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Posts posted by tux-box1

  1. I just setup a fresh install of epoch on the latest version of the arma 3 branch(because jetsDLC) and any one who logs in gets kicked for script restriction #49

    Reverent script.txt lines. Line 49-51

    #49 - > 7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !="player addeventhandler [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];" !="player addEventHandler [_x,([\"CfgEpochClient\", _x, \"\"] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" !="\"CBA_fnc_addEventHandler\"" !="\\fnc_addEventHandler" !="\"addEventHandler" !="_eventFunc = _eventFunc + \"(_this select 0) addEventHandler ['Respawn', \" + str _eventFunc + \"];\";" !="_unit addEventHandler [\"hitpart\"," !="CBA_fnc_addEventHandler" !="_unit addEventHandler [_x, format ['call cba_xeh_fnc_%1', _x]];" !="_ship addEventHandler [\"AttributesChanged3DEN\"" !="addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",bis_fnc_reviveOnPlayerHandleDamage];" !="_unit addEventHandler [\"FiredNear\"" !="_smokeEH = _plyr addEventHandler [\"FiredNear\", \"airDropHandle setFSMVariable" !="_onContactEH = _currentTarget addEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart"" !="_object addeventhandler [\"local\",{[[_this select 0],\"bis_fnc_objectVar\""
    #50 - > 7 displayAddEventHandler !="(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" !="displayAddEventHandler [_x,([\"CfgEpochClient\", _x, \"\"] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" !="_display displayaddeventhandler\n[\n\"mousemoving\"," !="_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMess" !="findDisplay -1337 displayAddEventHandler ['Unload'" !="_display displayaddeventhandler [\"keydown\",\"with uinamespace do {['keyDown'" !="_display displayaddeventhandler [_x,_fnc_animate];" !="Development\") then\n{\n_display displayaddeventhandler [\n\"keydown\"" !="CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler" !="_display displayAddEventHandler [\"MouseMoving" !="private _handler = _display displayAddEventHandler [_key, _code];" !="_display displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\", \"_this call cba_keybinding_fnc_onKeyDown\""
    #51 -> 7 ctrlAddEventHandler !="_control = _display displayctrl 37305; \n_control ctrladdeventhandler" !="_ctrlMap = _display displayctrl 101;\n_ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler" !="_display displayctrl 	21995;\n_assetsButton ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="_display displayctrl 2406; \n_control ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="_display displayctrl 2400;\n_control ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="_ctrlTags ctrladdeventhandler [\"lbselchanged\"," !="_ButtonGeneral ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="_ctrlExecuteLocal ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="_bg ctrlAddEventHandler [\"MouseEnter\"," !="_container ctrlAddEventHandler [\"LBDblClick\",\"_this call EPOCH_itemInteractClick\"];" !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'" !="(_display displayctrl _idc) ctrlAddEventHandler [\"LBSelChanged\"," !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler [\"mouseEnter\", (format [\"_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler [\"mouseExit\", (format [\"_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler [\"mouseButtonDown\", (format [\"call %1;\",(_buttonSettings select _e select 2)])];" !="_prevButton ctrlAddEventHandler [\"MouseButtonUp\", {_this call cba_diagnostic_fnc_debug" !="BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler [\"ButtonDown\"" !="_control = _display displayctrl 105;\n_control ctrladdeventhandler [\"MouseButtonUp\"" !="_ctrlAddonList ctrlAddEventHandler [\"LBSelChanged\", cba_settings_fnc_gui_addonChanged];"

    Scripts.log output

    Date Time: user (Ipaddress) Guid - #49 "wnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton", controlNull]) ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{		
    ["[RESPAWN] Main respawn button used"

    Any thoughts?


  2. Quick question to the coding masters..

    originally we had code like this

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList)) then 
      [] execVM "admintools\antihack\antihack.sqf"; // Epoch Antihack with bypass

    Couldn't we modify that and apply it again?

    I'm not a EPOCH code expert so the following is more presudo code than actual code that might work.  Something like: 

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) || !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList)) then 
    { //If player not in adminlist or player not in mod list then. 
    	dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
    	dayz_REsec = 0; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
    else {//Player is not in adminlist or player is not in mod list.
    	dayz_antihack = 1; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
    	dayz_REsec = 1; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
        [] execVM "admintools\antihack\antihack.sqf"; // Epoch Antihack with bypass
    	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

    I also noticed that in the original code && is used, doesn't this mean "AND". If I'm correct, why use AND "&&" instead of OR "||".

    If I'm correct in my assumption, You're stating that If the ID is in both list rather than one or the other, won't having an ID in both lists brake the code?? 

  3. 17 hours ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Did you put the new config file in and put your id in there? I tend to forget to put my Id in when updating or testing.

    Sure did, like I was saying. I did have your previous code working with epoch

    Did a complete wipe and start from fresh test branch on my server.

    Here is a snippet of the config, the part that matters. 


    /************** Epoch Admin Tools Variables **************/

        //Replace 111111111 with your ID. 
        EAT_superAdminList = [
        "7removed because of paranoia9", // <removed because of paranoia>
        "7removed because of paranoia9" // <removed because of paranoia>
        EAT_adminList = [
        "7removed because of paranoia3", // <removed because of paranoia>
        "7removed because of paranoia3" // <removed because of paranoia>
        EAT_modList = [
        "999999999", // <player name>
        "999999999" // <player name>


    I checked my MPmission init.sqf for sanity sakes and it's setup according to your directions at https://github.com/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/tree/TestBranch

    Also I noticed that "call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers" is used almost exclusivly, could we possibly use <code> call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "admintools\Activate.sqf"; </code> instead of <code> [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf"; </code>


    If I may make a request.

    I plan to run your wicked AI, is it possible for me to add a "activate mission X" to the admin menu?

  4. Setup new 3.9 server and get kicked for battleye Script restriction #1

    Context of scripts.log:

    06.08.2016 20:23:37: tux-box1 (IP:port) ID- #1 ""BIS_fnc_paramReviveBleedOutDuration","BIS_fnc_paramReviveForceRespawnDuration","BIS_fnc_paramTimeAcceleration","BIS_fnc_ORBATOp"

    I've been trying to go in and add != to lines but the more != I put in the more errors I get.

    Can some one post a working scripts.txt for me to test.

    Thank you.

  5. If someone who actually got this working can check my post and write back and let me know if I'm doing this right. I would be very thankful.

    I have done the following: unPBOed the mission file Altis.

    Opened up  mpmissions\epoch.Altis\epoch_config\Configs\CfgPricing.hpp  using notepad ++

    Added  class B_Plane_CAS_01_F {price = 10000;};  on line 999

    I saved the file, rePBOed the epoch.Altis folder.

    Loaded up the server and checked all spawn menus. 

    Result: no change.


  6. On 5/26/2016 at 10:43 PM, Hux said:

    CfgPricing.hpp is in your mission pbo under epoch_config/Configs

    Yes that's where you add vehicles with prices.

    I tried the same thing. Here is the exact entry in "mpmissions\epoch.Altis\epoch_config\Configs\CfgPricing.hpp"

    I added on line 999

    "class B_Plane_CAS_01_F {price = 10000;};"

    When I check the admin menu under V: Air nothing new is there.

    Can you tell me if you did the same?

    FWIW, I rePBO'ed the file.

  7. 12 minutes ago, tux-box1 said:

    I have replaced the whole scripts.txt file with the contents of what is posted, minus the line numbers of course

    Wow, I must have been at this too long. 

    Silly mistake on me,  ctrlAddEventHandlers !=  ctrlAddEventHandler

    For those who need to solve this.

    Replace line 53 with

    7 ctrlAddEventHandler !=";BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRes" !"rCfg >> "refreshDelay");" !" [\n"draw"," !" ["buttonclick"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'" !="(_display displayctrl _idc) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged"," !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseEnter", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseExit", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", (format ["call %1;",(_buttonSettings select _e select 2)])];" !="_prevButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", {_this call cba_diagnostic_fnc_debug"

    Replacing the whole line got me up and going. 

    Mark this as solved, at least for me.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Sp4rkY said:

    In scripts.txt search for the keyword ctrlAddEventHandlers and add this filter to it:

    !=";BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRes"


    Finally it should looks like this:

    7 ctrlAddEventHandler !=";BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRes" !"rCfg >> "refreshDelay");" !" [\n"draw"," !" ["buttonclick"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'" !="(_display displayctrl _idc) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged"," !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseEnter", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseExit", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", (format ["call %1;",(_buttonSettings select _e select 2)])];" !="_prevButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", {_this call cba_diagnostic_fnc_debug"



    I'm unable to find "ctrlAddEventHandlers". In fact, looking at the from scratch raw data on git located at https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/sc/BattlEye/scripts.txt I can't find it there ether.

    I did add the whole line 

    7 ctrlAddEventHandler !=";BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRes" !"rCfg >> "refreshDelay");" !" [\n"draw"," !" ["buttonclick"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'" !="(_display displayctrl _idc) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged"," !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseEnter", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseExit", (format ["_c = _this select 0;" !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", (format ["call %1;",(_buttonSettings select _e select 2)])];" !="_prevButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", {_this call cba_diagnostic_fnc_debug"


    but that didn't make any difference.

    Thank you for your help.

    Any other thoughts?

  9. 3 minutes ago, tux-box1 said:

    Just noticed that on line 57 of scripts.txt the line looks incomplete, like some syntax is missing. 

    7 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'Draw';" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'"

    I'm not any expert, but basic programing syntax suggests that something is missing here, possibly an ending "]"?

    I'm making the change and testing now.

    Well, like I said I'm not an expert. 

    Making the change had no effect. 

  10. Just noticed that on line 57 of scripts.txt the line looks incomplete, like some syntax is missing. 

    7 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'Draw';" !="ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown'"

    I'm not any expert, but basic programing syntax suggests that something is missing here, possibly an ending "]"?

    I'm making the change and testing now.

  11. I'm getting the same error. I have redownloaded the server files and copied over / deleted old and copied new the server files. Even went to Git and got the txt of the scripts file and copied over / removed and copied new the text into scripts.txt

    On line 51 of my scripts txt file is: 

    7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !"[\"FiredNear"\" !"[\"EpeContactStart"\" !"[\"GetOut"\" !"[\"local"\" !"[\"PostReset"\" !"[\"TaskSetAsCurrent"\" !="player addEventHandler [_x,([\"CfgEpochClient\", _x, \"\"] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" !="\"CBA_fnc_addEventHandler\"" !="\\fnc_addEventHandler" !="\"addEventHandler" !="_eventFunc = _eventFunc + \"(_this select 0) addEventHandler ['Respawn', \" + str _eventFunc + \"];\";" !="_unit addEventHandler [\"hitpart\"," !="CBA_fnc_addEventHandler"

    On line 52 of my scripts txt file is:

    7 displayAddEventHandler !="(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" !="_display displayAddEventHandler [_x,([\"CfgEpochClient\", _x, \"\"] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" !="_display displayaddeventhandler\n[\n\"mousemoving\"," !="_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMess" !="findDisplay -1337 displayAddEventHandler ['Unload'" !="_display displayaddeventhandler [\"keydown\",\"with uinamespace do {['keyDown'" !="_display displayaddeventhandler [_x,_fnc_animate];" !="Development\") then\n{\n_display displayaddeventhandler [\n\"keydown\"" !="_display displayaddeventhandler [\"mousemoving\",\"with uinamespace do {['watchFields'" !="/"CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler/""


    My scripts log read as follows:

    05.06.2016 15:22:04: USER (IP:PORT) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #51 ";
    BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlHeaderRespawnButton ctrlAddEventhandler ["ButtonDown",{		
    uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRes"

    Looking for any advice. 

    Thank you.

  12. On 5/22/2016 at 2:50 PM, Hux said:

    Ok, I added B_Plane_CAS_01_F  to the CfgPricing file and it showed up in admin menu just as you said.


    Thank you very much.

    Where did you find cfgpricing? I see it in the sources file but is that the exact file we edit?

    Thank you.

  13. I'm starting a new topic for discussion as my original post doesn't quite apply here. 

    Originally I posted 

    The difference is now instead of getting the error on the server like I did, which is now fixed I think. I get the error in epoch client connecting to the server. Keep in mind I have removed the epoch client mod from my system and re-downloaded it using steam work shop to my client system. 

    When I use the arma 3 launcher to connect to the server I select the mod, then pick my server out of the list "epochMod.com (0.3.8|1.58) Myztek.biz" from the list then I click join. The system acts like it's going to do it's thing and then I'm greeted with the error. 

    I have re-downloaded every piece of both the client mod @epoch and the server files. I have been successful with setting up the epoch servers as long as I can remember(going back to the arma 2 days).

    Any help is appreciated. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, tux-box1 said:

    Hello, thank you for your reply. 

    I'm going at this with defaults nothing changed in the mission files. 

    Paste bin here ->


    So I redownloaded everything and started over. Good news is I'm not getting the error on the server now, but I'm getting it when I try to connect to it through the client. I use play with 6 and when it loads everything up I get the error now. Thank you for your time. 

  15. On 5/15/2016 at 11:50 PM, tux-box1 said:

    I setup the new epoch 3.8 today and when I try to connect with the client I get this error: Addon 'A3_Modules_F_Exp_A' requires addon 'A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp'


    I do have the newest epoch client mod and the epochhive server mod in the server directory. 

    Here is start command I'm using, this command has worked with 3.7

    START "arma3" /affinity 1 /min "arma3server.exe" "-port=27200" "-config=sc\config.cfg" "-cfg=sc\basic.cfg" "-profiles=sc" "-name=sc" "-BEpath=E:\servers\Arma\Battleye\sc" "-mod=@epoch;@EpochHive"

    When I try coping my rpt in to code tags I get a error that emoji are not allowed. 

  16. I setup the new epoch 3.8 today and when I try to connect with the client I get this error: Addon 'A3_Modules_F_Exp_A' requires addon 'A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp'


    I do have the newest epoch client mod and the epochhive server mod in the server directory. 

    Here is start command I'm using, this command has worked with 3.7

    START "arma3" /affinity 1 /min "arma3server.exe" "-port=27200" "-config=sc\config.cfg" "-cfg=sc\basic.cfg" "-profiles=sc" "-name=sc" "-BEpath=E:\servers\Arma\Battleye\sc" "-mod=@epoch;@EpochHive"

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