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Posts posted by Haliakala


    is there any way to make the boss in the bunny ranch  actually beat the girls... like with a melee weapon instead of shoot em...i tried removing his weapon and adding a melee crowbar to his  gear but he just runs around aimlessly  and when killed the weapon isnt in his invintory....also the bunny ranch loot stays empty after the boss dies 


    //Bunny Ranch Owner
    _dirtyowner = [[_position select 0, _position select 1, 0],1,"Extreme","MeleeCrowbar",4,"Random","Ins_Lopotev","Random",["Bandit",500],_mission] call spawn_group;
    [_mission,_crate], // mission number and crate
    ["assassinate",_dirtyowner], // ["crate"], or ["kill"], or ["assassinate", _unitGroup],
    [_baserunover], // cleanup objects
    "The Owner of the Bunny Ranch has been beating his girls again, go give him a taste of his own medicine!", // mission announcement
    "The Bunny Ranch is YOURS! The Girls want to show their gratitude", // mission success
    "News reports of several women found beaten to death!" // mission fail
    ] call mission_winorfail;
    diag_log format["WAI: Mission Bunny Ranch Ended At %1",_position];
    s_missionrunning = false;


    nobody has any ideas on this?

  2. is there any way to make the boss in the bunny ranch  actually beat the girls... like with a melee weapon instead of shoot em...i tried removing his weapon and adding a melee crowbar to his  gear but he just runs around aimlessly  and when killed the weapon isnt in his invintory....also the bunny ranch loot stays empty after the boss dies 


    //Bunny Ranch Owner
    _dirtyowner = [[_position select 0, _position select 1, 0],1,"Extreme","MeleeCrowbar",4,"Random","Ins_Lopotev","Random",["Bandit",500],_mission] call spawn_group;
    [_mission,_crate], // mission number and crate
    ["assassinate",_dirtyowner], // ["crate"], or ["kill"], or ["assassinate", _unitGroup],
    [_baserunover], // cleanup objects
    "The Owner of the Bunny Ranch has been beating his girls again, go give him a taste of his own medicine!", // mission announcement
    "The Bunny Ranch is YOURS! The Girls want to show their gratitude", // mission success
    "News reports of several women found beaten to death!" // mission fail
    ] call mission_winorfail;
    diag_log format["WAI: Mission Bunny Ranch Ended At %1",_position];
    s_missionrunning = false;
  3. im sorry if this has been covered but 21 pages of  comments and i cant seem to find it, but... i keep getting a "sorry but there is no chopper on your evac field" message... i tried setting several diff choppers on the field and  still no joy... any suggestions?

    edit** ok it worked the second time but i recieved a waypoint restriction... and the evac field vanished on restart... i saw something about filters earlier in all this as well as something about the restart issue  ill recheck it tonight and see if i can get it set right awesome mod tho cant wait to see it working properly

  4. this  is one of the best mods of the game.... it works and i only have one issue... as soon as i start the build i can  walk away to cancel  the item will be build and  it will remain in my inventory...   first noticed it with the plot pole it would set two poles the first one is  where it is when you first select place object... then  another will appear directly above it when the setpos  raises it up to ground level making two versions of the plotpole...  one that is yours and another that is not linked to anyone...  and again if you walk away from it  just after you start placing it it will  cancell the building but leave  a plot pole in the ground and one in your inventory... and the placed one is not linked to you i can only asume its making dupes of the building parts as well but  ones so perfectly inline i can not see the second

  5. ok i got this working and it all seemed fine but i was always using admin building to test it  today i tried the  plotpole  building like anyone else would have to and it did a couple things one it duped the plot pole meaning it put one in place and then another one directly above it (like when you  page down and it goes into the ground and then when u build it  the setpos raises it up only  it leaves a ghost of the plotpole that is not linked to a player and then another one that is linked to the builder)  and another  problem is that  if i moved to cancel after building it would still create the  built object and not cancel it but it would also leave the item in your bags as if you cancelled it

     any ideas?

     edit... im using your setup like it was described  but in my init folder i only use the variables file because i have a compiles in  another folder and i routed thru that and the same goes for  fnselfactions i use it in so many other scripts that i just routed yours thru that instead of rebuilding everything around the new one self bloodbag  suicide and dancing around the fire are three of em

     edit edit  i just removed it all and  its still happening so it has to be in the snap building  mod i installed  before this one  and just never checked untill now...


    great mod by the way i have become a master of the  copy and paste but i would never call myself a scripter... its you guys who can see these lines of code and  actually know what they are going to do  when  mixed with line 8 bazillion from another file  50 folders away  you guys are the genuises in my book

  6. this is all well and good but it dont work... i have tried changing the line  to 1 instead of 5 and  even used this as a paste in instead and i always get the same restriction kick... the exception is when i get into a vehicle first and then try to carry it when i drop it i dont get kicked without getting into it first  i will get the kick everytime... i tried a bunch of stuff and it all seems to point to vehicle ownership i can lift em all but as soon as i try to drop it i get the kick... setpos restriction 0  repeat changing the line to 1 does n ot work.. is it possible that whatever tells the mod to read the setpos restrictions is not pointing to it correctly? if thats the case where would i look


    edit** after 5 days of hair pulling i noticed a "bliss" folder which also contained a battle eye folder in that folder there was a setpos and an attach to txt files as well when i modified these with the  files that came with the lift tow package it all worked fine... i use vert hosting  so im not sure if everyone has a bliss folder but  try modding the files in there instead and see if that works for yall

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