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Posts posted by AcidFast

  1. Axle, could you or anyone else tell me what happens to bodies in water?


    Today a friend and I got a motorboat and went from the trader to the opposite shoreline about even with the portal choosing island. We idled up to shore to check a boat we saw but it was wrecked. When we tried to leave we sorted floated up the shore a couple feet to  turn out into open water and there was a rock there so naturally instead of bumping it we exploded.


    We were amused not angry so we made the 3km swim from the island back to the shore to try and grab our gear from the vicinity of the wrecked boat only to find that our bodies had disappeared. Do you know where they could have went? I just want to know before I blow up someones boat and swim over to the wreck to loot bodies that aren't there anymore. 





  2. To find those files you extract them from the dayz_code pbo. Then you make a new folder in your mission file called "custom." You edit the previously mentioned files and then save them in the custom folder which you just made. After that, you just edit your custom compiles.sqf to point to your new files instead of your old files and you're done.

  3. Hey f3cuk I'm trying to adjust the amount of mags the AI spawn with because I have added the possibility to AI spawning with launchers like this:

    		ai_wep_launcher				= [

    and set the ai loadout to this:

    ai_wep_random				= [ai_wep_assault,ai_wep_assault,ai_wep_assault,ai_wep_assault,ai_wep_assault,ai_wep_launcher,ai_wep_sniper,ai_wep_sniper,ai_wep_sniper,ai_wep_machine,ai_wep_machine,ai_wep_machine,ai_wep_machine];

    so that there are fewer of these in each group. 


    However, the AI that have a launcher spawn with 4 rockets each and this is messing up the economy on the server since launchers and ammo are added into traders. The server is fully militarized so I don't want them to be taken out I would just like to change the ammo to like 2 or so. I couldnt get the default launcher system to work so that's why I've added them this way.

  4. So I can just remove that line and it won't check for backpack anymore?

    if (str _unittype == str _unittype)then{
    		if (Global_Price call player_checkItems) then {
    			_removed = Global_Price call player_removeItems;
    					if (player hasWeapon "ItemCompass") then {
    						_hasCompass = true;
    					if (player hasWeapon "ItemRadio") then {
    						_hasRadio = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemGPS") then {
    							_hasGPS = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemWatch") then {
    							_hasWatch = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemMap") then {
    							_hasMap = true;

    It would look like this?

  5. Nevermind Zupa you were right about the variables from the above post by Starvin. We got it working soon after I fixed a mistake in the init. I was wondering if you could show me how to remove the backpack check from the script? 

    if (str _unittype == str _unittype)then{
    		if (Global_Price call player_checkItems) then {
    			_removed = Global_Price call player_removeItems;
    			if (!isNull (unitBackpack player)) then {
    			cutText ["You cannot change your Skin while wearing a backpack", "PLAIN"];
    					if (player hasWeapon "ItemCompass") then {
    						_hasCompass = true;
    					if (player hasWeapon "ItemRadio") then {
    						_hasRadio = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemGPS") then {
    							_hasGPS = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemWatch") then {
    							_hasWatch = true;
    						if (player hasWeapon "ItemMap") then {
    							_hasMap = true;

    I believe that is the backpack check right? I tried to figure it out using the chameleon skins file to go by since it doesn't have the check but i got lost. Any help would be appreciated!

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