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Posts posted by deicide

  1. Test done with 3 identical set ups. 

    Vanilla servers with only epoch mod. 

  - No issue

    1.0.5 - Issue Present - Issue Present



    Description of issue:


    Players can join the server just fine initially with no issues. 

    Issue happens after player disconnects from server. 

    Unable to join the server and gets stuck after the server does database checks. 

    You can hear player sounds but have no visual. 

    Typically the DayZ epoch loading screen with empty status bar and number can get stuck at 2, sometimes 3. 


    Current Solution:


    For anyone experiencing this issue the only recommendation I can make is to keep your server's community on until the dev's locate and resolve this issue. 


    Its a bug with the database save, current state. I had originally set up a sql event to find and clear out bugged current state entries. I have added a custom force save script on exit. to help prevent the issue also. some admins are adding a second force save command in the playersync file also. 

  2.  you would want to add it were other variables are being set.

    if (!isNil "_mission") then {
     wai_mission_data select _mission set [0, (((wai_mission_data select _mission) select 0) + 1)];
    _unit setVariable ["missionclean", "ground"];
    _unit setVariable ["mission", _mission, true];
    _cash = round(random 20) * 100; // number between 0 and 2000
    _unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true];

    no you would use something like this. you need to get the value of what they have, and use that to subtract it. setvariable just sets the cashmoney variable all players already have.


    _playerObj setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true, true];
    _playerObj setVariable["unconsciousTime",300,true];
    _penalty = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    [player,_penalty] call SC_fnc_removeCoins;



    Working on combatlog punishment. Among other things, I'd like to wipe money on players who combatlog as its a bit of a tiny reproductive organ move. Would piece of code below work? Its a snippet from existing script that slaps players who CL and I added that cashMoney bit.



    _playerObj setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true, true];
    _playerObj setVariable["unconsciousTime",1800,true];
    //Customized Part - If someone disconnect while combat, he/she will get injured with low blood, and bleeding
    _object setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",120];
    _object setVariable["USEC_injured", false]; // To injure them
    _object setVariable["cashMoney",0];
  4. If this is the same as the load screen issue and players getting stuck with a load screen not opening, but can hear the game. 


    I've noticed that when a player logs out with a 0 for char id in player_login. they also get the currentstate not saving bug in char_data. i resolved this problem by running a query that resets the currentstate if it sees the bug.

    when i see this bug in player login, i also notice they do not record a login when at said lockedup load screed. 


    Its not just currentstate, or charid. it something deeper that is not saving.

  5. I got the bank stuff working great. took the bank code out of the mission and put it into mine. The only problem I'm having is converting the gold in the DB. since i had zsc3 installed with this bank system. I only removed the lines from zsc that save to the inventory slot. So when a user logs in it resets the inventory slot back to normal. but leaves them with 0 gold lol. I am about to just transfer it manually after delaying uploading my mission to get a conversion sql query to work. 

    UPDATE character_data SET CashMoney = SUBSTRING(Inventory , 1, CHAR_LENGTH(Inventory ) - 1) where CashMoney = 0

    Is the closest i got so far. I am not good with sql. I get no errors, but the substring i think is returning blank.


    Any problems you guys are having, make sure you have everything installed right. I did test this mission as vanilla to make sure it worked before using code from it. and it worked fine.

  6. ok thanks, so a new one is comming up now:


    Error in expression <earObjects [ELE_StopClass, _maxRange]);
    ELE_fnc_hasNextStop = {
      Error position: <_stop
    ELE_fnc_hasNextStop = {
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _stop
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\Addons\Elevator\elevator_functions.sqf, line 101

    So I should just add 

    _stop = -1; 

    to that same array?


    No this is not an add action variable. I have one like this i have to debug in a bit. I'll post how i fix.

  7. How did you fix it? Have this problem on my server and I am pulling my hair out. -_-


    same here, got everything running smooth but cannot get rid of the error messages. Vilayer says it not on there end, but I'm out of stuff to try. I've seen it on other servers, but i have seen plenty without them. And i have compared loot tables and traders. we are all using the exact same items.


    Hey everyone,
    I recently installed a single coin system, once installed everything appeared to be working fine, the only exception was that once i accessed one of the traders ( using the scroll menu to trade ) All of the trader options disappeared from my scroll menu so there was no more trading. Any assistance would be good.


    I am having the same issue, I've been trouble shooting for a few hours now. anyone else getting this?

  9. This is the way you want to add the items to the database. it will allow for an auto id. If you have any custom items already. The previously posted ways will not work.


    Make sure to change the tid number to match yours. 695 is mine.

    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemAmethyst",1]',10,'[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemCitrine",1]',10,'[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemEmerald",1]',10,'[12,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]','[6,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemObsidian",1]',10,'[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemRuby",1]',10,'[4,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]','[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemSapphire",1]',10,'[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["ItemTopaz",1]',10,'[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]',0,695,'trade_items');
  10. Please Help Me For The Instructions. Step by step to setup P4L


    I Already have a custom file if i use your file copy & Replace it's mean i have to install everything again!

    That's to hard for me it's took me a day to install single curreny from zupa i don't want to do that again!!!!

    PLEASE !!!!


    download winmerge. Cuts most jobs down to a few seconds of work.

  11. Another followup for me. Completely reverted to my server and mission pbo to before installing P4L and I do not have the issue of icons locking up when I fire my gun. I'm seriously at a loss. My players want P4L but I'm gonna have to go without it for now until this issue is resolved. There must be something in the changes when I merge my existing files with the P4L files that bugs out the 'player_updateGui'. I've gone over the files with beyondcompare about 20 times now. I just cannot find what could be causing this. 


    I was able to fix the ui bug by adding Dayz_Dark_UI = false; to my init.sqf. Not sure why it fixed it. the author put code in place to set it to false if not in the init but it worked for me.


    I am also having a problem with the game not connecting players to objects. After installing the addon, anything I had built no longer had a remove option and my plot pole no longer knew me. I can replace a pole, and any new objects also knows who i am. but once the server is restarted the association is lost.


    Also safes do not get a scroll option to unlock, unless placed before a restart. epoch lockable objects open fine.  any fixes for this? I know its got to be something small. seems like something to do with the function to get the puid.

  12. Is it possible to use this with DZAI instead of WAI? If so, what must a person do to get it to work? (new to scripting/running a server) Sorry for the newb question.



    I use this with dzai. with wai the units stay spawned and lag the server. dzai has been working really well. units only spawn when players are in range.


    look up how to do custom dynamic spawns, and use the world spaces from the wai script.

  13. Alright I can't tell if this works as people lock there safes and get kicked for "pubic variable restriction #3" ever after i put the PVDZE_lockVault inside my filter could someone tell me where in the filter it should go? or maybe show me yours  ;)


    You needed to add that as an exception in the first filter. I think you added a new filter making BE kick for its use. since that file should not have a 3rd line to get kicked for a #3 error.

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