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Posts posted by sidereal6

  1. Run a batch script that takes the script, packs it, throws it in the server and starts it 


    Uh, would you care to share that? That sounds pretty cool.


    You have to convert .CPP files to .BIN too, right? There's a command line tool that does that and packs the PBO?

  2. 1 = ai_wep_assault

    2 = ai_wep_machine

    3 = ai_wep_sniper


    So it'll pull a random selection from those arrays of weapons.





    Hey could I make a recommendation? Get rid of ai_wep_random and instead have ai_wep_sets.


    ai_wep_sets contains arrays of weapons, just like ai_wep_random does now. "random" means to grab a random array from ai_wep_sets just like it does now (although it's called ai_wep_random).


    1 would mean, "use the first array in ai_wep_sets"

    2 would mean use the second array


    Basically, right now you've hardcoded 1 to mean ai_wep_assault, right? Not criticizing, just offering an alternative that is more expandable maybe.

  3. What I mean by "workflow" is like, what steps do you take in developing and testing a script? The way I go about it seems very convoluted and slow.


    I'm playing around with Wicked AI and what I have to keep doing is this:


    1. - disconnect and quit Arma
    2. - stop the server (I keep a remote desktop session open to it)
    3. - check RPT file if needed (although I have it tailed in another window)
    4. - make a change to a script (I use sublime text to get syntax highlighting)
    5. - save script, click batch file to pack PBO and copy to addons dir (I realize I could automate that in sublime text)
    6. - back to remote desktop. Start server. wait.
    7. - start arma. wait. wait. @$%# wait.
    8. - see that I've done something wrong. Return to step 1.


    I bet there's some super fast in-game editing that I don't know about, right?

  4. say you select weapon set 3 they'll get a random selection of weapons from that array.


    From what array?


    Where is "weapon set 3" defined?


    In config.sqf there are indeed arrays that contain weapons, but the arrays have names, not numbers. ai_wep_assault has 13 items. ai_wep_machine has 5 items. ai_wep_sniper has 6 items.


    If, in a mission, I set the param: primary gun set number = 3 what exactly am I doing?? Possibly I'm saying to use the 3rd item from each array, but then what happens if I set it to 11. Do I not get machine guns? Or do I get item 11 mod 5 from that array??


    I'm not complaining about anything by the way. This is an awesome mod and I know they haven't yet had time to really thoroughly document it. But this is an area I would like some documentation on please.

  5. Hi. Can someone please help me understand param 4 to spawn_group. The comment says "primary gun set number" - I tried searching this thread for "gun set" but the forum software here wouldn't do it.


    Let's say I want to spawn a four-man squad where 3 guys have shotguns (just to pick something different) and 1 guy has a DMR. Presumably, I first have to define an array in config.sqf like ai_wep_guardduty or something. So, I set that to ["whatever_the_arma_shotgun_class_is","whatever_the_DMR_class_is"] (I'll look them up, this is just for discussion).


    so then, in the mission sqf, for param 4, instead of "random" do I say ai_web_guardduty?


    Thanks for any help and for the awesome mod.

  6. I've been looking at the code some more, and here's what I think I've figured out (more knowledgeable people please correct me):


    Reading the wiki page on "lighting system" gives the impression that local_lights_init.sqf turns on the lights, but that's not (currenctly) the way it works.


    The lights are actually turned on by SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgNonAIVehicles.hpp which is included on line 17 of https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blame/master/SQF/dayz_code/config.cpp- you can see from this that this change was made on 3 Sept 2013. The change history of cfgNonAIVehicles.hpp: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/commit/f01fc605b260483da7a0027de16631193ace35dc#diff-6bed3a4d5e4acd5269aacafccb506377 shows that when it was created, the brightness was set to 0 (the lights were off).


    So the original idea was to make it work like the wiki says. Lights are off, then turned on by the SQF. But I guess that didn't work, because if you look at the diffs of cfgNonAIVehicles.hpp: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/commits/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgNonAIVehicles.hppyou'll see that it was changed on 10 Sept so that the lights are  on by default.


    Presumably, the goal was to then turn them off with the SQF. Axeman mentions in comments in this thread that he was working on this idea, but his code isn't in the Epoch repo. There is, however, code in Axeman's repo here: https://github.com/andgregor/dayZ-Lighting


    You can add the following to init.sqf and it will turn the lights off when the player is near

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    DZE_RequireGenerator = false;
    DZE_StreetLights = false;
    DZE_HouseLights = false;
    DZE_TowerLights = false;
    DZE_LightChance = 42;
    [] execVM "lights\local_lights_init.sqf";

    Unfortunately, the lights are still on when nobody is looking. It turns them off when you approach to within 450m. So, you can see lights in the distance - you can see whole cities lit up in fact, then they switch off when you get close. They don't switch back on when you leave. I haven't tested to see if generators still work.


    I totally understand that some people want lights everywhere and bright full moons and they want night time to be basically just like day time but with fewer colors. That's cool. But if you want the creepy, enveloping, scary darkness, this is actually kind of a poor substitute, but it's better than nothing.


    If you want the lights really off, you're going to have to remove line 17 from config.cpp and recompile.


    In my humble opinion (and with thanks to the people who worked hard to develop this) the system is kind of broken as is, simply because it's obviously not doing what was intended. It's clear from the wiki that the goal was to make lights an option, and they're not.

  7. If there are no objections, I'm going to modify the wiki page about lights: http://epochmod.gamepedia.com/A2Epoch:Lighting_System


    The present situation is, lights are on and there is no way to turn them off. The wiki page has incorrect info and it is obviously confusing a lot of people. For one thing, it lists eleven input params to the lighting system. The code as is on github: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/compile/local_lights_init.sqf actually reads just two parameters: _ndGen (needs generator) on line 14 and _rndLights on line 15.


    ...but this doesn't matter because even setting "needs generator" to true still results in lights being on, as Axeman explained almost a year ago.


    It's clear that no change to this behavior is going to happen, or it would have already happened, so the wiki page needs to simply say, "epoch has lights. You cannot turn them off."



  8. Side, go grab my WAI mission pack in the second post on this thread:

    Now grab the sniper mission out and use that as a template for what you want to do. You'll need to edit two files in your WAI package, so follow these examples:



    Thanks for that.


    I see where, in the file SniperTeam.sqf you are using the string "Sniper"


    And I see where, in the AIConfig file, you set up the array ai_wep5.


    But what I don't see is where that string is bound to that array. There must be something that says, "Sniper" = ai_wep5

  9. The only examples or documentation I've seen have this line:


    "Random",                 //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set.


    Can someone please direct me to the documentation that shows what the other possible values of this parameter are?


    Other than "Random" what can I use here? Specifically, I'd like to create an AI mission around a farmhouse with AI that only have shotguns.

  10. Epoch takes place many years after the initial DayZ infection happened, right? That's what the wiki says.


    It seems odd to me that refueling is so easy. Petrol should be very, very scarce. There shouldn't be any fuel left in those big tanks - or at the very least, there should be a small random chance of finding fuel in them.


    My question is, could I configure a server this way? I know that I can turn off the auto-refueling. Could I also turn off refilling jerry cans at tanks?


    I think that would make the game a lot more fun. Resource dynamics usually do improve a game.


    Scarcity makes the game more fun. Looting is more fun than spawning with full gear. Having to actually ration your fuel, or search for it, would be more fun than hovering over a gas station in your chinook and auto refueling.

  11. I searched the archives but didn't find an answer to this question. Would appreciate any help.


    I'm trying to connect to an epoch server that runs the sahrani map. I have installed epoch and sahrani through dayz commander. The error I get is: "You cannot play/edit this mission; t is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.smd_sahrani_a2"


    A screenshot is attached. After failing to get it working with DayZ commander, I manually downloaded sahrani and I've tried placing it in the Arma2 folder, in the Epoch folder, and in the Arma Operation Arrowhead folder.


    What else should I try?


    Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/66yJuNJ.gif

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