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Posts posted by Chris9183

  1. 1 hour ago, He-Man said:

    Hey, we have completely changed the repair system a while ago.
    The Vehicle Repair Kit (that repair everything) is completely removed from the loot and have no use anymore.
    Everything else for repairing is moved into the DynaMenu (look on the Vehicle and hold Space).
    But you can disable the new "Advanced Vehicle repair" here:

    Oh, thank you! That answers my question then. I did have to use the admin menu to spawn a repair kit, I never noticed finding one while looting, so that makes sense.

    I made another post earlier on the Custom Spawn Location/Loadout script thread...I don't know how alive these forums still are, it's been awhile since I frequented here, but if you had a second, I'd greatly appreciate you reading my post in that thread and maybe offering your opinion. Thank you!

  2. Okay so, when I download and install the original version of the addon (not GRG's) it actually works up until it's time to spawn, then nothing happens. I can select gear and spawn location at the podium, but when I double click a location, nothing happens. Something seems to be up with GRG's version? I think it may be beyond my skill to fix though. Has anyone else tried GRG's version lately?

  3. Well, nevermind BE filters for the moment, I disabled BE and joined my server and the script isn't working at all, I just have the default spawn booths with their default functions. I've triple-checked how I installed it though...I added the necessary lines to my mission's init.sqf, description.ext, and added the addons\halv_spawn folder, and repacked the mission PBO. Don't understand what I've done wrong at this point?

    EDIT: So it looks like at least the addon's init.sqf is being called properly because I changed "_deletedefaultteleporters = false;" to "true", and the default teleporters are now gone and the stands are there with the handprint texture, but the scroll wheel does nothing on those stands, I tried all 3 of them, they seem to just be dead models. Really don't understand what I could have done wrong here.

  4. I'm building a server on my local machine (going to finish it locally before I upload it to a paid host). I noticed yesterday that the Vehicle Repair Parts/Kit doesn't appear to be usable on damaged vehicles the normal way (double-clicking it and using it). When I do that standing next to and facing a damaged vehicle that belongs to me, I only get the "CRAFT" option. The only way I was able to use it was to drag it from my inventory to a quick key at the bottom of my screen and then press that quick key. Is this a known issue? I don't have many scripts installed yet.

    I read somewhere that it only works if you open the vehicle's inventory while attempting it, but that made no difference. Anyone else experienced this before?


  5. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the contact info of an admin on the Diesel's Shop server. Something glitched and I've been autobanned from the server, and I've searched everywhere and can't find any contact info of anyone that runs that server. I was not fucking hacking...I bought something from a black market trader, and bam, autobanned. Really would like to get back in there...it's a decent server.

    Does this autoban last forever?

  6. There are just sooooo many servers out there...only a few of them actually have players, and they're all the super-heavily modified militarized/slow zombie/coin currency...often there are many bugs on them too, from personal experience.


    I'm spending a lot of time fine-tuning and personalizing and squashing bugs locally on my server before I make it public, I refuse to make the server public if there are any glaring bugs or error messages showing up...but looking at the list of servers already out there and the population trends toward certain types of servers...will my server (closer to vanilla than others, few extra starting items, basic mods, skin/spawn select, normal gold-based currency, mix of PVP and PVE aspects, more realism-based) just stay empty like the tens of hundreds of others out there? I'm shooting for the best quality I can with this server...


    I guess just looking at the list is discouraging. Is there any point?

  7. No, that script will add a infinite zed shield on the player each time he enters a vehicle.

    Oh.. that's definitely not what I was looking for, but at least he was nice enough to try for me.


    I found what I was looking for though...I dug through an old nekro'd thread and found a script that, when added to AGN's safe zone script, despawns zombies around the trade zone when a player enters the trade zone. It's working.


    My server doesn't require plotpoles to build, so it shouldn't start despawning zombies when you get near someone else's buildings...assuming that's what the canbuild thing does.


    if (isNil "canbuild") then {
        canbuild = true;
    while {!canbuild} do {
                _entity_array = (getPos player) nearEntities ["CAManBase",100];
                    if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                        deletevehicle _x;
                } forEach _entity_array;
                sleep 4;
  8. _pos = getPos (vehicle player);
    _zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
    {deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;


    So if I drop this code into my AGN safe trader script it will work? Or does it need to be its own separate script? By looking at that code I assume it will despawn all zombies within a 50 yard radius of the safe zone?

  9. I've looked everywhere for a "zombie shield" kind of script just for safe zones, but the ones I've tried must be outdated because they don't work.


    Just something that will despawn zombies in addition to AI if they enter a certain radius within the safe trader zones. I used to have a perfect script for this last year when I was playing, but of course since it worked so well, I'll never find it again. lol

  10. Unfortunately, no go...still getting the "downloadable content has been deleted" error when I try connecting to my server. My server was made with the latest A2 and A2OA builds.


    I followed this guide the first time: 

    and still got the error.


    This time I followed this guide: 

    but still getting the same error.


    Are these guides outdated or something? Is there a new guide out there to get one of these servers going? I used to run a server last year and that YouTube guide I posted above always worked, but now I'm getting the error every time. The server console says "Player uses modified data file" when I try connecting, but the data in my game directory is an exact copy of the data in my server's directory.


    Anyone have any ideas?


    I'm also able to connect to other people's servers, just not my own. So it's clearly something wrong with my server, but I don't have a clue what it is...I followed those guides very closely.

  11. Just wondering if I still need to get the beta installed. Seems like all tutorials call for using Dayzcommander to get the mod and beta up to date, but Dayzcommander is abandoned and doesn't download those things properly anymore. I see where steam has an option to download an Arma 2 OA Beta but it says (Obsolete) next to it.


    So do I just need to download Arma 2, and Arma 2 OA, or do I also need to get the obsolete beta with those to make a server?



  12. Yeah but I'm talking a full speed balls to the wall nosedive into the ground with a helicopter...I'd get an hourglass knockout symbol but still be able to walk around...I'd be hurt but not dead, every time. Seems like definitely a bug to me. But if that's all that's wrong, I can live with it. I don't remember any other issues I was having.


    I'm planning to host a 24/7 server. Got server 2008 R2 on a dedicated machine with a SSD running it...decent up speed. Gonna take awhile to set it up how I want it but once it's up I'll post it in the hosting section. It's gonna be close to vanilla Epoch, but with a few (what most consider to be) essential addons.

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