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Posts posted by devil1975

  1. I don't understand how people keep finding cars even when they are in bamboo, we have tried putting them in bamboos near the coast far away from any traders/spawns and they still get stolen. Radar doesn't work on cars that are turned off but somehow they get stolen 70% of the time even when we were away for 1 day only.


    i know this. Since a couple Days new TRaders are at near of the end of the map and our cars get stolen since that. Boring.

  2. Even if everyone can move the object you already built, They cannot steal/Store the object. the worst thing they do is to disassemble your construction, but you lose nothing.


    i m losing the time that i invest to build it. in this time i can search for salvage metal ;-)


    This would the same like: first i make a fire lightning, then i go hunting for meat. :-)

  3. You don't need a jammer to start a base you need one to secure a base which is an achievement something you earn. Costing 9 metal is beyond reasonable to me because you can hide loot in other places while you earn your jammer

    I know that we can build without a jammer. But why should we do this if every can move the objects? ;) in my opinion: first need a jammer to build something. And 9 metal for a jammer is too much i think.

    But its an alpha and everything can changed and thats my hope for the future. :) and for the devs i think its important to know what the players are thinking.

    btw: i like epoch. Thx to all who are involved in the development.

  4. I think the frequency jammer should be easier to build. 9 salvage metal are too much in my eyes. Our group of 3-4 members now searching 5 days and found maybe 9 metals. We lost also also several when some of was killed or some one stolen our inventory of tipi.

    I think its ok that metal is hard to find, because you can not make a big base so fast. But you need a fj to start.

    maybe the fj can be normal loot like lockboxes or so, that you can find it at normal trashpiles.

    at the moment is it boring to search every day salvage metal.

  5. I think its to heavy for small groups to build a frequency jammer for building a base.it Should be easier to craft one.

    but i think they change this in next updates or if the serverfiles are available for everybody the admins of the server can change it.

  6. Today we have heavy delay on NRDE01. 


    I play with my mate on NRDE01 and we have heavy delays. He walks on the same position for minutes and then he "jump" on the right position. This happened to me too. in this time we cannot do anything for example  get in car and so on.

    And very often we have the broken red chain.


    Sorry for my english i hope you understand what i mean. :-)

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