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Posts posted by fouc

  1. I've changed the pass to fit with the rcon one.


    But redis stay at :

    [4116] 06 Dec 14:09:28.398 # Server started, Redis version 2.8.12
    [4116] 06 Dec 14:09:28.398 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379

    Do I need to open 6379 port ? Many thanks for your help.

  2. Hi all !


    I've been looking this forum section since a few weeks but never seen any Sauerland mapping.

    Does anyone have some to share ?


    I can adapt some mapping from other maps but it could lead to some issues... So I would really appreciate some share from anyone : like bases, PNJ cities, ...


    Many thanks.


  3. Hi all !


    I have a quick question and didn't found the answer here yet... I remembered that in Overwatch and now recently in Dayz Vanilla players were able to make stashes to hide stuff. They were able to make two different with different size.


    Do someone have the source files ?

    Do someone know how to add it without adding a new basebuilding system (like an addon) ? 

    Do someone already used it ?


    Many thanks in advance.


  4. Why not answering completely, if you want to tease, just go away and let other people talking...


    I'm asking that because I searched and didn't found anything... and I would like to know if I can use one of these "potential" secrets for one of my events (i'm a server admin). Just it. So don't flame and answer or pass your way ;)

  5. But there is no item to use in crates or traders... That's my issue, and the issue of many server admins !

    There is a solution, most of us we know the classic process but not in detail and that's I want to have ;)

  6. Hi !
    I may not have my brain on but I have trouble trying to add the tasers to my server... (like overwatch for example)
    I can launch it, use it but I don't understand how to make damage like in Overwatch or BP. I may miss one point !
    Could someone explain me how to make it the good way ?
    Many thanks in advance !
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