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Posts posted by Gorgy

  1. i'm sure this can be done much better but it works perfect for me


     * Developers VJ - Developer - http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/17218-vj/
     * Edited by Gorgy WWW.Highlife.Gaming.com
     * VJsPlayerStats.sqf Ver: 0.391.b
     * License:
     * All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
     * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
    serverTitle="---Your Server Name";
    //No need to modify
    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
    _PS = "VJs_PS" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    _PS cutRsc["VJs_PS","PLAIN"];
    sleep delay;
    [] spawn {
    	while {true} do	{
    		if(EPOCH_playerThirst > 1875) then {Thirst_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Drink_1.paa' };
    		if(EPOCH_playerThirst < 1875) then {Thirst_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Drink_0.75.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerThirst < 1250) then {Thirst_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Drink_0.5.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerThirst < 625) then {Thirst_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Drink_0.25.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerThirst < 250) then {Thirst_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Drink_0.1.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerHunger > 3750) then {Hunger_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Food_1.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 3750) then {Hunger_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Food_0.75.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 2500) then {Hunger_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Food_0.5.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 1250) then {Hunger_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Food_0.25.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 500) then {Hunger_Icon_Path =  'Custom\img\Food_0.1.paa'};
    		if(damage player < 0.75) then {Health_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Health_1.paa'};
    		if(damage player > 0.75) then {Health_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Health_0.75.paa'};
    		if(damage player > 0.5) then {Health_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Health_0.5.paa'};
    		if(damage player > 0.25) then {Health_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Health_0.25.paa'};
    		if(damage player > 0.1) then {Health_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Health_0.1.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerEnergy > 1875) then {Energy_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Energy_1.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerEnergy < 1875) then {Energy_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Energy_0.75.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerEnergy < 1250) then {Energy_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Energy_0.5.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerEnergy < 625) then {Energy_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Energy_0.25.paa'};
    		if(EPOCH_playerEnergy < 250) then {Energy_Icon_Path = 'Custom\img\Energy_0.1.paa'};
    			if(!(isAbleToBreathe player)) then{
    				oText = "Oxygen: ";
    				oxygen = getOxygenRemaining player;
    				oText="Oxygen: ";
    			if(isBurning player) then {
    				bText = "You a Burning!";
    			if(isBleeding player) then {
    				bText = "You a Bleeding!";
    			if((isBurning player) && (isBleeding player)) then{			
    				bText = "You're burning & bleeding. Its just not your day is it!";
    			bText="Health: OK";
    			((uiNamespace getVariable "VJs_PS")
    			displayCtrl 200289)
    			ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format
    <t size='2.00' align='center' color='#E5E4E2'> %1 </t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.40' align='left'   color='#008C8C'>FPS: %2</t>
    <t size='1.40' align='right'  color='#CC6900'>PLAYERS: %3</t><br/><br/>
    <img size='3.4' align='center' image= '%16'/><br/><br/>
    <img size='3.4' align='center' image= '%17'/><br/><br/>
    <img size='3.4' align='center' image= '%18'/><br/><br/>
    <img size='3.4' align='center' image= '%19'/><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.60' align='center'   color='#E5E4E2'>[Server]</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.40' align='center'   color='#FF00FF'>Server UpTime: %15</t><br/>
    <t size='1.40' align='center'   color='#FF00FF'>TS: ---Your TS IP---  </t><br/><br/><br/><br/>
    ,serverTitle,round diag_fps,count playableUnits,damage player,EPOCH_playerHunger,EPOCH_playerThirst,EPOCH_playerEnergy,EPOCH_playerStamina,(getFatigue player),EPOCH_playerCrypto,mapGridPosition player,(text (oText)),oxygen,(text (bText)),serverTime, Thirst_Icon_Path, Hunger_Icon_Path, Health_Icon_Path, Energy_Icon_Path
    			sleep 1;


    Icons (these still need some work):



  2. I wanna attempt fixing all issues, I have identified two map glitches so far, I have just added 4 atms, and will have three more in trader cities.


    I need to work out how to reduce all the .rpt warrnings about missing addons etc....


    Do you know of any cool scripts/addons such as extreme weather, blood suckers, that are for namalsk and work on a3.

    for scripts i only had the blowout and snow script form namalsk and also edited the lootspawner script to get some loot in the Namalsk buildings

    i tried some scripts for some extreme weather but i couldn't get them to work

  3. hows your server going? u find lots of map glitches?

    Our server switched to bornholm because most of our team-members dont like the big AiA download but on namalsk we did not find so many glitches

    some players reported glitches in AII (falling trough the floor and other stuff) but this should be fixable by placing something in the editor to you won't fall through anymore

  4. if someone needs Trader city for their server you can use mine

    class Namalsk : Default
    worldSize = 6000;
    traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
    telePos[] = {
    { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 4988.8413,6597.98,0.3 }, "", {3582.93, 7180.32, 0} }, // South West
    { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 4983.7344,6602.9922,0.3 }, "", {7600.85, 11188.8, 0} }, // South East
    { "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 4986.4043,6600.4009,0.3 }, "", {7218.22, 7072.35, 0} } // North East
    propsPos[] = {
    {"Land_Misc_deerstand", {3582.32, 7193.31, 0}, 186.206},
    {"Land_Misc_deerstand", {3591.84, 7191.93, 0}, 186.206},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3583.11, 7195.88, 0}, 6.10632},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3579.68, 7193.25, -0.162495}, 282.497},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3592.91, 7194.36, 0}, 7.9852},
    {"Hedgehog_EP1", {3590.23, 7196.45, 0.207413}, 0},
    {"Hedgehog_EP1", {3589.79, 7199.37, 0.483303}, 0},
    {"Hedgehog_EP1", {3587.24, 7197.17, 0.483303}, 278.27},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3578.5, 7188.23, -0.0587845}, 282.497},
    {"Land_BarGate_F", {3588.56, 7197.88, 0}, 16.44},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3577.34, 7183, -0.0587845}, 282.497},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3576.18, 7177.76, -0.0587845}, 282.497},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3575.29, 7172.45, -0.0587845}, 282.497},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3574.13, 7167.21, -0.344486}, 282.497},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3598.02, 7193.63, -0.289158}, 7.9852},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3600.78, 7190.33, -0.3032}, 87.8364},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3600.41, 7185.09, -0.360298}, 99.5793},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3599.49, 7180.02, 0.0603676}, 99.5793},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3598.54, 7174.98, -0.0541611}, 99.5793},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3597.58, 7169.89, 0.161388}, 99.5793},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {3596.89, 7164.68, 0.0879211}, 99.5793},
    {"Land_Cargo_House_V2_F", {3583.62, 7186.56, 0}, 276.391},
    {"Land_CinderBlocks_F", {3581.13, 7190.91, 0}, 7.51544},
    {"Land_CinderBlocks_F", {3582.59, 7190.36, 0}, 7.51544},
    {"CargoNet_01_barrels_F", {3589.16, 7166.41, 0.0233421}, 0},
    {"CargoNet_01_barrels_F", {3589.37, 7167.97, 0.0233421}, 337.454},
    {"CargoNet_01_barrels_F", {3590.79, 7169.43, 0.0233421}, 38.5165},
    {"Land_WaterTank_F", {3597.24, 7181.64, 0}, 6.10625},
    {"Land_WaterTank_F", {3597.2, 7180, 0}, 6.10625},
    {"Land_CrabCages_F", {3595.51, 7170.28, 0.0805779}, 0},
    {"Misc_cargo_cont_net2", {3592.06, 7175.21, -0.331703}, 0},
    {"Land_BarGate_F", {7599.81, 11169.5, 0}, 347.318},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7594.6, 11170.7, 0}, 58.2444},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7593.11, 11174.2, 0.356754}, 72.3359},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7591.88, 11178.1, 0.356754}, 72.3359},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7590.65, 11181.9, 0.356754}, 72.3359},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7588.16, 11193.6, 0.318054}, 121.656},
    {"Hhedgehog_concreteBig", {7589.16, 11187.9, -0.087719}, 76.0936},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7590.77, 11196.2, -0.548977}, 150.778},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7594.31, 11197.2, -0.238052}, 178.491},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7598.36, 11197.3, -0.238052}, 178.491},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7602.42, 11197.4, -0.238052}, 178.491},
    {"Land_Misc_deerstand", {7605.41, 11174.7, 0.162868}, 343.29},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7605.93, 11171.8, 0.358067}, 343.56},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7609.82, 11173, 0.358067}, 343.56},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7612.25, 11177, 0.172817}, 85.4878},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_Corner_F", {7612.28, 11174.1, 0}, 243.781},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7611.92, 11181, 0.172817}, 85.4878},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7611.6, 11185.1, 0.172817}, 85.4878},
    {"Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", {7611.28, 11189.1, 0.172817}, 85.4878},
    {"Hhedgehog_concreteBig", {7608.09, 11195, -0.264889}, 33.3497},
    {"Land_Cargo_House_V2_F", {7606.31, 11181.4, -0.360966}, 76.5632},
    {"Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F", {7594.31, 11181.2, 0}, 75.1541},
    {"Land_Coil_F", {7608, 11187, 0.379944}, 0},
    {"Land_Ind_TankSmall", {7249.55, 7063.98, 0}, 333.696},
    {"land_seb_bouda3", {7209.82, 7074.78, 0.679291}, 103.807},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7217.14, 7068.03, 0}, 38.5165},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7221.63, 7066.12, 0}, 5.16686},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7218, 7079.28, -0.467361}, 121.186},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7221.57, 7081.35, -0.467361}, 183.658},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7228.5, 7072.12, -0.467361}, 103.807},
    {"Land_BarGate_F", {7226.66, 7078.63, 0.154953}, 233.448},
    {"Land_CncWall4_F", {7226.33, 7067.42, -0.451187}, 126.353},
    {"Land_bags_EP1", {7218.65, 7077.89, 0}, 0},
    {"Land_bags_EP1", {7219.73, 7079.48, 0}, 62.0022},
    {"Land_bags_EP1", {7220.58, 7077.89, 0}, 84.0787},
    {"Land_Ind_BoardsPack1", {7216.83, 7070.16, 0}, 305.513}
    staticNpcPos[] = {
    // Trader1
    { "C_man_hunter_1_F", {3582.93, 7180.32, 0}, 0},
    // Trader2
    { "C_man_hunter_1_F", {7600.85, 11188.8, 0}, 0},
    // Trader3
    { "C_man_hunter_1_F", {7218.22, 7072.35, 0}, 0}

  5. I edited my mission file, does anyone know what the map size is, and how to change the default spawn from being underwater?

     For the Spawnbox you need to change your respawn_east and respawn_west positions in your mission.sqm


    i dont really know the mapsize

  6. Was Playing on my server ( and discoverd this while building


    You can Surf/Fly on Woodfloors when you get them close enough to your Player




    don't know if this has already been reported because i was not able to find it


    Latest in the log says:


    02:51:08 : Player #1 Capt Shields (*I EDITED THIS*) connected
    02:51:09 : Player #1 Capt Shields - GUID: *I EDITED THIS* (unverified)
    02:51:10 : Verified GUID (*I EDITED THIS*) of player #1 Capt Shields
    02:52:40 : Player #1 Capt Shields (*I EDITED THIS*) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #0
    02:54:12 : Starting plugin : WatchDog V.0.16
    02:54:12 : Creating watchdog for admin file...
    02:54:12 : Creating watchdog for command file...
    02:54:12 : Creating watchdog for badwords file...
    02:54:12 : Creating watchdog for badnames file...
    02:54:12 : Creating watchdog for BE filter files...
    02:54:16 : Rcon client logging in
    02:54:16 : RCon admin #0 (*I EDITED THIS*) logged in
    02:54:17 : Verified GUID (*I EDITED THIS*) of player #0 Ritter
    02:55:02 : BE Filter file:publicvariable.txt was changed. reloading data...
    I took out the information where it states, "*I EDITED THIS*". But otherwise, it shows the plugin starting and doing some nonsense... before and after I've been kicked (I am Shields). Other players can connect just fine. Another member or two of my group also get this same problem.




    so your publicvariable.txt gets updated

    02:55:02 : BE Filter file:publicvariable.txt was changed. reloading data...

    after this you should be able to use your admin menu without problems


    at this point i have no ideas how to help you. sorry :/

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