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Posts posted by lucho

  1. How i can make that AI dont shoot at zombies.

    found it in file

    should i remove it or change?

        // Make AI Hostile to Zeds
        EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN,0];
        CIVILIAN setFriend [EAST,0];

  2. Its possible to make Health system like DZAI bots for DZMS ?

    i found it in DZAI Config File but when i put it in DZMS config its didnt works

    //Enhanced AI health system setting.
    //If enabled, AI units will use DayZ's 12,000 blood system, can be knocked unconscious and Tasered, and can self-bloodbag/morphine. If disabled, AI units will use default Arma 2 damage handling. (Default: true)
    DZAI_useHealthSystem = true;
    //Minimum and maximum AI blood level to spawn each unit with. Each individual unit will have a randomized blood level within this range. Upper limit: 12000 blood (Default: [10000,12000])
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_unitBloodLevel = [10000,12000];


  3. On 12.02.2014 at 10:05 PM, TheVampire said:

    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?

    • DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code
    • No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand)
    • Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion!
    • No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code.
    • DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename.
    • DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO!
    • No more "Novy Sobor Bug"!

    Plus, many features have been added!

    • Option to save vehicles to the database!
    • If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles!
    • Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot!
    • Adjustable Body Despawn Time!
    • Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear!
    • More!


    The Current Version is v1.1

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem


    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)

    I have one question how i can set the blood amount for bots from 12000 to 50000?

    Its possible? I saw that option in dzai or wai bots but here i cant find it.

  4. Bloodsucker spawns like crazy

    u set only 1 blood sucker  but every time when other player comes add + 1 bloodsucker and +1 +1 +1 +1  and have no stop how to fix it?

    Static spawn bloodsucker

    Respawn - False

    but where i can edit that when players come the bloodsucker stops to spawn every time when playr comes near this position becasuse they sapwn are unlimited

  5. 22 hours ago, theduke said:

    i copied and pasted this from the ESS v2 thread

    1. Remove this line from spawn\start.sqf:
    #include "halo.sqf"

    2. Remove this line from description.ext:
    #include "spawn\halo.hpp"

    3. Now you can safely delete these files from the \spawn\ folder:

    have no start.sqf

    already tryed to delete this lines the screen flash and game off because its in spawn.sqf file what i posted on the top in this file are some lines which give command to activate halo and ground spawn i will delete them and make automatically join without of pick ground spawn or halo spawn

  6. Automatically Ground how i can do that with ESS?

    No halo selection and that you spawns automatically at ground





    i think that in this file



    private ["_counter","_vipBase","_vipUID","_findSpot","_isBase","_isNear","_isPZombie","_isZero","_nearPlayers","_position","_seldLoc","_seldRandom","_waitScript"];
    cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0];
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    haloSelect = -1;
    spawnSelect = -1;
    statusSelect = -2;
    locArray = [
    	[[4388.23,2263.44,0], [5683.43,3004.63,0], [4517.41,2420.66,0], [5171.99,2070.86,0], [4253.29,2533.43,0]], //Balota
    	[[11936.1,8870.28,0], [12287.3,8471.17,0], [12263.7,9160.7,0], [11702.7,9172.23,0], [12618.5,9560.67,0]], //Berezino
    	[[6686.8,2290.11,0], [7235.6,2233.5,0], [6288.59,2574.14,0], [6827.66,3168.46,0], [6960.53,2550.45,0]], //Cherno
    	[[10845.3,2701.37,0], [9479.41,1960.8,0], [10497.3,2016.5,0], [10214.1,2411.58,0], [10432.7,2047.76,0]], //Elektro
    	[[1244.61,2614.59,0], [1047.04,2268.01,0], [1787.07,2441.89,0], [2030.73,2235.37,0], [1166.07,2299.62,0]], //Kamenka
    	[[3608.21,2151.49,0], [3666.51,2642.1,0], [3523.99,2415.42,0], [3468.39,2547.6,0], [3824.01,2589.4,0]], //Komarovo
    	[[13407.3,4175.05,0], [13549.1,4134.78,0], [13457.9,3969.57,0], [13270.3,3957.48,0], [13140,4152.19,0]], //Krutoy
    	[[7952.16,3204.92,0], [7699.07,3215.19,0], [7804.76,3554.8,0], [8048.21,3360.93,0], [7445.66,3325.2,0]], //Prigor
    	[[9153.26,3900.56,0], [9128.73,4106.21,0], [9200.91,3983.34,0], [9147.2,3741.96,0], [9391.94,4077.68,0]], //Pusta
    	[[13387.5,6617.4,0], [13285,6115.62,0], [13310.1,6331.05,0], [13401.9,5995.73,0], [13513.4,6326.69,0]] //Solnichny
    _waitScript =  [] spawn {
    	private ["_blocked","_bodies","_bodyCheck","_bodyPos","_vipBase","_vipUID","_i","_idc","_pos"];
    	_bodyCheck = {
    		if (ctrlVisible 1001) then {
    			_vipUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    			{if (_vipUID == _x) then {_vipBase = _forEachIndex;};} forEach vipListBase;
    			locArray = locArray+[[(vipListBases select _vipBase)]];
    		_blocked = false;
    		_bodies = [];
    		{if (!isNull _x) then {if ((_x getVariable["bodyName",name _x]) == (name player)) then {_bodyPos = (getPosATL _x);_bodies set [count _bodies,_bodyPos];};};} count allDead;
    		if (count _bodies != 0) then {
    				_bodyPos = _x;
    					_pos = (locArray select _forEachIndex) select 0;
    					if ((_bodyPos distance _pos) <= bodyCheckDistance) then {
    						_idc = (1600+_forEachIndex);
    						ctrlShow [_idc,false];
    						_blocked = true;
    				} forEach locArray;
    			} count _bodies;
    			if !(ctrlVisible 1624) then {ctrlShow [1001,false];};
    			if (_blocked) then {systemChat format ["Некоторые Спавнпункты блокируются так как ваше мёртвое тело находится в радиусе %1m",bodyCheckDistance];};
    	while {statusSelect < 2} do {
    		dayz_temperatur = 36;
    		DZE_InRadiationZone = false;
    		fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
    		{_x hideObject true;_x allowDamage false;} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 80]);	
    		uiSleep 1;
    		if (!dialog) then {
    			cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0];
    			if (statusSelect == -2) then {_i="createDialog";createDialog "E_Class_Dialog";call classFill;};
    			if (statusSelect == 0) then {disableUserInput true;disableUserInput true;disableUserInput true;_i="createDialog";createDialog "E_Spawn_Dialog";if !((getPlayerUID player) in vipListBase) then {ctrlShow [1001,false];ctrlShow [1624,false];};call _bodyCheck;uiSleep 1;disableUserInput false;disableUserInput false;disableUserInput false;};
    			if (statusSelect == 1) then {_i="createDialog";createDialog "E_Halo_Dialog";};
    _isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB";
    #include "class.sqf"
    statusSelect = 0;
    closeDialog 0;
    waitUntil {spawnSelect != -1};
    statusSelect = 1;
    closeDialog 0;
    if (!_isPZombie && (spawnSelect != 41)) then {waitUntil {haloSelect != -1};};
    statusSelect = 3;
    closeDialog 0;
    terminate _waitScript;
    {_x hideObject false;_x allowDamage true;} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 80]);
    fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    cutText ["","BLACK IN"];
    if (spawnSelect == 40) exitWith {
    	_vipUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    	{if (_vipUID == _x) then {_vipBase = _forEachIndex;};} forEach vipListBase;
    	_position = vipListBases select _vipBase;
    	if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,1500];[player,1500] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};
    if (spawnSelect == 41) then {spawnSelect = floor (random 10)};
    _seldLoc = locArray select spawnSelect;
    _seldRandom = _seldLoc call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _findSpot = true;
    _isNear = false;
    _counter = 0;
    while {_findSpot && _counter < 20} do {
    	_position = ([_seldRandom,0,650,1,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos);
    	_nearPlayers = (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",100]);
    	{if ((!isNull _x) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {_isNear = true;};} count _nearPlayers;
    	_isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0);
    	_isBase = (count(nearestObjects [_position,["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"],45]) > 0);
    	_counter = _counter + 1;
    	if (!_isNear && !_isZero && !_isBase) then {_findSpot = false};
    _position = [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];
    if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,1500];[player,1500] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};


  7. 19 hours ago, lucho said:


    Can somebody help me with humanity

    didnt work

    if ((_hlevel == 0) && {(_humanity >= 7499) or (_humanity <= -2499)}) exitWith {systemChat "Heroes and bandits cannot select this class.";_go=0;};


        if (_level == 4) then {if ((_humanity >= 7500) || (_humanity <= -2500)) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class for noobs only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};


    private ["_classHover","_vipUID","_go","_hlevel","_humanity","_itemText","_level","_selectedItem"];
    _go = true;
    _selectedItem = lbCurSel 8888;
    _itemText = lbText [8888,_selectedItem];
    {if (_itemText == (_x select 0)) then {_classHover = _x;};} forEach presetClasses;
    {if (_itemText == (_x select 0)) then {_classHover = _x;};} forEach vipListClasses;
    if (isNil "_classHover") exitWith {titleText ["\n\nSelect a class!","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    _level = _classHover select 7;
    if (_level != 0) then {
    	if (_level == 1) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl1) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 1 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 2) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl2) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 2 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 3) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl3) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 3 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 4) then {if ((_humanity >= 7500) || (_humanity <= -2500)) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class for noobs only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    _hlevel = _classHover select 8;
    if (_hlevel != 0) then {
    	_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
    	if ((_hlevel < 0) && (_humanity >= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be less than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    	if ((_hlevel > 0) && (_humanity <= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be greater than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    	if ((_hlevel == 0) && {(_humanity >= 7499) or (_humanity <= -2499)}) exitWith {systemChat "Heroes and bandits cannot select this class.";_go=0;};
    if (_go) then {classSelect = _classHover;};


    Work sorry now tested twice.



  8. On 04.02.2016 at 4:30 PM, MatthewK said:

    Tried this on my test server and it works. You can prevent players with specific humanity from accessing only certain skins just be putting 4,0] at the end of the skin code, as shown in the last block of code below.. Just to clarify, this works on my test server. Haven't tested it on a live server :p

    In your classpick.sqf file change this code: 

    _level = _classHover select 7;
    if (_level != 0) then {
    	_vipUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    	if (_level == 1) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl1) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 1 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 2) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl2) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 2 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 3) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl3) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 3 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};

    to this:

    _level = _classHover select 7;
    if (_level != 0) then {
    	_vipUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    	if (_level == 1) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl1) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 1 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 2) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl2) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 2 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 3) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl3) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 3 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    //ADDED THESE 2 LINES . Note the _level == 4 ..
    _humanity = player getVariable["humanity", 0]; // You could put this at the top of the file after: _go = true;
    if (_level == 4) then {if ((_humanity >= 7500) || (_humanity <= -2500)) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class for noobs only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};

    Then change this:

     ["  Survivor   ","GUE_Soldier_Pilot",,[],[],0,0],

    to this:

     ["  Survivor   ","GUE_Soldier_Pilot",,[],[],4,0], // I change the 0,0 at the end to 4,0


    didnt work


    Can somebody help me with humanity

    didnt work

    if ((_hlevel == 0) && {(_humanity >= 7499) or (_humanity <= -2499)}) exitWith {systemChat "Heroes and bandits cannot select this class.";_go=0;};


        if (_level == 4) then {if ((_humanity >= 7500) || (_humanity <= -2500)) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class for noobs only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};


    private ["_classHover","_vipUID","_go","_hlevel","_humanity","_itemText","_level","_selectedItem"];
    _go = true;
    _selectedItem = lbCurSel 8888;
    _itemText = lbText [8888,_selectedItem];
    {if (_itemText == (_x select 0)) then {_classHover = _x;};} forEach presetClasses;
    {if (_itemText == (_x select 0)) then {_classHover = _x;};} forEach vipListClasses;
    if (isNil "_classHover") exitWith {titleText ["\n\nSelect a class!","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    _level = _classHover select 7;
    if (_level != 0) then {
    	if (_level == 1) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl1) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 1 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 2) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl2) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 2 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 3) then {if !(_vipUID in vipClassLvl3) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class is level 3 VIP only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    	if (_level == 4) then {if ((_humanity >= 7500) || (_humanity <= -2500)) exitWith {titleText ["\n\nThis class for noobs only.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};};
    _hlevel = _classHover select 8;
    if (_hlevel != 0) then {
    	_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
    	if ((_hlevel < 0) && (_humanity >= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be less than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    	if ((_hlevel > 0) && (_humanity <= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be greater than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    	if ((_hlevel == 0) && {(_humanity >= 7499) or (_humanity <= -2499)}) exitWith {systemChat "Heroes and bandits cannot select this class.";_go=0;};
    if (_go) then {classSelect = _classHover;};


  10. Ess spawn



    presetClasses = [
    [    "Bandit",	    "Bandit2_DZ",			 ["ItemBandage"], ["ItemRadio"], "CZ_VestPouch_EP1", [], [], 0, -5000   ],
    [    "Survivor",    "GUE_Soldier_Pilot",	 ["ItemBandage"], ["ItemRadio"], "CZ_VestPouch_EP1", [], [], 0, 0 		],
    [    "Hero",	    "Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ", ["ItemBandage"], ["ItemRadio"], "CZ_VestPouch_EP1", [], [], 0, 5000    ]
    publicVariable "presetClasses";



    private ["_classHover","_go","_hlevel","_humanity","_itemText","_level","_selectedItem"];
    _go = true;
    _selectedItem = lbCurSel 8888;
    _itemText = lbText [8888,_selectedItem];
    {if (_itemText == (_x select 0)) then {_classHover = _x;};} forEach presetClasses;
    if (isNil "_classHover") exitWith {titleText ["\n\nSelect a class!","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    _hlevel = _classHover select 8;
    if (_hlevel != 0) then {
    	_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
    	if ((_hlevel < 0) && (_humanity >= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be less than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    	if ((_hlevel > 0) && (_humanity <= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be greater than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
    if (_go) then {classSelect = _classHover;};





    How i can do that only people can pick Survior class with humanity from -4999 to 4999 so hero and bandit cant pick that skin Survivor

    I see there is 2 lines


        if ((_hlevel < 0) && (_humanity >= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be less than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};
        if ((_hlevel > 0) && (_humanity <= _hlevel)) exitWith {titleText [format["\n\nYour humanity must be greater than %1 for this class.",_hlevel], "PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;_go = false;};


    but here is only two options > // < anybody can help?

    I only want that hero or bandit can not pick Survivor Class.

    Loadouts are in the following format:
    [Name, Skin, Magazines, Weapons, Backpack, Backpack Magazines, Backpack Weapons, VIPLvl, HLvl]


    • Humanity Level -
    0 - Anyone can pick this class
    Negative # - Only players with humanity less than this number can pick this class
    Positive # - Only players with humanity greater than this number can pick this class
  11. How i can add blood sucker in mission.sqm

    i try but he dont attack and do anything


    				class Item100
    					player="PLAY CDG";
    					init="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';";


  12. 				class Item1
    					player="PLAYER COMMANDER";
    					init="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';";

    Я хочю добавить таким образом ботов, мне нужна помошь как сделать респавн и агрессию видимость, где ето можно настроить?


    Ich mochte mit dieser Methode ein paar bots adden, hab eine Frage wie ich die Sichtweite von bots respawn agrresion einstellen kann?

    like this

    init="this setVariable [""DAP_BS_AREA"",100]; this setVariable [""DAP_BS_VIEWRANGE"",100]; this setVariable [""DAP_BS_RESPAWN"",[1800,500],true]";


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