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Posts posted by MrTesla

  1. Typed up reference sheets a while ago. I'll put them on Pastebin. Doesn't have the caliburs, but you can usually tell that by the ammo classname (i.e. MSRs take .338 lapua magnum, same as the L115).


    GP_29 takes GP-25 grenades, just like how the EGLM takes M203. From what I can tell, the EOT_FSB_45 is the RPK version. It probably has different stats.

  2. Huh. I just got this email yesterday:



    My name is Jonathan Rainier [in Game Name: Pwnoz0r]. You may remember me from HFBServers and all throughout the DayZ Mod community. Some of you may recognize me as moderator in Lirik's channel on Twitch.tv.
    I am no longer associated with HFBServers in any way, but I do have an offer you might be interested in. I have teamed up with several experienced business people and programmers to offer a new service. We have set up a new game service provider - Unknown Servers. where our motto is: "We do the work and you play the game". This motto reflects our commitment to providing reliable and state of the art gaming servers. The Unknown Servers team are gamers who know the importance of dependable and responsive hosting companies.
    But that is not the only reason why I am writing to you. Unknown Servers would like to host your game servers. If you are interested in purchasing a game service from a quality provider who is committed to giving you the best support no matter what the issue, consider the following offer. By commencing your service with Unknown Servers, simply enter the following coupon code: <OMITTED>, here. This code will provide you with 15% off of your reoccurring bill permanently, that's right, permanently. This is a one-time offer, so now is the time to act.
    Just to clarify, Unknown Servers is in no way shape or form associated with HFBServers.
    If you have any questions or concerns regarding this email, please feel free to contact us here.
    We look forward to hosting your server needs,
    Jonathan "Pwnoz0r" Rainier
    Chief Operating Officer
    Unknown Servers LLC.


  3. So what exactly is the problem? Are they not spawning with those weapons at all? I don't see anything wrong with the section of the config you posted. What should happen is whenever a bandit group spawns, the leader (which there's only one of per group) will be given one of the weapons off that list at random. So they won't have RPGs or M32s every time unless you remove all other weapons from the list.

  4. Firstly, about new ch-53. Its great and all, but why it's feel like a remodel for uh-1h?

    It uses the MH-60 Seahawk as a base, but obviously with lower speed and different storage. I agree it should be faster, since all the other big helos hit 250km/h no problem. I actually just looked it up and apparently the real Super Stallion has a cruise speed of 278km/h and top speed of 315km/h.


    Really? Is that server specific, or epoch widely?

    Either that admin was lying/didn't know what he was talking about, or they had something on their server to allow it (which I don't think is possible without custom addons).

  5. Add them to your mission.sqm (in the mission file) under the "Addons" section. Like this:

    class Mission

    Not exactly like that though. Just add the ones you need.

  6. Looking throught the dayz_code.pbo, it seems to be the "player_antiwall.sqf" in the compiles folder.

    	DayZ Epoch anti wall
    	Made for DayZ Epoch please ask permission to use/edit/distrubute email [email protected].
    private ["_vehicle","_vehiclePos","_playerPos","_activated","_id","_intersectsWith"];
    _activated = false;
    _vehicle = _this;
    // position usually the drivers head area
    _vehiclePos = aimpos _vehicle;
    // works best for this type of check on players
    _playerPos = visiblePositionASL player;
    // ignore if distance is too far
    if((_playerPos distance _vehiclePos) > 10) exitWith {};
    // Important! without this we looking at the players feet this gets us torso area
    _playerPos set [2,(_playerPos select 2)+1];
    // Look for any intersecting objects
    _intersectsWith = lineIntersectsWith [_playerPos, _vehiclePos, player, _vehicle];
    if ((count _intersectsWith) > 0) then {
    		// buildings
    		if (_x isKindOf "Building" || _x isKindOf "DZE_Housebase") exitWith {
    			_activated = true;
    		// walls
    		if ((typeOf _x) == "" && {["wall_", str _x, false] call fnc_inString}) exitWith {
    			_activated = true;
    	} count _intersectsWith;
    if(_activated) then {
    	// this method is said to be faster than switch, lets try it.
    	call {
    		if (DZE_AntiWallCounter == DZE_AntiWallLimit) exitWith {
    			cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_9"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			_id = [player,"crushed"] spawn player_death;
    		if ((_vehicle emptyPositions "driver") > 0) exitWith {
    			cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_15"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player action ["getInDriver", _vehicle];
    			DZE_AntiWallCounter = DZE_AntiWallCounter + 1;
    		if ((_vehicle emptyPositions "gunner") > 0) exitWith {
    			cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_15"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player action ["GetInGunner", _vehicle];
    			DZE_AntiWallCounter = DZE_AntiWallCounter + 1;
    		if ((_vehicle emptyPositions "commander") > 0) exitWith {
    			cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_15"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player action ["getInCommander", _vehicle];
    			DZE_AntiWallCounter = DZE_AntiWallCounter + 1;
    		if ((_vehicle emptyPositions "cargo") > 0) exitWith {
    			cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_15"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			player action ["getInCargo", _vehicle];
    			DZE_AntiWallCounter = DZE_AntiWallCounter + 1;
    		// kill player if none of the above are matched
    		cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_9"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		_id = [player,"crushed"] spawn player_death;
    } else {
    	DZE_AntiWallCounter = 0;
  7. I didn't notice any differences in the compiles, variables, fn_selfactions, fn_damageactions, or player_tagfriendly sqfs when I checked last night. From what I understand the hotfix didn't change anything scriptwise. There's a new key and entries for 2 different versions of the AH6J Little Bird: AH6J_DZ (spawns with ammo, but no Hydra pods) and AH6J_DZE (ammoless, no Hydra pods); neither have radar.

  8. Depends on whether or not they're unique to Lingor. A lot of the houses and shops are from vanilla ArmA2 (you can find them on Takistan) so they should be usable. However if it's something that's only found on Lingor (or other user-created maps) players will have to download and activate the addons that include those buildings.

  9. The server_publishVehicle2.sqf deals with purchasing vehicles. The server_monitor.sqf is where you want to look if they're rearming on restart. Also, using setVehicleAmmo is a bad idea according to vbawol. It apparently causes inconsistancy in ammo count between players. I made a post on how to remove ammo from individual weapons.

  10. would there be any way that you can create an item? like using existing magazine models and ground models but just tie them to a new skin?

    Creating new items would require editing the magazine config, which isn't something you can do through the mission file. You'd have to create a new addon and have everyone else download it. I think somebody created a server mod that adds a vendor where you purchase skin changes though.

  11. There are no actual items for most ArmA 2 skins. By which I mean the actual "magazine" item that goes into your inventory that allows you to swap skins. That can't be configured through the mission file as far as I know. However, you may be able to add right-click options to existing skin items to allow different skins. I've never added right-click options before, but I believe you could link the options to scripts to swap skins.

  12. Of the normal Epoch choppers, the only ones that have manual fire are the Blackhawk, Venom (UH-1Y), and Bell 47 attack variants. I believe all attack helis (Apache, Hind, Wildcat, etc.) have manual fire.


    Some things to know:

    -The gun will fire in whatever direction it's pointed (forward by default), so if someone's moved the gun it'll be more difficult to fire.

    -Sometimes manual fire in the Blackhawk and Venom bugs out and turns off shortly after toggling it on; you can prevent this by switching firing speeds after activating it (IIRC this only needs to be done once per restart)

    -It's much easier to hit targets while in 1st person.

    -Get used to using the pedals to rotate (I believe they're X and C by default).

    -You can map manual fire to a key in your options so you can quickly turn it on/off without risking hitting Eject (which really sucks).

    -Keep in mind that if your target's above you, you're going to be tilting back, and thus slowing down likely to the point where the heli will spin around 180 degrees if you don't level it out.

    -Likewise, if you're aiming down, you're going to start gaining speed.

  13. You can also make exceptions. Find the classname of the weapon and line that's kicking you and add !="weapon classname here" to that line. The line can be determined generally by the number it gives you when kicked. It's not always exact though. The way you can tell which line it is is that the weapon's classname will have that restriction in it. For example, the F35's sidewinder launcher ammo is called "M_Sidewinder_AA_F35". This means that this line will cause a kick when you use them:

    5 "_AA" !"Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ"

    That's because this line is looking for any "vehicle" created with "_AA" in the classname. To add an exception for the F35 sidewinders you just need to add !="M_Sidewinder_AA_F35" to the end of the line. It should look like this:

    5 "_AA" !"Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ" !="M_Sidewinder_AA_F35"

    The problem with simply changing the 5 to a 1 is that it'll still show up in the logs every time somebody fires one. This causes a lot of log spam.

  14. Where you place it in the server pbo doesn't really matter as long as you put the correct file path in the execVM lines. So in your case the file path would be "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\removeammo\remove_ammo.sqf".

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