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Posts posted by Ree

  1. nice one mate, so bloody tired and never thought that hahaha, what about the selling the gear to traders? some stuff dont work so if there away to make them sell?

    if you have @mas or added vehicles that epoch didn't originally have added, Epoch wont let you sell them its a big cock block to server owners and players and if you say i seen other server doing it, They are breaking the ToS of Epoch and editing Epoch Server files.



     if you do crack epoch stuff dont worry epoch still supports you on there Official server listings ............................

  2.  addactions on re spawn or re logging  don't work for my players i have zones around that map that if a player goes into it it will reactivate the addaction script and give them scroll option, The Onrespawn is unreliable and when a player logs they have to die to get it back so having Zones that reactivate works out nicely the only down side is when they walk in and out of it it keeps re adding the addaction make it 1 long list so i toke a page from computermancer and have it do you can disable the addaction.

  3. well thought i might add a bit of stupidity to this thread. Got everything working, weapons everywhere ammo, mas working the lot and the shit is on the ground not floating. Only issue i have is that when i walk around the place i have karts stuck in buildings, heli's comming out the roofs in others. I can pick them up and add them as a backpack which then kills me lol, what the hell is happening? lol

    at the very end of your LSLootLists .sqf u have vehicles added to your list delete them

  4. We went indestructible bases aswell due to the amount of explosives in-game but we also went simi militarized with some vehicles with guns on it . I understand the aspect of survive but not every server wants to be the same as others all about the prospective of the server owner and what he wants for his players or what the players want for that "Server"

  5. Thanks the script works great, and thanks Igiload!

    But is there a way that we can add more Helicopters to the script?

    Todays Igiload version only let 1 helicopter load up cargo (I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH, the Mohawk)

    It can load and drop of vehicles/Cargo with parashute's, Wich is Epic in my eyes!

    But ingame players asking admins who has Igiload script in their server, why the Mohawk can load up vehicles/Cargo and

    The Huron (chinook) helicopter can't (epoch chinook)

    Are you working on a next igiload version or is it possible to add more helicopter to the list?

    I would like to see, the Epoch Chinook, and the Taru Cargo to be added to the list.

    (O_Heli_Transport_04_box_EPOCH) = MI290 Taru (Cargo)

    (B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH) = CH-47 Huron (Black)

    Thanks in advance! This script is Epic!!


    open up IgiLoad.sqf and add it


    and OP didn't make the script reread first post

  6. Hi,


    I just read this post and the script seems to be great.

    But It doesn't work in my server. I download it from OP then I paste de IgiLoad folder in @epochhive\addons. I made the pbo with IgiLoad folder and then i edit my init.sqf adding line:

    [] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";

    Finally I made the pbo of the mission. Anyone knows whats wrong?


    Edit: ATM, I have disabled BE.



    Remove it from your  @epochhive\addons and unpack your mission.pbo put the IgiLoad in there then put

     [] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf"; into your init.sqf then repack your mission.pbo 

  7. if you are running VEMF and get Messages like this in your RPT

    15:50:27 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolGRE/: Missing word Gorka
    15:50:31 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolGRE/: Missing word Gorka
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group
    15:50:35 Join to another group

    Try disabling VEMF and running your server again

  8. im not sure but hope this helps it the commands used on redis DM




    i also found this 



    Save a spanshot of the database into a dump.rdb by either running BGSAVE or SAVE from the command line. This will create a file named dump.rdb in the same folder as your redis server. See a list of all server commands.

    Copy this dump.rdb to the other redis server you want to migrate to. When redis starts up, it looks for this file to initialize the database from.




    so thats how u could save your DB

  9. any way to change to loot to random or in a load-out style
    blck_FillBoxes_Major = {
    _crate = _this select 0;
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
    _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["jerrycan_epoch",10], ["lighter_epoch",2],["CircuitParts",10] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["jerrycan_epoch",10], ["lighter_epoch",2],["CircuitParts",10] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    or like this 

    blck_FillBoxes_Major = {
    x = floor(random 5); //0-9
    if (x == 0) then {
      _crate = _this select 0;
      clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
      clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
      _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal["CircuitParts", 10];
    if (x == 1) then {
      _crate = _this select 0;
      clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
      clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
      _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal["CinderBlocks", 6];
    if (x == 2) then {
      _crate = _this select 0;
      clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
      clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
      _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal["scam_epoch", 2];
    if (x == 3) then {
      _crate = _this select 0;
      clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
      clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
      _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal["m16_EPOCH", 2];
    if (x == 4) then {
      _crate = _this select 0;
      clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
      clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
      _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal["CinderBlocks", 25];
  10. i have mine in fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.SQF

                    //special for weapons
                    if (_lootType == 1) exitWith {
                      _lootholder = createVehicle["weaponHolderSimulated", _spwnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                      _selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootWeapon_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
                      _loot = (((lootWeapon_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
                      _lootholder addWeaponCargoGlobal[_loot, 1];
                      //Function to add the right magazine for a weapon.
                      _ammo = [] + getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _loot >> "magazines");
                      _ammoCount = count _ammo;
                      if (_ammoCount > 0) then {
                        _lootholder addMagazineCargoGlobal[(_ammo select 0), (round(random 2))]; //max 2 magazines per weapon
                      //end custom funtion
                      //_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;

    working fine.




    I know how i can implement this lootspawner but i have a question.
    What if i already have The SEM (simple epoch Missions Kiloswiss) code inside de init.sqf
    How can i succesfully combine the code of Napalm and kiloswiss inside the init.sqf?
    I tried to combine them but the server gave me an error and could not load/find the lootspawner files while it was inside the PBO
    Thx in advance

    code init.sqf





    Take all of the SEM Script and put it into a New file called SEM.sqf


    then in your init.sqf make it look like this 

    [] execVM "SEM.sqf"; 
    if (isServer) then 
    	fn_getBuildingstospawnLoot = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf"; 
    	LSdeleter = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LSdeleter.sqf";
    	execVM "Lootspawner.sqf";
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