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Posts posted by rentiger1112

  1. 2 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Make sure you have access to your MySQL Database.

    I'm assuming you have Souls Single Currency 2.0 for this to work. Run this sql query:

    CREATE TRIGGER `bankingIssueFix` AFTER INSERT ON `player_data`
     FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO banking_data
    ( PlayerUID, PlayerName, BankSaldo,  LastUpdated)
    (NEW.PlayerUID, NEW.PlayerName, xxxxx, NOW())

    Where the "xxxxx" is, enter the sum you wish for the new player to receive.



    I have done this, and when I spectate new joining players it shows them as having $50,000 which is what I defined, however I use ESSV2 and when players go to select a class and a spawn position it wipes their banks. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Th3_C1N1BUN said:

    Dude no need to be salty, I am newer to this and look through the forums but a lot of that didn't make sense mainly because at that time I was not very familiar with what they were saying. You should work on being salty somewhere else

    my intention was not to be salty, I would recommend you use config based traders, if you do I would be happy to help you and show you how its done. 

  3. why are you sitting here asking someone to do this work for you? I mean did you even bother to comb through these forums? tons of tutorials have been posted on how to do anything from make map edits all the way to customizing loot tables and traders please come back after you have thoroughly combed the forums if you still need help.  

  4. okay well I have overpoch cherno and overpoch tavi setup, what I need to figure out is on my dedicated box I have extra ips, how can I assign the taviana server to the other ip because I cant get the server to run on dayz launcher sponsored listing nor can I get it on gametracker because the cherno is on the same ip but different port. 

  5. Hi guys, Rentiger here I was wondering if there was a chance anyone would be willing to help me get an overpoch server or two setup on my new dedicated box, I keep running into the same issue and cannot seem to move past it. I get stuck saying the server is running the incorrect epoch version  yadda yadda but I just downloaded the files from the github today? I am willing to pay anyone who is able to help me setup the two overpoch servers using the single currency pbos that I have already made.

  6. are you using a custom hud? T.B.H. I would recommend you use a hud instead of a debug monitor but thats just me. You can always download someone elses too if you want, if you wanna see my hud im using it was custom made by me & cen, original creator cen but I worked it around a bit for my earplugs scripts. if you wanna see what it looks like: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16448-release-cens-custom-gui-for-epochoverpoch/

  7. HI guys, me again, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to put in the time to help me add single currency 2.0 to my existing pbos, I have been told that it would be easier to start from scratch with single currency and installing everything after, I know this is an option but I have spent months coding and refining all the addons and mods I have running together and I really do not want to start from scratch. If anyone wants to collaborate with me let me know, thanks, Ryan.

  8. try this set it to false: /*  EXPERIMENTAL CU FIX   */                    _CUF = false;    /* true or false */    /* will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */

    set false: /* CLEAR ALL ITEMS ON AI DEATH */            _CUF_REMOVE_ALL_ITEMS_ON_DEATH = false;

  9. copy the code into a file and name it then put the file in your server pbo / modules folder then add it to Epoch events in your mission files init.sqf

    EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",30,"abandonedvaults"],["any","any","any","any",30,"convoy"],["any","any","any","any",30,"animated_crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",40,"drop_bombs"],["any","any","any","any",15,"supply_drop"], ["any","any","any","any",55,"construction"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"military"], ["any","any","any","any",25,"treasure"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"supplyitems"]];


    or try edit a sql event i use a sql event that deletes vehicles from safe zones every restart


    I dont want cars deleted just simply unlocked, how can I do this using sql?

  10. private ["_safeZones","_center","_radius","_vehicles"];
    _safeZones = [
     _center = _x select 0;
     _radius = _x select 1;
     _vehicles = nearestObjects [_center,["LandVehicle","Air","Ship"],_radius];
      if (_x isKindOf "LandVehicle" || _x isKindOf "Air" || _x isKindOf "Ship") then {
       {player removeAction _x} forEach s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = [];
       s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
       PVDZE_veh_Lock = [_x,false];
       if (local _x) then {
        PVDZE_veh_Lock spawn local_lockUnlock
       } else {
        publicVariable "PVDZE_veh_Lock";
       s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;
     } forEach _vehicles;
    } forEach _safeZones;



    I found this code somewhere on the forums and it is working except it runs always so when people drive into the safe-zones their shit gets unlocked, I was wondering if there is a way to make it only run once.  
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