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Posts posted by kassquatch

  1. I don't know if this is possible with arma 3/epoch. but it would be amazing if you could loot underwater/while swimming or access your inventory. 


    I mean, you die just on the coast but you cant stand up, so you cant loot your body. Its annoying. Is there a reason for this?


    Just my 2 cents. (it obviously happened to me and was frustrated by it) 

  2. awesome!

    Im guessing if I wanted to put in a if statement to check to see if legs are broken or blood is below say 5000 it would just have to wrap this in an if? and declare a variable to whatever player broken legs and low blood are? (new to this arma coding, so would have to look for what that is)

    player playmove "AidlPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_SleepA_standUp"
    sleep 1.5;
    player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
    sleep 8.4;
  3. here is my combo timer script. its a hodge podge of a bunch of different scripts all mixed into 1. im sure there is some uselessness in it.

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	player_unlockDoor = {
    		private ["_ok"];
    		if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then
    			_obj = dayz_selectedDoor;
    			_objectCharacterID 	= _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
    			if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then
    				[player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1];
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_latch", 1];
    				DZE_Lock_Door = "";
    				[player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				[player,20,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    				titleCut ["","WHITE OUT",1];
    				[player,"scream",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				[player,20,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies;
    				titleCut ["","WHITE IN",1];
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				cutText ["Wrong code entered! \nLock Disabled for 45 seconds!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    				[10,10] call dayz_HungerThirst;
    				dayz_temperatur = 10;
    				if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;};
    				[] spawn {sleep 45;KeyCodeTry = nil;};
    			_display = findDisplay 41144;
    			_display closeDisplay 3000;
  4. maybe I should, I thought server admins would know that is already implemented in the default Epoch client, but nobody is reading anything and they don't see it ingame, I hope they will at least the first post :D

    Sadly, a lot of people who try to run servers are kiddies who just wanna do things their way and don't know how to read. I've come to this conclusion because they ask questions first without looking for an answer.

  5. Hi like the comment in the config says it should take 2 seconds (or whatever value you put there) for each part to repair and not be instant.

    It worked fine when I tested it and as far as I know nothing has changed in the Epoch code why it should not work anymore.

    I don't have much time atm but it works for most servers, might be some problems in combinations with otehr scripts or whatever, it is really hard to say unless you play on the exact server where it doesn't work, best thing you can do is check your log files (like always, I'm really getting sick of telling that to everyone all the time because no admin ever looks in there for when something isn't working errors lol)

    after doing a test, I was getting instant repair and refuel also...but then realized, its possibly because I was set to admin via admin tools. 


    I removed my guid from adminlist in admin tools, and now timers work properly when im not set as an admin. as soon as I set myself back to an admin, its instant again.


  6. So I loaded this,

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	player_unlockDoor = {
    		private ["_ok"];
    		if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then
    			_obj = dayz_selectedDoor;
    			_objectCharacterID 	= _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
    			if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then
    				[player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1];
    				if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then
    					_obj animate ["Open_latch", 1];
    				DZE_Lock_Door = "";
    				[player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    				_display = findDisplay 41144;
    				_display closeDisplay 3000;
    				if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;};
    				[] spawn {sleep 30;KeyCodeTry = nil;};
    				[] spawn {
    					while {KeyCodeTry} do
    						_display = findDisplay 41144;
    						_display closeDisplay 3000;
    						sleep 0.1;
    			_display = findDisplay 41144;
    			_display closeDisplay 3000;

    and it works... just throws an error at the first attempt. any ideas?


  7. Should Momo charge the Epoch devs for including his map in their mod?  Should Momo then pay BI for making money off of their resources with their tools etc.?  Where would it end?


    This doesn't hurt the provider.  Napf is in epoch for free, vert hosts epoch.  People want to play Napf.  I have no CP map to help admin my server.  Seems no map ultimately hurts the players.  Vert still has my money. 


    Within my scope of control, I can either continue with no map or play a map other than Napf.  I can't control anything else.

    That doesnt even come close to what I am saying.

    momo isnt trying to make money off of the work of others. he did it as a fan of the game.

    The company is trying to make money off of the work of others with no or minimal financial cost and no work themselves because they don't know how to do it, or dont want to, to benefit themselves financially. Because, it's there, (I know because i made http://www.kassquatch.com/napfmap/)

    Thats where my problem lies. Its like licensing. To use someone else's work, you pay for it, in which you use for your business. Why do you think so many other programs have "free for private - $ for commercial use"

    or its like me charging for people to download the Napf map in which I didnt make or buy in the first place or include it in a mappack and charge for that.

    Once again, verthosting may be a great host (I dont know I dont rent from them) im just expressing what I have had with them so far on the business side.

    (we have completely got off topic here)

  8. its more than just that file.

    and secondly, if I was momo, I wouldnt just give a business stuff so they can profit off it. especially since this was such a long hard map to build.

    They contacted me for my map tiles, but only offered 50% off services, and were unwilling to do anything past that (I asked for a small like 30 player dayz epoch server sponsored by them, with all their tags and everything, essentially promoting themselves by getting a free service in return. They responded with 50% and said they couldnt do better. I responded back that 50% off something I don't need, and end up having to pay someone for the work I did so they can make more money) they didnt respond back.

    It seems they either don't know how to do the work themselves, or are unwilling to pay money towards a business feature. Kinda shady if you ask me.

    Im not saying anything about their hosting. So dont think that I am. They are probably a great amazing hosting service. Just seems like the behind the scenes stuff is..a bit underdeveloped.

    Once again, do not take this as bashing towards verthosting. just as info.

  9. I made http://napf.pcriot.com/  (now officially at http://www.kassquatch.com/napfmap/), and yes, its off scale, I did it on purpose for this exact reason of people using it for other things without asking permission first since it took along time to do it. 


    Coordinates on the site are accurate because of the math I did to correct it but map isn't. if that makes sense. Only people who find this out, are people who try to do what you tried to do, and steal the work :)



    I tried that, but it must be to the wrong scale because players appear off the sides of the map.



  10. UPDATE: NEW AND FINAL URL!!! http://www.kassquatch.com/napfmap

    Hey all, just thought I would share a zoomable map I made for Napf made with leaflet. This was the first time I used leaflet so the writing of the code is quite...less than desired. But it works great.




    Since I am/was new to the map and I hate bringing up in game map as I can get shot, I decided to create an online map so I could view on my 2nd monitor or tablet or phone.



    • It has all the major cities plus most of the little ones.

    • It has in game coordinates

    • 6 zoom levels

    • works on android (so I guess it works on others)

    • it's super awesome! (Best feature right there)

    Coming soon features:

    • will be updating when next version (or final version) comes out.

    • adding more smaller cities and making the larger cities name bigger than the smaller ones.

    The link again.





    Hope you find it useful. And I hope that I didn't all this work to find that someone else did it also. Because I searched, and couldn't find anything.

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