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This is WAR

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Posts posted by This is WAR

  1. Du hast einen anderen Mod eingespielt .. wie zum Beispiel das MapPack. Dieser Mod speichert die Dateien nicht in einem extra Ordner sondern im orginalen ARMA3/Addon Ordner. 


    Damit werden dann diese Dateien auch beim start von Epoch geladen und Epoch meldet dann nicht signierte dateien.


    Am besten aufschreiben welche dateien er anmeckert und diese umkopieren bzw. den mod löschen - dann geht auch Epoch wieder ;)

  2. lol .. ein vorschlag .. lieber deutsch posten statt google translator benutzen ;)


    mit google zurückübersetzt :


    Hallo Leute Hütet euch Handel: angry: tame09gaming: angry: getötet einfacher Player Trader und behaubtet Sie drehte Werwolf außen zu sehen, was los ist Admins bitte etwas, aber er hat mir großen Schaden, die nicht gut getan



    und so liest sich auch der englische text

  3. Hi,



    from my point of view the building-part of epoch is one of the main parts.  


    Like me, i know a lot of Gamer playing Epoch because of Building. That´s why i have some Problems with explosives in this Game. 


    First of all - there are too much of them (Satchel charge, etc) 


    Second one - when i want to build a base i need lot of time and work to get the materials together to start building - and its unfair when someone who recently found a bomb just drives by - and bomb my work up to the air (so easy).


    third - with explosives you don´t need to code locks and doors into the game - cause it make no diffrence. 



    I don´t understand why you make such a big part (buildsystem) which is complete anul by bombs.



    We started 3 bases and each one is destroyed by bombs - i am loosing my fun with building.

  4. Download Fraps - record your death with the name of the killer - post it here in the forum and he will get banned and loosing his alphakey - that is the only way to handle this.



    btw. to code something because there are "grinch"-Player  is not the way to solve this problem ...

  5. killing a trader should end that all traders on the map wont sell or buy anything from/to Traderkiller for one week.


    It is also storyproof .. Traders have a Network and they speak together - if one is killed by a player this News is going to all traders and they refuse any Business with the Killer.


    This has the benefit that it works without that someone has to do action - no player and also no admin


    - Kill one Trader and then you cant earn cryptos by selling and also get no Items - should be fair enough ;)

  6. He is using another Mod for ARMA3 ! (Mappack for ARMA3?)



    Delete these files from the ARMA3/Addons directory - or find out which mod is installed and use these files (uninstall the mod).


    Normaly you have a @-folder for mod´s and addons - but sometimes they are also copied into OArma source files.



    Epoch dosen´t allow a start with other mod´s

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