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Posts posted by monkeybrain

  1. I want to add a vehicle to server_monitor.fsm, to stop it vanishing, like the parachute and uav(which I have done). However I'm not to sure  how to compile the file.


    I tried this

    if (isServer) then {
        server_init = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "server_init.sqf";

    in my init and then putting this in server_init.

    []execFSM "server_monitor.fsm"

    But it doesn't seem to work.

    Server_init and server_monitor would be in my mission file.

    Could someone help me out?



  2. haha I opened that up already, didn't know you could open it up with notepad as well. Found the line! Thanks.

    server_monitor       = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\server_monitor.fsm";

    thats how it works right^?


    edit: guess not, didn't work. how do you get fsm's to work, I read that previous post on last page but it didn't make much sense.

  3. The classname ebike_epoch just needs to be added to the Safe_vehicles array in the vehiclesimulation.fsm and it can be triggered by players the same way the UAV and Parachutes are, without being picked up by the de simulate cleanup. All found in the server_monitor.fsm.

    Now the trick is adding it to the said array. Without adding it to the server code directly, and breaking dll CRC checksum. ;) It's possible.


    so you use custom compiles to add the bike in.


    Where is safe vehicle array? All i see is Epoch_save_vehicles

    {_aa=_x getVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT","ABORT"];
    if(_aa !="ABORT")then{if !(_x in EPOCH_saveVehQueue)then{EPOCH_saveVehQueue pushBack _x};};
    _storSlot=_x getVariable["STORAGE_SLOT","ABORT"];
    if(_storSlot !="ABORT")then{if !(_x in EPOCH_saveStorQueue)then{EPOCH_saveStorQueue pushBack _x};};}forEach _this;

    where is this array?

  4. So say I only want to spawn in one spot on the map, should I only be changing respawn east and west in mission sqm?


    I want to spawn on a island without the spawn box.


    Edit: nvm figured it out


    Eolythique,I have this same problem (tping back) . When you turn antihack off you cant kill yourself though haha.

    antihack_checkFiles[] = { //script check, leave it blank to disable it

    I tried this didn't seem to work. Will probably get infistar soon but would be nice to know how to fix this problem without it.



    Do the tping server sided

    how? lol

  5. What mod do you use for those tree/cave like objects. Would these objects appear on altis if I put them in the config.cpp?




    Also how do you convert this into a file you can use


    cant use config because the object has been rotated alot.

  6. in server monitor for some reason I had

    if ((count _intentory > 0) && !(typeOf( _object) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ") && !(typeOf( _object) in  DZE_DoorsLocked)) then {

    instead of

    if ((count _intentory > 0) && !(typeOf( _object) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ")) then {

    could this be a reason for objects going missing?


    is this correct in server_updateObject?

    _object_inventory = {
    	_isNormal = true;
    if (typeOf (_object) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ") then{
        _isNormal = false;
        _inventory = _object getVariable ["plotfriends", []]; //We're replacing the inventory with UIDs for this item
    if (typeOf (_object)in DZE_DoorsLocked) then{
        _isNormal = false;
    	_inventory = _object getVariable ["doorfriends", []]; //We're replacing the inventory with UIDs for this item
    if(_isNormal)then {
        _inventory = [
        getWeaponCargo _object,
        getMagazineCargo _object,
        getBackpackCargo _object
  7. So we recently added coins to our server so we had to edit a few files(compiles and such). Now for some reason new built objects disappear after a few restarts and old one stay behind.


    Its quite random, not all of the objects disappear at once just a few of them.


    150 days is the despawn age, and there are no sql events. Could it be plot pole management? What is going on!!





    No Maintaining with the 999 hive 

    We are going to revive axes maintain to solve this for the 999 version.

    is this something to do with it?

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