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Posts posted by Cramps2

  1. I didnt do much.  Changed to WAI for less rpt spam, which worked.  There was a new infistar update.  Maybe that helped.  Perhaps rebooting your pc helped.  Perhaps some sunspot activity.  Who knows?  Dayz is weird.  Arma 2 is weird.


    At least you posted so people don't think me typing "fps a priority" in my server tag is some kind of bildeburg conspiricy or a phat lie maed up by a b4d adm1n.


    Happy your slight fps drops are solved.

  2. Still seem to be getting a bit of this:


    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:57 not found (message 99)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:58 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:55 not found (message 98)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:56 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:60 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:59 not found (message 98)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:62 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:61 not found (message 98)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:64 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:63 not found (message 99)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:66 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:65 not found (message 99)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:67 not found (message 98)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:68 not found (message 91)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:69 not found (message 99)
    15:39:01 Server: Object 23:70 not found (message 91)
    15:39:19 Server: Object 23:139 not found (message 94)

  3. I have the exact same problem, micro stuttering galore on this map. I also play on Random DayZ Bullshitery. Not on Chernarus, just Napf. I have a video of the issue but this forum doesn't have an option to embed a YouTube video so I won't bother uploading it.


    If it's unique to my server I'm at a loss as to what's causing it.  Until you two came along (rob / cornholio), nobody had complained at all about stuttering or FPS.


    I run a minimal set of mods:


    DZAI (with default missions, waiting on ZFM)

    Deploy anything

    Vehicle Trading

    Recover Skin (the one that puts em in your inventory)

    Snap Pro

    I've got a custom loadout script i've cobbled together myself, but it's just a single sqf that gives donators a custom skin.


    I also pay for the best hosting I can buy.


    The server report gets spammed with the usual BS from DZAI, I occasionally get network message pending errors but this has been much better since taking the maxping down to 350.

  4. Did their screen turn black?


    If that's the case then the object somehow had simulation disabled. If not then I am not sure what is causing it.


    I realize a few people are having this bug but I've never had it happen to myself.


    A couple of questions:


    Do you have any logs or anything you could send that might help figure it out?


    Do you use infistar?


    Is this happening to multiple people or just a select few?


    I do use infistar.  There's nothing I've noticed in logs at all.  I will do my best to collect some more info - I'd love to get to the bottom of it, cos this mod is awesome.  My fave one in ages.  Allows all kinds of fun.  Once more hassle - is it possible to add a switch that clears magazines?

  5. Weird issue with the script. Everyone can deploy a bike and all is fine...until they get on the bike and try to pedal. For whatever reason you cannot pedal the bike you deploy.


    Any ideas?


    Yesterday a player had this bug.  I TP'd over & got on the bike he had deployed (Bike A).  It worked fine for me.  So he got back on Bike A but was unable to pedal.  So I built a bike (Bike B ).  He got on Bike B and was able to pedal.  He got back on bike A and was unable to pedal.  I was able to pedal both.

  6. It seems some deployables require a plot pole to build for me.


    these are mine:


    This is when in range of an existing pole.  Correct behaviour if they are walls or buildings but for bicycles it shouldnt matter.

  7. the simple solution to this for now is allow them to repack the bike and tell them to repack it if they built it into the ground


    Yep that's what were doing now :D


    I did a little experimenting this afternoon - seems that if you build one in the ground it just bounces out, so that's not the problem.  Just seems sometimes bikes dont work,  pack em and they're fine.  not had it happen to me once, but it has to a few clan members.

  8. He is probably just rebooting his router to get a new IP each time.  Look at his IP's, search them on the net.  Chances are they're from the same provider.  Send a complaint to his provider asking them to stop him from DDOSing your server.  Enclose proof.


    Probably other ways to do it.  How hard is it to seek a VAC ban for it?

  9. Is it possible to add the ability for an item to spawn on the ground instead of exactly where you specify?


    I ask this as quite often people are having trouble building bikes.  The bikes get spawned in but are not able to be ridden - you can get on them but they go really slow or only backwards, and I think this is because people dont 100% make sure they spawn out of the ground - they clip in a little and it breaks things.


    I'd like the bikes to spawn in front of the player at x metres but ignore the up-down bit, placing it directly on the ground instead if configuted to do so.


    Nice mission :)


    You can also unlock vaults using a MySQL procedure (edit, ive removed datestamp as there can be issues when vaults are packed and re-placed with the dates screwing up, hence I only use lastupdated)

    UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` = ('VaultStorageLocked')  AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL


    Wish I'd noticed this earlier, was getting some weirdness as described so took it off my server and didn't get the chance to look into why some safes were getting abandoned early.  I'm going to add this version of the SQL and update the code for 1051.  Watch this space!

  11. Ladies and gentlemen.


    vbawol will allow it to be included as part of the standard Epoch build after I have converted it so it can be turned on or off via a variable  :D .


    I need to finish the debugging, add the maintenance, optionise it (turn it on or off via a config variable), testing etc and then I will push it to the DayZ Epoch build so everyone will have it as standard and can choose to turn it on or off as they prefer.


    There is a bit of work to do so don't hold your breath and please continue with this mod build for now.  It will also help to iron out some of the bugs before merging.


    Well this will be a most welcome addition to patch notes, can't wait to see it listed.  I wouldn't be surprised if pretty much everyone has this switched on as soon as it's available.

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