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Posts posted by 0verHeaT

  1. The RPT is logging most kills, Script only shows some of them. All kills show fine on my killboard. Only 50% is shown ingame.


    If you look at these lines

    if ((gettext (configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> (currentWeapon _killer) >> 'displayName')) != "Throw") then {
    	if (!isNil "_pic") then {

    Just the kills where the picture of the gun is assigned and the ones where the weapon is not a 'throw' item (e.g. Grenades) are displayed ingame.

    However, any of such kills are displayed in the .RPT.

  2. If I understood you right you want a variable server side which is either true or false. However, if this variable doesn't exist it should be false.

    if (isNil "Variable") then {Variable = false;};
    if ((typeName Variable) == "BOOL") then { //make sure the variable is a boolean
    	if (Variable) then
    		uisleep 25;
    		_txt = "The variable is true!";
    		titleText [_txt, "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
    		systemChat _txt;
    	} else {
    		_txt = "This variable is false or doesnt exist!";
    		titleText [_txt, "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
    		systemChat _txt;

    In your server_monitor.sqf you can set

    Variable = true;
    publicvariable "Variable";
  3. You could create a public variable in your server_monitor.sqf where you store your PlayerUIDs

    PV_admins =["0123456789","9876543210"];
    publicVariable "PV_admins";

    In your mission file you set all the IDs from you server_monitor.sqf to a new array.



    waitUntil {sleep 1; !isNil "PV_admins"};
    admin_list = [];
    for "_i" from 0 to ((count PV_admins) - 1) do {
    	private ["_plyrid"];
    	_plyrid = (PV_admins select _i);
    	admin_list set [count admin_list,_plyrid];
  4. So is this a fully functional working script? Is the OP updated with all these "fixes" I see?


    I've seen it work fine in Haven't read the entire thread, not sure about the fixes.


    I have tested it with the updated version. None if these errors occures if you use the most recent version.

    Just make sure you follow my steps. 

  5. Sorry I am struggling to get this to properly work. The issue is i can get to the stage where i pick the colour and I press paint and nothing happens no text, no colour change nothing. Any help with this I've now followed the install instructions 3 times and I have everything exactly the same as the instructions. thanks.



    I am using Single currency 1.0 is this the issue? because i notice when i press paint no money is taken from my character nor is the vehicle painted. 


    If you use SC v1.0 use this in your vehicleColourPaint.sqf

    private ["_colour","_colour2","_playerWealth","_PUID"];
    _PUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    _playerWealth = [player,ColourPrice] call SC_fnc_removeCoins;
    if (_playerWealth) then {
    	_colour = ""+str((sliderPosition 5700) / 10)+","+str((sliderPosition 5701) / 10)+","+str((sliderPosition 5702) / 10)+",1";
    	_colour2 = ""+str((sliderPosition 6700) / 10)+","+str((sliderPosition 6701) / 10)+","+str((sliderPosition 6702) / 10)+",1";
    	PVDZE_veh_Colour = [VehicleToPaint,_colour,_colour2,_PUID,dayz_playerName];
    	publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Colour";
    	titleText ["Vehicle has been repainted! Please wait a moment for the texture to update!","PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    	titleText ["You do not have enough money to repaint your vehicle!","PLAIN DOWN"];


    For SC v1.0 you also need the following

  6. I had to remove the script.

    It kept crashing my servers on restart:

    Error in expression <lrinit","_clrinit2"];
    _selection = _x select 0;
    _dam = _x select 1;
    if (_selec>
     5:04:51   Error position: <select 0;
    _dam = _x select 1;
    if (_selec>

    I suppose there is a painted vehicle that was bugged or something.


    Your error refers to this part:

    					_selection = _x select 0;
    					_dam = _x select 1;
    					if (_selection in dayZ_explosiveParts and _dam > 0.8) then {_dam = 0.8};
    					[_object,_selection,_dam] call object_setFixServer;
    				} forEach _hitpoints;

    As you can see here, the server is getting the hitpoints for every vehicle from the database.

    I do not think that your error has something to do with this script.

  7. Help please,


    I have this installed and everything seems to be working great, I can paint and the colours stay after restart but the problem I have is it seems other players get the option but it closes within seconds of opening the option to paint. I am down as admin but I can not see in the script where that may affect others not being able to paint. 


    I know its not just the cars they are choosing as I went and painted one for a player who got the issue of the menu vanishing.


    Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance


    Your infistar is closing the dialog for every non admin. Just add the paint dialog number to the allowed dialog array in your AHConfig.sqf

  8. its supposed to store the color code in the worldspace correct? cause if so then i see the new numbers.. 


    [119,[6652.46,2616.87,2.365e-04],"0.208548,0,0,1","0,0,0,1"] im not sure what the last numbers on the back mean. 



    this is what it looked like after painting.. [119,[6652.49,2616.82,-1.764e-05],"0.165612,0,0,1","0,0,0,1"] 

    Yes, thats the way it has to look like.


    first colour

    second colour


    If the colour is still disapearing after server restart, you have to check your server_monitor.sqf

  9. How would I go about adding this in so you have to use a trader? I got a make shift garage type area and I want people using that rather then being able to do it on the fly


    You can use something like this in your fn_selfActions

    	if (_isMan and !_isPZombie and (_typeOfCursorTarget == "RU_Citizen2") and _canDo) then {   // <-- Change the trader guy here.
    		if (s_player_paint < 0) then {
    			s_player_paint = player addAction ["Paint", "Paint\player_paint_init.sqf", _cursorTarget, 5, false];
    	 } else {
    		player removeAction s_player_paint;
    		s_player_paint = -1;

    replace your payer_paint.sqf with

    private ["_txt","_coins","_vehicle","_nearvehicles"];
    _nearvehicles = nearestObjects [(getPosATL player), ["ColourVehicles"], 15];
    if ((count _nearvehicles) < 1) exitWith {cutText ["Did not find any vehicle!", "PLAIN DOWN"];}
    VehicleToPaint = _nearvehicles select 0;
    ColourPrice = 7500;
    _coins = '...\dollars.paa';
    _vehicle = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeOf VehicleToPaint) >> "displayName");
    createdialog "VehicleColourDialog";
    _txt = format ["<t>It will cost %1 <img image='%2'/><br/>to repaint your %3.</t>",[ColourPrice] call BIS_fnc_numberText,_coins,_vehicle];
    ((uiNamespace getVariable "VehicleColourDialog") displayCtrl 5703) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _txt;
  10. How to edit this when messages dont show kill distance?

    My players dont want it...

    In text messages i edit, but in your code where i must to edit, be cool to see same code without distance




    Just replace this

    _kill_txt = format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>%1 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)];
    _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<img size='1.0' align='left' image='%2'/>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)];
    _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'> %3 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)];
    _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>[%4m]</t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName,(ceil _distance)];


    _kill_txt = format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'>%1 </t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName];
    _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<img size='1.0' align='left' image='%2'/>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName];
    _kill_txt = _kill_txt + format ["<t align='left' size='0.9'> %3</t>",_killerName,_pic,_victimName];
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