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Posts posted by marsvb

  1. No blocking high val loot spawns, airfields, multistory ind . 


    I do have a group who is using the church in novy sobor as a camp and a couple groups have used those large brown barns all over the map.  Those town camps where zeds spawn are quick to buildup but a pain in the long run.


    I use  a vonick with a heavy cannon for cleanup duties on abandoned or poorly thought out camps.

  2. A double wall setup to trap the glitchers works, leave a space for a player to stand between 2 walls and they will die there.  Wood is not hard to kill with a lmg but the explosion that follows will kill anyone close to it.


    No base can be 100% secure but you can take steps to mark it harder for them.   Buy a safe or 2, locked vehicles work to a point unless they just get destroyed.  Think of insuring yourself, have cash reserves to replace anything that gets killed or lost  .


    One of the cooler ideas I have seen is where a guy places a wood shack almost underground with just a bit of roof sticking out to access gear menu. match the hill shape to the roof slope and you have a cheap 100 slot underground storage locker :}

  3. Started a no pvp on the 2nd and have 72 folks drop buy so far, steady 4 or 5 and 10 plus on weekends.  Standard epoch no pvp/always day.


    Lots of servers perform poorly with all the addons and the one constant I get from new players is how smooth the game runs, 8 hour restarts.  I guess I would be one of those players who just setup my own server so I could enjoy the mod without all the addons and watch the mods DEV progress as intended.

  4. As a test of how fun a camp raid system is, rent your own server for a month and see how it goes. No rules blow up everything and remove safes from the trader lists and see how many camps get setup. Be prepared to run it a few months though waiting for players willing to build a  base with that rule set. 


    When I run on pvp servers my base is a safe or tent under a tree, why build something that will be knocked down in 5 min from a 40 mil truck mounted gun.

  5. I have been following the thread yes, have you ?


    If someone has a dayz.st server without mods this does work, yay.  For lots of people working around this problem this means go sell your old chopper and buy a new one, or risk the floor problem.  I am sure the " devs" are working on a fix, just trying to help folks along with camp builds .

    Now I don't have bold text saying this will work but I assume from your post you will monetize any damages to said structures and choppers if for some reason its not a blanket fix for every server config ?   My post stated that yes indeed, this works on this server setup.  Or your money back....

  6. On a dayz.st server with no addons we have found cars and the gear on them will stay after a server reset in the badlands, no matter how far out they are.

    7 klicks SE of the big island is a small peak that has formed a small island you can land on and it spawns zeds and sheep/cows. What do i need to change in the server setup to enable the mod building pieces to place and save in the badlands ?

    There was a setting that had -20000k +20000k as the server setup, can it be changed and all the normal stuff work ok ?



    Back in the day i can understand why the debug/badlands were deemed off limits but epoch has moved past that thinking so why not build in the vast open lands away from the griefers :}

  7. This is the feedback section so if I don't air this now its my fault, so I am posting to ask the devs for whys.  One of the core hooks for this mod is the ability with some effort to add cars and camps, houses that can be locked and have a very good chance to survive while I am not logged in.


    With the addition of a tool that will defeat car locks I see a slippery slope.  I assume that house and garage tools are planned down the road ? 


    If I look at this from the dev standpoint to understand why its been added I can only guess but are you wanting players to interact with the zeds more ?  Now if server admins add these to the lists at traders as well as any added scripts or super admin bases they are off the path of the mod anyway and just playing a wasteland game with traders.

    I play and build on non scripted servers with no changes to the mod and have watched the updates slowly grow the mod into a great experience . 


    Car boosting bandits are a pain but a locked building takes care of that and does motivate players to build them, causing more looting and tree cutting. 


    The ammo removal seems to be a reaction to another problem in that johnny bandit cant find a armed 40mil hummer and stomp a base to dust in the first hour of gameplay, fair enough.

  8. shizweak you have your opinions as do all the folks on the board, my 2 questions were rather simple.  Why add more griefing tools to the mod, ie lockpicks or dump the ammo from weapon systems that have been filled at server restart ? 


    You assume its possible to para into my base, wont happen but players are very good at finding ways to clip into bases, an example would be the need to remove the hop beside mod building panels. There are others.  Storing unlocked cars at my camp does not happen armed or not but I am looking at the mod from the new guys view, not the roofed base players.

    We have a dupe problem, a player manages to dupe his lockpick tool a dozen times and goes griefing, great fun for him, not so much for the targets.  I can live with the ammo deal, no choice buy the looks, I am concerned about a tool to defeat one of the bright spots of the mod. And they will end up in the trader lists  :}


    Next patch after rolls out the garage door pick I assume ?

  9. All the trouble to build lockable houses and garages and you give the kids the tools to boost a car ?


    Now if some sad sack manages to para into a walled base, uses his kit to break into a truck with a nade launcher on it and nukes the place from the inside out while your at work, yay !


    I am all for no ammo in the trucks when you find or buy them but why unload the ammo for a server restart ?  I go and find or buy the ammo to load the truck why cant it stay in for a restart ?

    What is the goal of this measure ?

  10. Takes 2 satchel charges to break a stone and metal doorway, but anything behind it will die on first attempt. Wood doors die to mg fire as well as conk stuff as the .50 cal weapons and .40mil-he trucks spawn on most servers.


    You need a safe to have prebuilt parts in to recover from an attack. Then roll with the doors and locked garages and be sure to place cars in the middle of the base with junk cars in the doorways. A cheap car thats died to a satchel blast behind the doorway will still keep cars and players from getting inside, place them sideways to the big door and use a sidedoor with a locking door for emergency ,secondary exits.

    Make sure all vehicals inside lock !  The small doors can be breached with heavy weapons so you dont need your door blockers unlocked, and all keys stay in safes !






    You can use a plotpole to make life tougher and arrange vehicles inside to help with doors but a guy with a cessena can nuke the sight in 1 crash so be prepared to rebuild.


    If you look around beroizino/cherno and think high places you can find plenty of stash locations for a tent to get parts assembled before your ready to commit to a base. You dont need a vehical when all the loot spawns close and if you die looting your still on the coast.


    good luck !  and have fun

  11. Try this, hit the factory east of polana and drag out every part,can, trash and chemlight. put the trash in a dead zed and keep the parts you can use.  Run up the hill to the N and wait 10 minuets or so.

    Everytime i do this at least 1 cinder spawns, mortor is like everyother time.  People loot the good stuff and leave the cans and they are taking up a spawn point for possible good stuff that takes a server reset to restock.

    Its like what you see at barracks with 15 backpacks on the ground :}

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