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Posts posted by dodgitech10

  1. Infistar gathers the vehicle count from this line of code in EPOCH_spawn_vehicles.sqf line 248. I changed it to (Check Below). This worked opening the spawn menu in infistar, but it wouldn't save the vehicles. Tested and confirmed, I change the db to save every 60 seconds if 1 thing changed and it didn't include the vehicles that spawn once the available slots got to 50 value.

    EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount = (count EPOCH_VehicleSlots) + 50; // Thanks Halv/Sp4rky

    My idea was to find a way to increase the upper vehicle list without increasing the spawned vehicles. I will keep digging through the files which I believe I have found the correct place for the global max vehicles in server_variables.sqf line 117-121

  2. Well it did work in a sense but only that it would add +50 to the client side count, So when I added the +50 code, Infistar was counting the vehicle slots available based on the allowed vehicle list then just adding +50 to it and thought I had more slots then it actually did so when I spawned vehicles in, The available slots counter wouldn't drop below 50 and even thou you think it is saving them upon restart any vehicle spawned in after the 50 mark would get deleted/not saved.

  3. Thanks for the reply, What I was if I had 10 apples saved in a box and the map had x amount. I would like to add 10 to the x when it counts all the apple it can find in the map. But the number 10 is just a number I used for example. The reason why I said 5-500 could be larger could never hit 500, just trail and error till I find the number I want. (Trying to code a script for the community)


    Kind Regards

  4. I was looking through the Changeweather.sqf and from my understanding the first 21 lines in the files describe to me that the weather is based on how much time goes by. So if your time multiplier is set to x4 the weather while adjust accordingly from stand values at real time?. (No coding knowledge, My games dev course was a scam only taught me UDK). So I might be wrong but I am trying.

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