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Posts posted by rpg4e

  1. Can you change the script so that as long as a player has a gem in their inventory or backpack is displayed on the map without removing anything from their inventory? The marker should disappear again as soon as the gem is removed from the inventory or backpack.

    In this example, the gemstone stands for several possible objects that can be defined.

  2. I would like to write two scripts:
    1st script:
    I would like to create different zones with different radii at different defined points on the map, e.g. in novy lug or dichina on the chernarus map. Whenever a player enters such a zone, a server-wide message should be displayed for all players. Furthermore, the respective entered zone should then be provided with a map marker on the map and then be displayed for a certain pre-defined time or until the respective player leaves the zone again. Depending on how much humanity the player has, whether he is a bandit, neutral or hero, the map marker and the server-wide message should also be adjusted. The only condition to receive this message should be that the player has a radio equipped. and so that he can see the zones that appear and the map marker, the player must be equipped with a GPS. The zones should only be displayed if they have been triggered by a player. Using the example of novy lug and if the player who entered the zone is a bandit, the message would look like this: "Bandits are making novy lug unsafe" and so is the map marker. - I've tried scripting for 2 hours now, but I obviously don't understand enough about it yet. ps. I also use JasonTm's client side marker manager if that helps. can someone help? (Why I want such a script: I call my server "The Refugee"; in the world of my server only the surveillance state and its technology has survived ^^ it is a PvP server; I want to create more incentives for the players to join meet and hunt each other. 
    2nd script:
    I would like that as soon as a player has one or more defined items in their inventory or backpack, the position of the player is displayed for all other players on the map and a server-wide message is sent out at the same time. The conditions for this as above in the other script. Message received with radio only, see position only if GPS is in inventory.

    I tried to imitate bigeggs safezonescript and your building restricton script, but without any success.


    Can someone help me please???

  3. On 2/19/2014 at 3:56 AM, x2dezjohn said:

    Updated version (big file)


    Road to the dam and new area added


    Image: http://gyazo.com/febcf71f909b80642f9d20d4d171b363

    Download: http://pastebin.com/cQ6qJP7W

    Hi, I like this Mapaddon very much, but could you do a further version of the big file without the road from the hospital to pobeda-dam and all the things on the way there? I use this Mapaddon too: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/43771-new-roadstownsvillages-north-of-chernarus/ and the streets are clipping into another...

  4. First question: Which scripts are used by traders to automaticly stack & unstack gold, silver ect...?

    2nd Question: And how am i able to stack other items or especially Gems? ( those items that normally aren't stackable )

    The reason for my questions is very simply. I'd like to extend the currency on our server, but not by a single currency system. -> I <3 to have some kind of gold & gemrushfeeling :D.

    I've made items buyable and sellable by gems, got gems buy- and tradeable by each others and by gold; and gave gems different values:

    As example the ruby is worth 12 Briefcases of gold and the chance to got it in a Oreveinwreck is 3%.

    Now I want the traders to unstack a ruby to let's say 11 Briefcases of gold because the player is buying some item which is worth 1 Briefcase of gold.

    A further Question would be: If gems are stockable like gold & silver, it would be nice to put at least 10 gems to one briefcase :) so how to????

    How about scripting this? I think I have somewhere read a script that explains at least the standard stacking and unstacking and is included there somewhere in the DayZEpochPBOs, but I'm not sure about that.


    Thank you very much in advance

  5. Zupa plz add to your intructions:

    -Extract this Folder:

    @DayZ_Epoch -> addons -> dayz_epoch_b.pbo -> CfgServerTrader

    -put it to your mission-folder. It's the Database of items you can buy/sell. No More SQL-Tables needed.

    in your init.sqf add this line: DZE_ConfigTrader = true

    -in your description.ext add this line add the top of includes, it should be one of the first things beeing included:

    #include "CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp"

  6. Is it possible to adjust oreveins & supplycrates?


    If i remove a supplycratewreck or an oreveinwreck in game other players are still able to see the wrecks and to remove them again.

    How to fix this dupe?

    Already tried this: 

    and this: 

    But none of both worked as suggested.

    So where to find the script of standardwrecks ( old cars, helis ect... ) to use them to fix this? Or better: Is anyone able to make a working script for that problem?

    [Dayz Epoch - Chernarus]

  7. Hi Zupa, this script looks pretty nice ;)

    Can't get this to work.... ATM i like to use Silver/Gold ect... but not single currency (coins).

    I followed the instructions, Advanced Trading menu pops up but the traders are always telling not to accept items and they don't sell anything.

    I don't know where to put 


    could this be the problem???

    Do i have to create some more files?

    Server is Dayz Epoch - Chernarus

  8. After the shutdown of GameSpy & therefore the Support of BattleEye you may 
    have some errors like: Authentication failed, Battleye initialisation failed 
    or ...files not signed, or else...

    To play Again follow the next steps, they are testet with more then 10 Players on our DayZ Epoch Server.

    Step 1: Make a backup of all of your Arma 2 & Arma 2 OA folders and delete them.

    Step 2: In your Steam-Library uninstall all Arma 2 ( also OA & all DLCs & and beta obsolete )

    Step 3: Delete the *.pbo - files in "C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache"

    Step 4: Restart your PC !!!

    Step 5: Copy back your ARMA 2 Backup where you wish to have it installed

    Step 6: In your Steam-Library install ARMA 2 and after that check in updates to set to "High
    Priority" and in Betas to set to "NONE" ! Then start ARMA 2 to Main Menu and exit the
    game then.

    Step 7: Copy back your ARMA 2 OA Backup where you wish to have it installed.
    In your ARMA 2 OA folder cut off all folders with "@" at the beginning and put them just to another Folder
    of your PC.

    Step 8: In your Steam-Library install ARMA 2 OA and after that check in updates to set to 
    "High Priority" and in Betas to set to "NONE" ! Then start ARMA 2 OA to Main Menu 
    and exit the game then.

    Step 9: if you got DLCs install them in the following Order, if not go to step 10:
    1: Army of the Czech Republic ( from Properties - DLC ) -Start ARMA 2 OA to Main Menu and exit
    2: British Armed Forces -Start ARMA 2 OA to Main Menu and exit
    3: Private Military Company -Start ARMA 2 OA to Main Menu and exit

    Step 10: Download and Install Arma 2 OA Beta (Obsolete) -Start it to Main Menu and exit

    Step 11: go to 
    http://www.battleye.com/download.html, download & install client & server files for Arma2 & Arma2 OA

    Step 12: open "cmd" or "MS-Dos-Prompt" and put:

    mklink "x:\yoursteamfolder\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Addons" "x:\yoursteamfolder\steamapps\common\arma 2\addons" /j [Press enter]

    Step 13: In Step 7 you moved folder with "@" at the beginning, now move them back to your Arma 2 OA folder.
    Start Arma 2 OA and go to expansions. check the boxes for your mods.

    Step 14: like Step 13 just with Arma 2 OA Beta (Obsolete)

    Step 15: restart your PC !!!!

    Step 16: Start Arma 2 OA BETA (OBSOLETE) and go to MultiplayerLobby.
    In the corner left there's a button to have to set to Steam ( not LAN or Internet )
    Hit remote-button and set the IP & Port of the DayZ server ou want to play with.

    Step 17: Start to play DayZ ( epoch, origins, blah blah blah ) and have fun again.
    ( Could be that you have to restart your PC once more if you got an error again, but
    all players who used this are able to play ;) )

    You can now use SixLauncher or DayZ-Launcher, they are similar to DayZCommander ( which is messed up ). Some Players who just want to play DayZ Epoch sometimes have to remove @Dayz-Folder with some server.

    Enjoy and have fun :D

    Evtl you join us under:

    [Ober-geschoss] IP: Port: 10500
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