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Posts posted by jon5353

  1. WickedAI works with Overpoch. You just have to put in the weapons added by Overwatch into the config files. 

    And instead of DZMS, use EMS. I personally use Defent's edit and I like it a lot. Same thing though, you need to add the weapons to the crates in the config files. You can find a pre-typed list somewhere.



    The difference between WAI and EMS is the fact that WAI is more difficult (without changing any values that is) One of the primary reasons that is is because when an AI sees you, it reports your position to the other AI so they know where to shoot. On top of that, WAI missions spawn anywhere from like 8-20 AI.

  2. How do I host my server via steam?  One of my friends couldn't connect, kept getting "wrong password" so I removed the password and he still can't. Turns out this started happening after he updated DayZ Commander to the update today. I think thats why but I'm not sure. When I see my server in DayZ Commander it does say its still on 112555 so I'm not sure if my server is really on that version or not. 


    How to update?

  3. Is it possible to modify a unit's cargo space? ie editing a coyote backpack to hold 30 instead of 50, or an armored SUV to hold 10/200/5? 


    Would this be possible to do without players having to download files or no?

  4. Epoch Admin Tools by NoxSicarious has an option to unlock things and view their codes in a scrollmenu. Its not a button but it might be something you want to checkout.

  5. Hi guys. Playing around with my test server and for some reason it keeps spitting this error out (repetitively, literally 35K lines in 30 seconds) in my .rpt

     2:27:59 Error in expression <imit = _random select 1;
    _qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
     2:27:59   Error position: <_vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
     2:27:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
     2:27:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 248
     2:27:59 Error in expression <imit = _random select 1;
    _qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;

    I don't know whats going on. Here is my init.sqf

    	For DayZ Epoch
    	Addons Credits: Jetski Yanahui by Kol9yN, Zakat, Gerasimow9, YuraPetrov, zGuba, A.Karagod, IceBreakr, Sahbazz
    startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
    cutText ["","BLACK OUT"];
    enableSaving [false, false];
    dayZ_instance =	11;					//The instance
    dayzHiveRequest = [];
    initialized = false;
    dayz_previousID = 0;
    //disable greeting menu 
    player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
    //disable radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen
    enableRadio false;
    // May prevent "how are you civillian?" messages from NPC
    enableSentences false;
    // DayZ Epoch config
    spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
    spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500
    MaxVehicleLimit = 1000; // Default = 50
    MaxDynamicDebris = 500; // Default = 100
    dayz_MapArea = 14000; // Default = 10000
    dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30 
    dayz_fullMoonNights = true;
    DZE_vehicleAmmo = 1;
    DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false;
    dayz_paraSpawn = false;
    dayz_minpos = -1; 
    dayz_maxpos = 16000;
    dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 50;
    dayz_sellDistance_boat = 50;
    dayz_sellDistance_air = 50;
    dayz_maxAnimals = 5; // Default: 8
    dayz_tameDogs = true;
    DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 50; // Default: 0
    DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100; // Default: 100
    DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 25;
    DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 100;
    DZE_requireplot = 0;
    dayz_fullMoonNights = true;
    DZE_GodModeBase = true;
    DZE_BuildingLimit = 1000; 
    DZE_MissionLootTable = true;
    DZE_BuildOnRoads = false; // Default: False
    DefaultMagazines = [
    DefaultWeapons = [
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1"; 
    DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
    EpochEvents = [
    //Load in compiled functions
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
    progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";				//Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
    progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";	//Functions used by CLIENT for medical
    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf";
    progressLoadingScreen 0.5;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";				//Compile trader configs
    progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
    "filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.153, 0.357, 0.231, 0.1573, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic";
    if (isServer) then {
    	call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";
    	//Compile vehicle configs
    	// Add trader citys
    	_nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf";
    	_serverMonitor = 	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";
    endLoadingScreen; // Work around for 2nd Log in hang
    if (!isDedicated) then {
        [] execVM "TradeFromVehicle\init.sqf";
        [] execVM "hotkeys.sqf";
    	//Conduct map operations
    	0 fadeSound 0;
    	waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
    	dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
    	execVM "service_point\service_point.sqf";
    	//Run the player monitor
    	_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
    	_playerMonitor = 	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";	
    // Epoch Admin Tools
    [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then 
      [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
    // Epoch Admin Tools
    [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    	//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
    //Start Dynamic Weather
    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf";
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf"
    endLoadingScreen; // Work around for 2nd Log in hang
    [] execVM "buildings\balotar1.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\basebor.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\basedichina.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\basenovy.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\camp_rocket.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\cqz.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\fortstary.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\neaf.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\nwafbase.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\nwaffull.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\tikhaya.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\zeleno.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\excelsior.sqf";
    [] execVM "buildings\skalistybase.sqf";
    [] execVM "ActionMenu\actionmenu_activate.sqf";
    [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";
    //debug stuff
    waituntil {!IsNull (findDisplay 46)};
    _SpecKeyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", loadFile "hotkeys.sqf"];
    //Debug Monitor	
    [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf";


    And here is my server_functions.sqf (the chunk it is talking about)

    spawn_vehicles = {
    	private ["_random","_lastIndex","_weights","_index","_vehicle","_velimit","_qty","_isAir","_isShip","_position","_dir","_istoomany","_veh","_objPosition","_marker","_iClass","_itemTypes","_cntWeights","_itemType","_num","_allCfgLoots"];
    	if (!isDedicated) exitWith { }; //Be sure the run this
    	while {count AllowedVehiclesList > 0} do {
    		// BIS_fnc_selectRandom replaced because the index may be needed to remove the element
    		_index = floor random count AllowedVehiclesList;
    		_random = AllowedVehiclesList select _index;
    		_vehicle = _random select 0;
    		_velimit = _random select 1;         //this is line 248
    		_qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
    		// If under limit allow to proceed
    		if (_qty <= _velimit) exitWith {};
    		// vehicle limit reached, remove vehicle from list
    		// since elements cannot be removed from an array, overwrite it with the last element && cut the last element of (as long as order is not important)
    		_lastIndex = (count AllowedVehiclesList) - 1;
    		if (_lastIndex != _index) then {
    			AllowedVehiclesList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
    		AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;
    	if (count AllowedVehiclesList == 0) then {
    		diag_log("DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn");
    	} else {
    		// add vehicle to counter for next pass
    		serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_vehicle];
    		// Find Vehicle Type to better control spawns
    		_isAir = _vehicle isKindOf "Air";
    		_isShip = _vehicle isKindOf "Ship";
    		if(_isShip || _isAir) then {
    			if(_isShip) then {
    				// Spawn anywhere on coast on water
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
    				_position = [MarkerPosition,0,DynamicVehicleArea,10,1,2000,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning boat near coast " + str(_position));
    			} else {
    				// Spawn air anywhere that is flat
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
    				_position = [MarkerPosition,0,DynamicVehicleArea,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning air anywhere flat " + str(_position));
    		} else {
    			// Spawn around buildings && 50% near roads
    			if((random 1) > 0.5) then {
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
    				_position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
    				_position = [_position,0,10,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning near road " + str(_position));
    			} else {
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
    				_position = BuildingList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
    				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
    				_position = [_position,0,40,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning around buildings " + str(_position));
    		// only proceed if two params otherwise BIS_fnc_findSafePos failed && may spawn in air
    		if ((count _position) == 2) then { 
    			_dir = round(random 180);
    			_istoomany = _position nearObjects ["AllVehicles",50];
    			if((count _istoomany) > 0) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG: Too many vehicles at " + str(_position)); };
    			//place vehicle 
    			_veh = createVehicle [_vehicle, _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    			_veh setdir _dir;
    			_veh setpos _position;		
    			if(DZEdebug) then {
    				_marker = createMarker [str(_position) , _position];
    				_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
    				_marker setMarkerType "DOT";
    				_marker setMarkerText _vehicle;
    			// Get position with ground
    			_objPosition = getPosATL _veh;
    			clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _veh;
    			clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _veh;
    			// _veh setVehicleAmmo DZE_vehicleAmmo;
    			// Add 0-3 loots to vehicle using random cfgloots 
    			_num = floor(random 4);
    			_allCfgLoots = ["trash","civilian","food","generic","medical","military","policeman","hunter","worker","clothes","militaryclothes","specialclothes","trash"];
    			for "_x" from 1 to _num do {
    				_iClass = _allCfgLoots call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				_itemTypes = [];
    				if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then{
    						_itemTypes set[count _itemTypes, _x select 0]
    					} count getArray(missionConfigFile >> "cfgLoot" >> _iClass);
    				else {
    						_itemTypes set[count _itemTypes, _x select 0]
    					} count getArray(configFile >> "cfgLoot" >> _iClass);
    				_index = dayz_CLBase find _iClass;
    				_weights = dayz_CLChances select _index;
    				_cntWeights = count _weights;
    				_index = floor(random _cntWeights);
    				_index = _weights select _index;
    				_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
    				_veh addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemType,1];
    				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawed loot inside vehicle " + str(_itemType));
    			[_veh,[_dir,_objPosition],_vehicle,true,"0"] call server_publishVeh;


    I haven't messed with it at all, and I even compared the cunk to the current one on github and there are no differences. I have no idea whats going on.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!




    Oh and here is my dynamic_vehicle.sqf, since its related to vehicle count

    AllowedVehiclesList = [


    It might be one of these causing the error, but I should have all of the correct classnames...


    Here are each of them on pastebin, in case you prefer that:

    server_functions.sqf, dynamic_vehicle.sqf, and my init.sqf

    (also, for future reference, what syntax should I use for pastebin? I normally use sql, but sqfs aren't sql... Would people prefer no highlighting at all?)

  6. Here, use my loot files. You can even try setting it up like I have mine


    mpmissions/mission file/custom/loot


    In your description.ext, put

    #include "custom\loot\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp" 

    (make sure you adjust the file location if you don't put them there)



    which can be found line 9 if you haven't edited the beginning of your description.ext.


    here is the download


    I have loot pretty inflated. Should be close to what you want. 

  7. Also, you may want to make sure you don't have the keys for DayZ Lingor in your keys folder. When I was helping run my friend's Lingor Epoch server, people were able to join with DayZ Lingor, which means the new areas were invisible to them. Obviously this could be problematic.

    I used the keys inside the external keys folder. I'm assuming those are the right keys due to one of them being lingor15.bikey.


    It is a private server, so I only have a few players. I can just have them download @lingor from some place else. I just didn't know what the difference was but after I loaded in @lingor and saw that zombies and loot spawned, cars, etc. I figured there wasn't. Thanks guys!

  8. Show me line 54 of your exact script.txt if your error is "Kicked for Script Restriction #52"

    My line 54 just says "5 Nigger"


    I think I know what I did wrong, let me see. I had another antihack but removed it, and I think I left some filters somewhere.



    Yup, I had two folders with filters in them, and one of them still had the old antihack filters in them. Sorry for the hassle!

  9. Getting script restriction #52 when I use the admin mode. If I'm reading this right, then its line 52 in scripts.txt which points to "5 _salamence" No idea what that is. Anyways, I've copied over all three battleye filters and followed the instructions just fine. I've used this mod before but this is the first time this has happened. Any ideas?

  10. Work Around: 


    If you add the two endLoadingScreen; statements in your init.sqf it seems to work aorund the problem.  In no way is this a fix to the real issue.  So far in development I have not seen any issues.  I be rolling this to my prod servers tonight.



    If we have stuff that goes inside that box (ie epoch admin tools modifies the antihack line) would we repeat that there as well? Or would having a second one be enough?

  11. I am also lost. I'm trying to play around with this script for testing and its not working. And by that i mean there is no scroll menu option. I've followed the directions word for word and its still not working.

    The server runs just fine and I get no error reports. Any help?
    oops, the spoiler tag messed up. too many lines. uploading to pastebin now.
    Thanks for any help!
  12. Hopefully we can get a word from one of the devs soon. I appreciate all your guys' work on this. I run a local server, compared to many others who have actual servers that players legitimately can't play on, and for that I feel sorry for you guys and hope that whoever is experiencing this bug on your server is dedicated and will continue to play on your server after you fix it. 


    For me, I am the only person not able to reconnect. I'll post my character_data strip for myself,


    140445766 11 2014-07-10 00:06:50 2014-07-10 15:47:23 [["ItemToolbox","ItemCompass","ItemMap","ItemMachete","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox_DZE","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemGPS","Binocular","ItemCrowbar","ItemHatchet_DZE","NVGoggles"],["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD"]] ["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller"],[1,3,3]]] [234,[4555.04,8265.68,0.002]] [false,false,false,false,false,false,true,12000,[],[0,0],0,[1033.53,578.022]] 1 1 2014-07-10 00:06:50 2014-07-10 00:06:50 17 16 221411 51 ["","aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady03",100,[]] 1 Camo1_DZ 0 415 0


    Sorry if it looks horrible, but if its just playerstate then all you're looking for is this part



    And here is a strip from a working friend's character 


    143418886 11 2014-07-10 02:15:50 2014-07-10 02:15:50 [["glock17_EP1","ItemToolbox","ItemCompass","ItemMap","ItemMachete","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet","RPK_74","ItemGPS"],["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","FoodrabbitCooked","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","75Rnd_545x39_RPK","FoodCanSardines","ItemBloodbag","ItemBloodbag","ItemBandage","ItemAntibiotic"]] ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["M4A1"],[1]],[["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","FoodrabbitCooked","ItemSodaCoke","ItemAntibiotic"],[2,1,2,1,2,1]]] [321,[4505.77,8268.44,8.624]] [false,true,false,false,false,false,true,11882,[],[0,0],300,[56.659,520.26]] 1 2 2014-07-10 02:15:50 2014-07-10 02:15:50 7 7 29712 44 ["RPK_74","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon",41,[]] 0 Survivor2_DZ 0 2575 0


    What exactly is "playerstate"? I'm assuming its the state at which you logout at, but whats up with the mumbojumbo of letters along with the number at the end? Could I pretty much just put my weapon in the first "" and remove "_player_idlesteady03" for a temporary fix? Thanks.

  13. I'm assuming my problem is a part of this? Let me explain it real quick

    I am also running a local server by the way.


    I get into briefing, press OK. Mission starts to download and all is well, then eventually I appear in debug. After a short time in debug, the loading screen comes back up with the loading bar, but no text near it. I then get stuck on a number (1-4) to load and it wont go away. I can hear myself moving around and even shoot, as if I'm in the game but the loading screen is just covering it.


    It is a little bit different than the issue the OP posted with, so I'm not sure if its an error on my part or what. As far as my log goes, I get no errors. Currently I'm trying to figure out a way around this. Using the both the steam related options in DayZ Commander didn't seem to do anything so I'm not sure.

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