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Posts posted by dy3rx

  1. I have having a strange issue i've never had before, my walls are rotating randomly not on the angle they are chosen on, and it is an odd angle, not 45, it makes it so crooked, ifyou dont mind have any ideas?

    for example, if i press e or q to rotatate, when it comes fully back around, it is not straight, it is angle'd...

    it moves a degrees its not set on, then moves to the correct one, not sure whats happening

    and my snap is in the middle of my vector options on my action menu - example




  2. Guys I have having a strange issue i've never had before, my walls are rotating randomly not on the angle they are chosen on, and it is an odd angle, not 45, it makes it so crooked, ifyou dont mind have any ideas?

    for example, if i press e or q to rotatate, when it comes fully back around, it is not straight, it is angle'd...

    and my snap is in the middle of my vector options on my action menu - example




  3. raymix I have having a strange issue i've never had before, my walls are rotating randomly not on the angle they are chosen on, and it is an odd angle, not 45, it makes it so crooked, ifyou dont mind have any ideas?

    for example, if i press e or q to rotatate, when it comes fully back around, it is not straight, it is angle'd...

    and my snap is in the middle of my vector options on my action menu - example




  4. Okay so vehicles inventory will safe, but they relocate to an old position once the player logs out or dies, I have not modified updateobject or vehiclepublish at all, but i do get errors in my server monitor but its only when no player is in the server, after that it goes away.after adding indestructable bases, here below are my sqfs that i listed.


    server monitor - http://pastebin.com/amgqSVey

    updateobject - http://pastebin.com/ayF5bC9Q

    publishvehicle - http://pastebin.com/affFapMH


    please help

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