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Posts posted by bigpak

  1. Also having this on chernarus, I can confirm I have not edited safezone.sqf in any way and none of my normal players can fire or anything, I've updated the safezone script, this is with infistar ah 330a5. I will post a fix if I find one, in the meantime if you could try and help me aswell that would be amazing, I am working on seeing if I can find a fix/workaround currently.

    Alright, I found the solution for me was to update the ah330b, the only way I can see of getting ahold of it is check your email list, as they have not udated the website bit with that, this is now working, everything seems to work except for the 1 step building currently but that may just be my error or something I've done

  2. Also having this on chernarus, I can confirm I have not edited safezone.sqf in any way and none of my normal players can fire or anything, I've updated the safezone script, this is with infistar ah 330a5. I will post a fix if I find one, in the meantime if you could try and help me aswell that would be amazing, I am working on seeing if I can find a fix/workaround currently.

  3. First off, I just want to go ahead and say that I have a massive amount of respect for what the Epoch developers do, and how much time and effort they put into it.


    Now, to my knowledge they are not actually being PAID to do this, so they are not obliged to do this constantly 24/7, I assume they do this in their spare time. Even though they get donations, does not mean that they are being 100% paid consistently. They should not be forced to rush things out just because people are impatient. Me personally I would rather it take a long time and have it be functioning and not completely screwed up than to have it be rushed and have bugs etc.


    I am not flaming anyone, I am just trying to explain to people that it is a very hard job and they are not being paid for it via a contract or whatever you want to call it.


    Message to the developers and volunteers: Take your time, enjoy yourselves, and have fun.  I appreciate all the work you have done, and hope you guys can continue to finish this project. 

  4. I have a few people on my server that are not really "bandits" they are just killing to kill and they do it to every single player multiple times, They will continuously kill one person until they get bored of killing that person. It is upsetting some of the playerbase, even the bandits! The bandits are actual bandits and don't just kill to kill, they are proper bandits. What do other server owners do about this? There are only one or two of these people but are upsetting the other 20-30 players that are on. What would you do? Suggestions, ideas?

  5. You got any plans to make a tutorial to upgrade the server


    Let me put the rumors to rest, they be tired.


    I'm currently on the test server with patch 1.0.5 and will be doing lots of stuff for it in the coming week. 


    As for development for A2 Epoch, it's like this. STILL GOING :D


    So have no fear, Axle is here. To break things so they can be fixed :D


  6. With gamespy shutting down, do you think it will survive? how long is epoch going to last? I own a server and I am very nervous on all of these things as I do not want the fun to end. When I have to update my server to new patches and versions, it completely stresses me out and makes my head explode. How do you cope with it? 


    How long do you think ARMA 2 epoch will last? Not arma 3 epoch but arma 2 epoch? When arma 3 epoch is released or if it is released will people still be playing arma 2 epoch? All these questions continue to pop up into my mind. It's making my head hurt and I would like some other answers and concerns from other server owners. Thank you for your time reading this.

  7. Is there a way to add more items to bulk item crates? So I could put bulk mk17 mags or for example bulk wheels. If this is possible would people have to download a new file? Is this in any way possible? 



    I was also wondering if it is possible to edit the content of AmmoBoxSmall762 and AmmoBoxSmall562 for when they spawn in the barracks? edit whats inside of them so I could add stuff into them? If so where would the file be located where I can change that? Thank you for your time.

  8. Hello, I own a server and I am looking to hire a scripter for help. If you can script and are good at it, message me on the forums with your preferred contact details, steam, skype etc. I will pay per-script and it will be mostly easy scripts and nothing too too hard. Thank you and have a nice day. we can talk about payment options over skype or steam and the ammount.

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