo the code mentioned I have 10 AI spawning in one place so these could be lowered or made higher, we have told a few people before they attempt it to make sure they only carry what they need so when they die they do not lose everything.


    It is not a one man thing it is more a team even, I will also be adding some extra crates in the area as well to make it worth while for people to try to tackle it.

  9. I have installed this but when I start the game I am geting the message about unable to play because of editable/deleted content. warehouse (when I click ok everything runs ok)


    I have checked the code and nothing showing for warehouse any one got any idea's about the error please.


    also is there any way to stop the Zombies walking through the fence or walls?



  10. Hi Guys,

    I have updated to the latest version of WAI, the missions are working, the flare is going off at the end of the missions but there is no message appearing when the mission starts.

    I have changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = false;  (in AHconfig.sqf) - back to true, and it is the same as before (no loot spawning, and not finish of mission) so I changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = true; and it is the same no message at the start of missions but evrything else is good.

    There are no errors in the RPT file and the reason I updated is because they stopped working before and did not know if I have altered something I should not have.




    Anyone had/got same problem, we are running overpoch with the following mod's -

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