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Posts posted by CrDraggin

  1. Is anyone seeing issues with the offsets in the MI_Defines.hpp not working? 

    I have been using this script for years and made a good amount of offset changes over the years. I made this one...

    class MAP_nav_pier_c_big:DefaultDocks {offset[]={0,20,-20};};

    but it still drops that object and the builder is in the dead center of it. This only started happening after the version. 

    I reviewed RPTs and nothing error related is showing up. 

  2. Hi Zupa, we seem to have the same issue. I updated infistar to the newest, but only admins can see the inventory listed. I made sure that the exceptions were added in the AHconfig. It does not show my inventory or the trader inventory. 


    - verified we are not using database trader. 

    - updated infistar to version 9/24 ( are you referring to a newer version?)

    - verified added 


    - updated to 2.1 files. Still same result. 

    - verified pbo was packed with edits. 


    Any help is appreciated and thank you for your awesome mods!

  3. Is anyone else getting messed up trader menu's after installing the original script or is it just me? Wouldn't mind knowing what's wrong and how to fix it.



    I we have seen this as well. I am trying to figure it out as we speak, so far no luck though. Also Evac heli's are messed up. Might not be connected, but seems to have happened at the same time. We were having reports of people who can buy a boat a hero... pistols at the air trader...

  4. Been trying to get this working for the last few days. I can do all but when I go to build the item, It says "Your build was successful" and item disappears. Any idea what might be causing this? I am using infistar (newer than Aug 5th version). I am able to spawn these items from building admin menu. just not craft them.


    I followed the known conflicts too. I am running the newest version of snap pro. I have disabled snap pro and same happens. 


    The server has the following mods. 

    - SnapPro

    - Evac Chopper

    - WAI

    - DZMS

    - DZAI

    - Elevators

    - Tow/Lift


    Reviewed the RPT file and nothing is erroring on that other than some mission system stuff. I can build normal, just not through the buildables. 

  5. Hi

    I have problem with EMS ,i am running WAI and EMS together on my server and WAI is working fine but EMS  does not displey map markers for the missions every time and sometimes missions spawn in the same spot ...like 3 at the some place on the map.

    Any advice ?


    Thanks in advance.



    A few mission files had typos in them.


    Make sure the following is there;



    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"A bandit hunting party has been spotted! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

    //DZMSAddMinMarker is a simple script that adds a marker to the location
    [_coords,_missName] ExecVM DZMSAddMinMarker;                       <------ NOTE: THIS IS FOR THE MIN MISSION, if mission is a MAJ mission, then point to DZMSAddMajMarker



    I don't remember which files had typos, but that will fix your problem. 


    You can also edit the size of the circle, color, and circle fill type. 


    That is located under EMS > Scripts > DZMSAddMajMarker.sqf and DZMSAddMinMarker.sqf


    Hope that helps,

  6. No there already is a variables.sqf in epoch, you need to add the variables to the list dayz_resetSelfActions in there, little knowledge of epoch and scripting should be enough to do that... I thought. :D


    Nope... been running several epoch servers on dedi box for less than 2 weeks now. Half were setup by someone else, so i am trying to figure it out as i go. 


    This newbie is getting there, just sometimes needs a little push in the right direction. 


    To fix the undefined variables for elevator add:

    	s_player_elevator_next = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_previous = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_select = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_call = -1;
    	s_player_elevator_id = -1;

    Variables.sqf(custom) to :

    //Player self-action handles
    dayz_resetSelfActions = {



    So you are saying to add a variables.sqf file to the elevator directory and put this in it?

    //Player self-action handles
    dayz_resetSelfActions = {
       s_player_elevator_next = -1;
        s_player_elevator_previous = -1;
        s_player_elevator_select = -1;
        s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
        s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1;
        s_player_elevator_call = -1;
        s_player_elevator_id = -1;

    yes they are Arma's original models, so they dont have ghost preview. There's nothing you can do to fix it at this state, unless you are willing to create a custom ghost model yourself - 30% or 50% alpha _ca texture and remove geometry LODs.

    edit: actually I might add ghost preview myself to a mod I am working on for epoch atm cheers lol. But it might take a while (could be released with 1.0.6 only)

    Still a great script! Thanks for everyone's hard work!

  9. Great layout and great tools!


    One quick question (hopefully)... On the player stats, how can i filter the request to only show players that have been on the server in the last say 14 days? That way people who played 100+ days ago are not listed.


    Here is current 

    SELECT `CharacterID` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `Alive`=1 AND `InstanceID`=".


    My attempt

    SELECT `CharacterID` FROM `Character_DATA' WHERE WHERE `Alive`=1 AND 'LastLogin' < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 5 DAY) AND `InstanceID`=".

  10. Trying to deploy this awesome tool, but using IIS with PHP and MySQL. I get the following error, but since I am not at all a website guy. I am lost.  I tried to look in the php.ini file and uncommented sqlite stuff, but still doesn't work. 


    Error is this.

    Your server does not appear to have a sqlite3 library available, please ask your host to install the json extension.


    Any help is appreciated.



    Found the sqlite3.dll and added it to the extensions. Fixed!

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