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Posts posted by Bloodweiser

  1. Just wanted to get it out there a bit but I will be steaming week days 1-3am EST. So if ya get bored at work or just chillin watching some twitch. Come check out my channel. Www.twitch.tv/bloodweiser82.

    And on twitter @bloodweiser82

  2. It's high noon and I'm calling you out! That you deleting my posts or is my phone being a POS. Seemed to have been deleted as I was viewing it after I responded to a reply I had. This happened about 30 min ago.

  3. My inner troll really wanted to tell you there is a sex change vendor in the middle of airfield.......but I manged to hold him off. Lol anyway I don't know how. but it was part of the white list process. Have you checked your epoch account settings or profile and see if there is an option there?

  4. What would you like to talk about? we are all are just very busy. Even if we do not respond to a thread it does not mean we did not read it.

    I completely understand. That's why I suggested maybe bringing in a few more mods to help with community interaction. I did not mean any disrespect. I know how busy you are and I certainly don't expect that you personally can answer every question several hundred ppl have. Having interaction with the community helps to keep the forums engaged and really shows the community how much the development team cares. Like I know you do. Anyway. I hope you are not offended. Was just an observation in an area that could use improvement. After all the only way to make something great is to always look for new and better ways to improve. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this thread.

  5. Axeman. Lol you are the only one I see respond. And even then there are allot of threads that go unanswered. Now and then I see Awol post a thx for the feedback in between development and axle is pretty busy with marketing. I know you are all stretched pretty thin. I know you folks will do what you think is best. I just wanted to do my part by providing feedback that may assist in the growth of the mod and the community. Happy to help where I can.

  6. The other night we were rolling around and come across a broken little bird. We proceed to fix it up using the repair kit (not multi gun). Everything looked good. However soon as we got in it exploded. Then after the fire stopped we went to get our gear and died from fire that was not there. On one of our runs back we got there. All our stuff was gone along with our hunter. For some reason we were taking fire damage but the crew that came in did not. We know they got our gear because we killed them not to far from there and got our stuff back. So to sum it up the bug is repaired chopper exploded and invisible fire that would damage us but not someone else.

  7. How about a decay currency system. Add a terminal to the plot pole that requires you to keep it maintained with krypto. If you run out of krypto your base will vanish on server reset. Yet another thing that would be great for the currency system in epoch.

  8. I am sure most would agree that playing in a group is better than playing solo. Some of us clan leaders have started posting in general. However I do not feel this is a good place for recruitment. Just going to get clan clutter fast. I recommend adding a clan recruitment thread. I know myself and all the other clan/community leaders would greatly appreciate it. Thank you :)

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