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Posts posted by lima

  1. There is a post from Maca134 which describes how to do that. Server Side chat / hint / messages. Something like that.

    Search for 'globalchat' in 'Server Mods Corner'.

    Please read my post again. I'm mentioning that very same script :)

  2. I would use BEC to do this instead, or if you have a anti-cheat like infistar or Blur.

    I think you misunderstand what I'm trying to do.


    A hint cannot be triggered by BEC. What you're thinking of is a standard global message, showing up in the lower left corner, but that's not what I need.

  3. I'm having trouble with sending a hint to all players on my server. I have tried several methods, but none works.


    RPT and -showscripterrors reports no errors.


    These have been tested, but doesn't work:



    Shows nothing at all:

    [nil,nil,rHINT,"testing"] call RE;

    Used with maca's "remote_messages" script (https://www.dropbox.com/s/eyix186wbdqwmu0/remote_messages.sqf). Shows nothing at all:

    customRemoteMessage = ['hint', "testing"];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

    Shows text on my screen, not on others. Same with !isServer:

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    hint "test";

    What am I doing wrong? Isn't there a fool-proof way to get this working?

  4. Place it somehwere further down in the fn_selfactions.sqf.. maybe at the end of the file ;)

    It is at the bottom. But as I understand it, the selfactions file gets compiled into memory on startup? 


    needs to be placed below where the variable "_hasToolbox =" and "_canDo =" is defined in your fn_selfAction.sqf

    It already is, else the script wouldn't work at all as it wouldn't be able to recognize the variables.

  5. Hi


    I'm currently using a "right click to deploy bike"-script which works just fine - but I want the "deploy bike"-option to be available in the scroll menu as well.


    For that I use something like this:

    if((speed player <= 1) && _hasToolbox && _canDo) then {
        if (s_player_deploybike < 0) then {
            s_player_deploybike = player addaction[("<t color=""#007ab7"">" + ("Deploy Bike") +"</t>"),"custom\bike\deploy.sqf","",0,false,true,"", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_deploybike;
        s_player_deploybike = -1;

    ...but that doesn't work until scrolling while looking at a car or something else. It's like it have to be "activated" first by something else.


    How can I add the scrollwheel option so that it shows up instantly?


  6. Well it depends on the script you are trying to run. If its a simple script like this:


    I think you misunderstand my question :-)


    I want to run a specific function which is defined in my AH.sqf file. The entire file has more than 6000 lines of code - so I don't want to rerun the entire script, just that one function.


    So I'm looking for a way to only run a specific function from that script, without running the entire thing. 

  7. I'm running infiSTAR's antihack and the DZMS/EMS on my server. The antihack has a debugmonitor which is displayed by using silentHint's.


    EMS is broadcasting mission starts/endings by using rTitletext.


    I would like to have EMS broadcast the mission start/end using silentHint instead, so it show up in a box on the upper right side of the screen below the debugmonitor. If I try to execute another silentHint while the debugmonitor is running, it just gets "overwritten" by the debugmonitor.


    So the question is: how can I have the mission hints show in the same style as the debug monitor, but just below the debugmonitor?

  8. With BEC you can create special commands such as !rules !upt etc, so yes I think it is possible via BEC. But me and BEC aren't really friends :P


    Yeah, I was thinking that as well, but I'm not sure how I would pass the message/data variables from BEC to a script, which then could send a email. If thats even the way to do it :-) That's why I'm looking for ideas :-)

  9. Hi


    I've seen on some servers, that players are able to send a message to admins in case of fx. hackers or server problems. It seems to work by using !admin <message> in sidechat. I'm not sure how the message is delivered to the admins.


    How could I go about setting something like that up? BEC? arma script?


    Any ideas and advice is appreciated. If it turns out to be possible without altering too much, I'll write it and share it here.

  10. The latest Epoch SQL has a function (FindVehicleKeysCount) that identifies vehicles without keys anywhere in the database (player inventories, safes, etc.).  It is used by either another function (DeleteNonKeyVehicles) that then deletes these vehicles, or a scheduled job (UnlockNonKeyVehicles) that converts it.  You can find the SQL here:




    With that said, unfortunately on my hosting provider I can't create functions, so I can't use either of them currently.  Hopefully you can...




    Thanks alot, that was exactly what I was looking for. Fortunately my server provider does let me create functions.

  11. Hi


    Whenever I want to issue a command to BEC, I need to write the command in globalchat. Thats fine with me, but other players can see what I write in globalchat as well - and thats a problem. I would like to be able to control BEC without having the whole server knowing what I'm doing.


    What do you guys do? How can I change this behaviour?


    Regards, Lima.

  12. I've found the bug.


    While testing a long time ago, I created an admin_start.sqf in my instance folder on the server to avoid getting the "file not found"-error when pressing F1. This file is somehow linked in the antihack script files, thus getting downloaded with the mission.pbo, resulting in the player getting kicked.


    I removed the file and problem went away.


    Thank you for your suggestion though.

  13. Hi


    I own a newly started epoch server which at the moment has 0 players most of the day. Today I joined in to see 2 players had been on the server - and both had been kicked and tempbanned as a result of "badfile: admin_start.sqf". 


    I've recently had a problem where a friend of mine couldn't stay in the server as he would keep getting kicked for that exact same thing - although he didn't have the admin_start.sqf file in his arma folders.  He's a serveradmin as well, so he had it on his computer in an entirely other dir - but he got kicked and tempbanned for it as well.


    So now I start wondering if my server could be kicking players that's doing nothing wrong? One of them got kicked after 0 minutes in, the other one after 10 minutes in.


    If any of you are using the infistar antihack, can you please look in your surveillance log and see if you have many players getting tempbanned for this as well?


    I'm thinking of just removing that file from the badfile list, and maybe disable the "f1 to run admin_start.sqf"-thing. Would that be a bad solution?


    Regards, Lima.

  14. Hi everyone


    Probably most for server admins:


    Sorry for the odd question, but how do you warn your users about base decay, and that they need to maintain within x days? I mean, what do you write?


    I've been trying to come up with a warning text the past 30 minutes, but it always end up being very long.


    Regards, Lima.

  15. feel free to hit me up on skype if needed: zeta_maggy 


    If you need any help, im also available. i run a server for some mates from home. :) so im happy to help


    Also if your server needs a Teamspeak to use as a "home" then that can be arranged ;)



    Skype: Ethan.Hay

    Teamspeak IP:  -Will most likely be AFK but just poke me and ill see what i can do. :)


    Thanks alot to the both of you for offering to help! But peipo118 has helped me out and everything is running now :-)

  16. Lockable vehicles are locked on server restart so unless you get rid of it then it will stay locked forever. If you have admin tools available and the vehicle has been abandoned for awhile, create a key for it, unlock it and throw it in the gear and put it up for grabs to your regular players.

    I have admin tools, but that won't help me much. I don't get all over the map - also I dont wanna be checking and remembering every vehicle that has been left around the map.




    You can also create a MYSQL event that will unlock abandoned cars after a certain period of time.  Here is what I am using.  Just edit to make the table name match the spelling and capitalization of your 'object_data' table.  This unlocks vehicles that are at least 4 days old and haven't been touched in 10 days.  You can change the numbers to reflect the time you want this to happen.


    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS unlockAbandonedVehicles;
    CREATE EVENT unlockAbandonedVehicles
    COMMENT 'Unlocks vehicles that have been abandoned'
    UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 4 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` NOT IN ('VaultStorage','LockboxStorage','VaultStorageLocked','LockboxStorageLocked','WoodShack_DZ','StorageShed_DZ','TentStorageDomed','TentStorageDomed2','TentStorage')  AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL;


    Thanks, but I was hoping more of a script or something that could check if the key for a kar still exists. Your SQL is kindof my last resort :)


    Do you know if a key thats left in the world on server restart will be removed from the database, or get marked somehow?

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