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Posts posted by jbladel

  1. Hi there,

    So I've been wondering about this for a while. When you are in a group with people or in a vehicle with people often there will be commands given (5 MOVE THERE, LEFT, FASTER etc) unfortunatly I've run into a problem where if I have two people in a heli it keeps spamming out "switching to manual fire" making you unable to read any chat at all. Is there a way to disable these automatic commands? Or could there be an option to add a chat filter? aka if I'm in sidechat i want to see direct, group, and sidechat but not vehiclechat. and if im in group i dont want to see side for example. I've been looking around but it seems like no-one has been messing around with the inbuild messaging system

  2. On 21-2-2016 at 4:49 PM, theduke said:

    Players with smaller resolutions, the text can be cut out. I havnt figured that one out either.
    If someone knows how i can fix either issue please let me know :)

    I think you could fix this by adding a scrollbar, I took a look at the ESSVD3 spawn script (pretty sure you use that as well) and I think this is the part of the code you are looking for. I might be wrong on the exact code but i think you should be able to use a part of the ESSVD3 script to make it work

    #define ESS_LISTBOX autoScrollDelay = 5;\
    	autoScrollRewind = 0;\
    	autoScrollSpeed = -1;\
    	colorSelect[] = {.88,.88,.88,1};\
    	colorSelectBackground[] = {.5,.5,.5,1};\
    	colorText[] = {.88,.88,.88,1};\
    	font = "Zeppelin32";\
    	maxHistoryDelay = 1;\
    	rowHeight = .04;\
    	class ScrollBar\
    		color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.6};\
    		colorActive[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};\
    		colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.3};\
    		thumb = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\grey\igui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";\
    		arrowFull = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\grey\igui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";\
    		arrowEmpty = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\grey\igui_arrow_top_ca.paa";\
    		border = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\grey\igui_border_scroll_ca.paa";\
    	sizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * .6)";\
    	soundSelect[] = {"",.1,1};\
    	style = 16;\
    	type = 5



  3. We actually have a past with napf already peipo, i had to shut it down back then unfortunatly and we lost touch, i got you on steam.

    I really like your pbo with the gem building and the base domes, just couldn't  figure them out enough to properly understand them. 

    If you want we could talk about ts3?

  4. Hi, i've been using custom files on dayz.st chernarus and i want to switch to vert hosting Napf.
    It be a real pain in the ass to revamp all my files though, which files should i change and what changed need to be made to it? Is it even remotely possible to keep the old files and do a simple switchover?

    (obviously the server.pbo mission etc)
    I'd have no problem sharing my pbo's if you think you can set it up
    skype: jbladel

    ive got custom scripts like
    Deploy bike
    custom weather 
    R3F tow and lift
    take clothes
    With all these i dont expect any problems
    however i also have
    Repair stations

  5. Hi, I was wondering if there was a post on how to set spawnpoints for players (i want some of my players to spawn at their bases) and how to set fixed vehicle spawns that will spawn at a set location every restart. 

    I could not find a post containing this info, so if you found the post or know how to do it yourself help is appriciated.

    (also how do i do custom loadouts? i didnt google this yet and im sure its out there but this is something i need an answer to as well ;))

  6. fix for disappearing helipads

    add to this line in your variables 

    dayz_allowedObjects =

    I dont know why 

    dayz_allowedObjects = dayz_allowedObjects + ["HeliHRescue"];

    doesnt work for me but simply adding the HeliHRescue into the dayz_allowedObjects line fixed it for me (remove the [ ] and put a , before "HeliHRescue. so it would be:

    dayz_allowedObjects = "customcode","morecrap","somestuffhere","HeliHRescue

  7. so ive added a trader city at balota but i cannot get the safezone work,

    all my others (including ne aircraft) work.

    The class Sensors is posted down below

    class Sensors
    class Item0
    expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 100;";
    expActiv="TitleText[""Now entering trader city Stary"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Stary"";";
    expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving trader city Stary"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item1
    expCond="(player distance zonebash) < 100;";
    expActiv="TitleText[""Now entering trader city Bash"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Bash"";";
    expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving trader city Bash"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item2
    expCond="(player distance zoneklen) < 100;";
    expActiv="TitleText[""Now entering trader city Klen"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Klen"";";
    expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving trader city Klen"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item3
    expCond="(player distance zonebandit) < 100;";
    expActiv="canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Bandit Trader"";";
    expDesactiv="canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item4
    expCond="(player distance zonehero) < 100;";
    expActiv="canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Hero Trader"";";
    expDesactiv="canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item5
    expCond="(player distance zonebolata) < 75;";
    expActiv="TitleText[""Now entering aircraft trader"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Bolata Traders"";";
    expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving aircraft trader"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
    class Item6
    expCond="(player distance zoneaircraft) < 50;";
    expActiv="TitleText[""Now entering aircraft trader"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""aircraft"";";
    expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving aircraft trader"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects

  8. At this very moment I have fastbuilding in my server wich does (only) one animation, by simply changing

    DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 3;


     DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 1;

    However that means there is room for improvement. I'd like admins and or donators to be able to build w/o any animation at all, unfortunately though I cannot find anything on the forums about no animation building. I've seen it in a couple of packs though (DEAKS PACK) https://github.com/daeks/Dayz-DNetwork, and I got my hands on some pbo's with something called DamiMods wich also have this feature. 

    I've tried looking into default files and also those modded packs to find out which of the code sets the animation to see if I can alter it.

    If anyone wants to take a look at the packs (ill be happy to supply the pbo's ive got) or can tell me how to add no animation building for a specific set of ID's I'd be really greatfull.

  9. Hi, I want to randomize the loot spawning in the WAI boxes. I just couldnt find how to do that anywhere on the forums. If you could please show me what to change in the code or send me a link if some1 already covered this i would be really greatfull. Basicaly i want to set the items in the box to spawn 0-3 times randomly (say ksvk waay les than aks etc)

    for some1 who doesnt use WAI it works really simple you just spawn a box and redirect to a boxname.sqf wich looks like this

    //Small Gun Box
    _box = _this select 0;
    _box setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];
    _box setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
    PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_box];
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box;
    // RIFLES
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M16A2", 1];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["AKS_74_kobra", 1];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["LeeEnfield", 1];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Remington870_lamp", 1];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["SVD", 1];
    // PISTOLS
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["glock17_EP1", 1];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Colt1911", 1];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 5];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", 5];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["10x_303", 5];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets", 5];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", 5];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", 10];
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 10];
    // TOOLS
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemToolbox", 2];
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemCompass", 2];
    _box addBackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_British_ACU", 2];

  10. FIXED
    Posted 14 February 2014 - 12:39 AM

    umfufu, on 14 Feb 2014 - 01:24 AM, said:snapback.png

    ai_mission_sysyem = True;  in AIconfig.sqf
    Is this a typo or ment to be ?

    typo i think, but also used in init.sqf so only a "cosmetical thing"
    gopostal, on 13 Feb 2014 - 06:29 AM, said:snapback.png

    Found a small problem with this. I'm getting this error in the logs:
    20:18:19 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG
    20:18:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    it repeats multiple times too. I'm new to Arma coding but should it be changed to && (_RPG = 1) ?

    first line in SpawnGroup.sqf looks like

    private ["_mission","_aipack","_aicskill","_position","_unitnumber","_skill","_gun","_mags","_backpack","_skin","_gear","_aiweapon","_aigear","_aiskin","_skillarray","_unitGroup","_weapon","_magazine","_weaponandmag","_gearmagazines","_geartools","_unit"];

    add to the end


    Made it a bit more dynamic, AI can have 0 launchers, or 10

    _addRPG = floor(random 7);
    for "_i" from 1 to _mags do {_unit addMagazine _magazine;};
        if ((_addRPG == 5)) then {
         removeAllItems _unit;
         removeAllWeapons _unit;
    removeBackpack _unit;
         _unit addweapon "RPG7V";
         _unit addmagazine "PG7VL";
         _unit selectweapon "RPG7V";
        } else {
         _unit addBackpack _aipack;

    Units try to change weapon if you are to close to them or to far away (looks a bit strange) but works perfectly.

  11. UPDATE:

    Got the turrets to spawn, they are underpowered though so i still want the AI to spawn with RPG's.

    If i follow this tutorial

    found a missing semicollon so the ai are spawning now but still w/o rpgs


    private ["_unit","_player","_humanity","_banditkills"];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _player = _this select 1;
    _type = _this select 2;
    _unit removeWeapon "RPG7V";
    _unit removeMagazine "PG7VL";
    _unit removeMagazine "PG7VL";
    switch (_type) do {
    case "ground" : {ai_ground_units = (ai_ground_units -1);};
    case "air" : {ai_air_units = (ai_air_units -1);};
    case "vehicle" : {ai_vehicle_units = (ai_vehicle_units -1);};
    case "static" : {ai_emplacement_units = (ai_emplacement_units -1);};
    _unit setVariable ["killedat", time];
    if (isPlayer _player) then {
    private ["_banditkills","_humanity"];
    _humanity = _player getVariable["humanity",0];
    _banditkills = _player getVariable["banditKills",0];
    if (ai_humanity_gain) then {
    _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + ai_add_humanity),true];
    if (ai_banditkills_gain) then {
    _player setVariable ["banditKills",(_banditkills + 1),true];
    if (ai_clear_body) then {
    {_unit removeMagazine _x;} forEach (magazines _unit);
    {_unit removeWeapon _x;} forEach (weapons _unit);
    if (ai_ahare_info) then {
    {if (((position _x) distance (position _unit)) <= ai_share_distance) then {_x reveal [_player, 4.0];}} forEach allUnits;


    private ["_mission","_aipack","_aicskill","_position","_unitnumber","_skill","_gun","_mags","_backpack","_skin","_gear","_aiweapon","_aigear","_aiskin","_skillarray","_unitGroup","_weapon","_magazine","_weaponandmag","_gearmagazines","_geartools","_unit"];
    _position = _this select 0;
    _unitnumber = _this select 1;
    _skill = _this select 2;
    _gun = _this select 3;
    _mags = _this select 4;
    _backpack = _this select 5;
    _skin = _this select 6;
    _gear = _this select 7;
    if (count _this > 8) then {
        _mission = _this select 8;
        _RPG = 1;
    } else {
        _mission = False;
        _RPG = -1;
    _aiweapon = [];
    _aigear = [];
    _aiskin = "";
    _aicskill = [];
    _aipack = "";
    _skillarray = ["aimingAccuracy","aimingShake","aimingSpeed","endurance","spotDistance","spotTime","courage","reloadSpeed","commanding","general"];
    _unitGroup = createGroup east;
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    for "_x" from 1 to _unitnumber do {
    switch (_gun) do {
    case 0 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep0;};
    case 1 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep1;};
    case 2 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep2;};
    case 3 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep3;};
    case 4 : {_aiweapon = ai_wep4;};
    case "Random" : {_aiweapon = ai_wep_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
    _weaponandmag = _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _weapon = _weaponandmag select 0;
    _magazine = _weaponandmag select 1;
    switch (_gear) do {
    case 0 : {_aigear = ai_gear0;};
    case 1 : {_aigear = ai_gear1;};
    case 2 : {_aigear = ai_gear2;};
    case 3 : {_aigear = ai_gear3;};
    case 4 : {_aigear = ai_gear4;};
    case "Random" : {_aigear = ai_gear_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
    _gearmagazines = _aigear select 0;
    _geartools = _aigear select 1;
    if (_skin == "") then {
    _aiskin = ai_skin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    _aiskin = _skin
    _unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_aiskin, [(_position select 0),(_position select 1),(_position select 2)], [], 10, "PRIVATE"];
    [_unit] joinSilent _unitGroup;
    if (_backpack == "") then {
    _aipack = ai_packs call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    _aipack = _backpack
    _unit enableAI "TARGET";
    _unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    _unit enableAI "MOVE";
    _unit enableAI "ANIM";
    _unit enableAI "FSM";
    _unit setCombatMode ai_combatmode;
    _unit setBehaviour ai_behaviour;
    removeAllWeapons _unit;
    removeAllItems _unit;
    _unit addweapon _weapon;
    for "_i" from 1 to _mags do {_unit addMagazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V";
    _unit addmagazine "PG7VL";
    _unit addmagazine "PG7VL";
    } else {
    _unit addBackpack _aipack;    
    {_unit addMagazine _x} forEach _gearmagazines;
    {_unit addweapon _x} forEach _geartools;
    if (ai_custom_skills) then {
    switch (_skill) do {
    case 0 : {_aicskill = ai_custom_array1;};
    case 1 : {_aicskill = ai_custom_array2;};
    case 2 : {_aicskill= ai_custom_array3;};
    case "Random" : {_aicskill = ai_skill_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
    {_unit setSkill [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]} forEach _aicskill;
    } else {
    {_unit setSkill [_x,_skill]} forEach _skillarray;
    ai_ground_units = (ai_ground_units + 1);
    _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this select 0, _this select 1, "ground"] call on_kill;}];
    if (_mission) then {
    _unit setVariable ["missionclean", "ground"];
    _unitGroup selectLeader ((units _unitGroup) select 0);
    [_unitGroup, _position, _mission] call group_waypoints;
    diag_log format ["WAI: Spawned a group of %1 Bandits at %2",_unitnumber,_position];


    10:50:59 "WAI: Starting Mission Ural"
    10:50:59 "WAI: Ural Attack Mission Started At [7225.73,8317.91]"
    10:50:59 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:50:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:50:59 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:50:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:50:59 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:50:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:50:59 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:50:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:50:59 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [7225.73,8317.91,0]"
    10:50:59 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:50:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:50:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [7225.73,8317.91,0]"
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 Error in expression <Magazine _magazine;};
    if ((_x == 1) && (_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error position: <_RPG > 0)) then {
    _unit addweapon "RPG7V>
    10:51:00 Error Undefined variable in expression: _rpg
    10:51:00 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\SpawnGroup.sqf, line 73
    10:51:00 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [7225.73,8317.91,0]"
    10:51:00 "WAI: Sapwned in 2 M2StaticMG"

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