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Posts posted by MuhKuh

  1. Are you sure all parameters are coorect ?


    - the port is not the standard one, may its 3306 ?

    - take care fore case sentitivity, may "Root" have to be "root" ?

    - try to create another identity instead of root, in my case I had some kind of problem.

    - are you using encryption in HeidiSQL?


    Good luck.

  2. The database isn't designed to query vehicles correctly.


    A correct way would be to create a vehicle white list table and check against the classname. There are some useful dayz database tools (e.g. Private Hive tools with 'tool_vehicle_pool' table).


    If you only want to clean up vehicles:


    DELETE FROM Object_DATA WHERE (CharacterID = 0 AND (Inventory = '[]' OR Inventory = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]')) OR Damage > 0.5


    -> Deletes all vehicles without owner and empty inventory or vehicles which are to heavy damaged

  3. Hmmm... seems there is some trouble with the case sensitivity of the table names. I got some MySQL errors from your snapshot.


    After I renamed the tables into Server_TRADERS, Trader_TIDS and Traders_DATA it works fine.


    I will look for a better way to handle this.


    But its strange that you only got a part of the items of the specific category.



  4. Strange. I took two simple queries:


    Get categories (All TIDs for the specific trader): "Select id, name FROM Trader_TIDS where trader = '" + trader + "' ORDER BY name;";

    Get items (All Items for the selected TID): "Select id, item, qty, buy, sell FROM Traders_DATA where tid = '" + tid + "' ORDER BY item;";


    Perhaps your database scheme is structured differently?

    Maybe you could send me a database export as sql file.

  5. Comming in the next version ;)


    For some reason are the traders in napf badly named, here are some sql commands to make it look better:

    (I dont know if the ids are correct)


    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Ammunition Friendly Schratten' WHERE `id`='144';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten Weapons Friendly ' WHERE `id`='145';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten Ammunition Friendly ' WHERE `id`='144';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten Friendly Vehicles' WHERE `id`='146';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg General Store' WHERE `id`='147';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Weapons neutral' WHERE `id`='148';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Ammunition Neutral' WHERE `id`='149';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Neutral Building/Parts' WHERE `id`='150';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Vehicles Neutral' WHERE `id`='153';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Black Market Vendor' WHERE `id`='154';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten Friendly Building/Parts' WHERE `id`='155';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten General Store 2' WHERE `id`='157';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Schratten Medical Supplies' WHERE `id`='158';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='North Wholesaler' WHERE `id`='161';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen General Store 3' WHERE `id`='162';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='North Boat Vendor' WHERE `id`='164';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen Weapons neutral 2' WHERE `id`='165';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen Ammunition Neutral 2' WHERE `id`='166';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen Vehicles Neutral 2' WHERE `id`='167';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen Neutral Building/Parts' WHERE `id`='168';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Emmen Medical Supplies 2' WHERE `id`='169';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Lenzburg Medical Supplies 3' WHERE `id`='170';
    UPDATE `Server_TRADERS` SET `desc`='Pauls Boat Trader 2' WHERE `id`='171';
  6. For all who are interested in some fixed coordinates for napf:




    DZMSFindPos = 
    _coord1 = [18630.9, 17689.5, 0];
    _coord2 = [16754.1, 18123.1, 0];
    _coord3 = [13543.8, 19631.4, 0];
    _coord4 = [10268.8, 18443.3, 0];
    _coord5 = [949.3, 10969.1, 0];
    _coord6 = [707.2, 6570.9, 0];
    _coord7 = [1258.2, 3183.9, 0];
    _coord8 = [6882.7, 3523.4, 0];
    _coord9 = [9909.3, 4132.2, 0];
    _coord10 = [14427.7, 3643.6, 0];
    _coord11 = [18143.4, 2442.1, 0];
    _coord12 = [19145.5, 6659.6, 0];
    _coord13 = [16879.9, 8732.3, 0];
    _coord14 = [18574.1, 11316, 0];
    _coord15 = [14505.1, 11664.4, 0];
    _coord16 = [11760.5, 12486.9, 0];
    _coord17 = [8377.5, 13175.1, 0];
    _coord18 = [8549.9, 10524.6, 0];
    _coord19 = [4318.3, 9766.3, 0];
    _coord20 = [5525.3, 6980.9, 0];
    _coord21 = [8345.3, 5938.1, 0];
    _coord22 = [8965.8, 8137.3, 0];
    _coord23 = [11050.2, 10125.1, 0];
    _coord24 = [12211.9, 6532.1, 0];
    _coord25 = [14295.1, 7978.3, 0];
    _coord26 = [14228, 9716.9, 0];
    _coord27 = [8163.8, 1860.5, 0];
    _coord28 = [5426, 2953.7, 0];
    _coord29 = [6501.9, 14635.3, 0];
    _coord30 = [10997.7, 14732.7, 0];
    _coord31 = [13156.2, 15218.8, 0];
    _coord32 = [16747.6, 14517.1, 0];
    _coord33 = [18994.7, 13115.2, 0];
    _coord34 = [14353.1, 4289.4, 0];
    _coord35 = [18321.1, 4403.4, 0];
    _coord36 = [13211.1, 16013, 0];
    _fin = [_coord1, _coord2, _coord3, _coord4, _coord5, _coord6, _coord7, _coord8, _coord9, _coord10, _coord11, _coord12,_coord13, _coord14, _coord15, _coord16, _coord17, _coord18, _coord19, _coord20, _coord21, _coord22, _coord23, _coord24,_coord25, _coord26, _coord27, _coord28, _coord29, _coord30, _coord31, _coord32, _coord33, _coord34, _coord35, _coord36] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
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