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Posts posted by JackalopeHunter

  1. After more playing here is a couple more suggestions and wishlist items.




    Metal Ladders (long ladder 2 or 3 stories high (the length of 2 or 3 foundations)), Wood Ladder (the length of 1 foundation), Metal Walls or metal divisions that you could upgrade with metal and glass windows, etc.

    Portable smelter furnace used to smelt the various ores, scrap metal or sand to turn into glass and metal bars instead of using the wood fires. You would need some kind of energy source in order to run it.


    Wood wall plywood texture



    More storage options, there is a tons of military crates and shelves in the Arma 3 assets.








    H-Barrier blocks, craftable with sand and scrap metal (would require a shovel).


    Sandbags, craftable with clothing that you could convert, sand or dirt.


    Individual storage options!!! This is a must!!! Even if I trust my team mates they always steal my beans!!! Safes in 0.3 hopefully!




    Ability to crush the other types of loot piles that you cannot crush at the moment. For instance, the ones with metal scraps parts, tires piles or the washing machine ones.




    Add more metal ore in the epicenter rocks not one of each. Maybe it was just my luck.

    Add more loot in the shipping containers. I think they've been nerfed to hard I only find 3 items now as of


    The O_MRAP_02_F


    The I_MRAP_03_F


    I don't know why these two vehicles haven't been added yet but they would be a great counter to the hunter and add more diversity.



    +1 I would really like to see more buildables. I am sure there is a plan for this, but have not seen it voiced by the DEVs yet. 


    Also more vehicles like these 








    You can drive this one, maybe they could mod it to be able to fit more people? Would make a good buggy type of vehicle. 

  2. Unfortunately, it's still rather easy to access the gear of locked vehicles, so it's a bummer that removing the ability to loot underwater crates is broken. It's a really neat feature they added, so I'm eager to be able to do it again. Something to pass the time while your buddies aren't on.



    Yes I have had a number of times when going up to a locked vehicle that it would show me inventory and not the option to lock/unlock. 


    The DLC choppers seem to be very bad for this but have seen it on many others as well. Locking system is in some real need of repair at this point. I am sure it will be addressed in the upcoming patch. 

  3. Taming is not pointless, the dogs bring you gifts over time..


    They could be robots, or we may have a dog meat mechanical recovery machine somewhere in the map that makes all the tins of bio food..

    So thats were bio meat comes from.  :lol:

  4. I'm with the Doctor.

    I ain't got time to hide it good, I ain't got time to go sell it. Sometimes I need to leave home at the drop of a hat.

    Besides, isn't this the future when biometric locks come as standard?

    I feel a permanent locking system is best, but with a countermeasure for the thieves to use to bypass the biometrics. A little like the hotwire kit in A2Epoch.

    Yes this would be really nice. You take a chance but the average new spawn can't just run off with it. I also agree that you should have to purchase the vehicle for the lock to be like this. That way a fresh spawn can't just lock everything he finds and move on to another server. You all know there would be ahats like that. 


    I like the idea that if not touched for X days then it unlocks, this cuts down on issues. As it stands right now you can change the lock time but, once the server restarts the vehicle unlocks to public again and anyone can take it. Need to make that go past restart and then it would be great. 


    I had read in a post that a unlock kit was going to be ingame and have a chance at spawning in vehicles. Maybe after that is put in the lock system will change. 

  5. Do you know if they are made of meat? 


    Well yes, in some countries they eat dog. And I too think they should be a food source. After an apocalypse, anything that has food value would be viable. 


    Should take a hit to humanity for do it. But I am sure the bio meat will be the same.

  6. Yeah, would be nice to separate the server messages from chat. 


    So many players don't read the server messages because they get looped in with text. If they were different colors or in a different place it would really clean things up. 

  7. Need to do something. We get people who want into the group but we don't really know them. The group makes it nice when running together but don't really want to give everyone access to the base. 


    I thought a level system like the radio or admin tool has. maybe only like 3 levels to allow access. Group owner/ Base owner would have the option to set permissions on the locks or at the jammer to allow access to some or all things. 

  8. People like to bitch over stuff that they don't need to. The community is just opening up variation for different types of players. Some dont have much time and want to hop in, make a fast base and get into some shooting, some like spending 6-7 hours on a server loot hoarding.

    Exactly what I was tying to say. If ever server out there was "Vanilla" then there would be no draw to one or the other. Our server is running the basic flight and a few extra vehicles, other than that it is vanilla, but once we hit 1.0 its on. By having servers with "different stuff" we make it so players can find what fits their game play. We normally run more than one server with a variety of things from Vanilla up. 


    Don't hate just because you don't like it. Just don't play on it. Simple. 

  9. As a server owner and admin for some time I can tell you, its not what we want as a game that our servers end up. Its what makes them popular, this brings in members for our communities and donations to help keep servers running. I prefer the survival aspect of the game, yet most players like God mode in traders, base god mode and stuff like that. We know what will draw them in, so that is what we are asking for. Sure, vanilla is great, but if all the servers were vanilla why would you not just join the first one. Server owners want ways to make their server draw in players and keep them. 

  10. Yeah I love it when a player asks for an admin and you say Im on the way, then they shoot you because you scared them. Always fun. 

    And the inventory while spectating is a must. How else can you check someone out really well? 


    Would also be nice to have the following


    Jammer locations on the map.

    Dead bodies on the map

    building materials on the map


    I know that in A2 there were times when players could not find their body after death. By being able to see it on the map we could help them or tell them it was in a rock/wall and they could not get to it. 

    As for seeing bases, its nice because I have found a number of dupers/hackers by checking out bases. You know when that guy has way more than he should and now you know to keep an eye on them. 

  11. Lol what he means is.. you can upgrade your group at cost of kryptos.

    And the icons are on Armas end though I guess it might be possible to mod? I'd rather them get rid of the random commands spamming chat.

    Ooooh please get rid of that. I hate seeing it all the time. Covers up what others are typing and server messages. 

  12. Just to set the record straight, I am a 46 year old American male.  I have been firing, owning and collecting military small arms since I was 8 years old (that's from 1976 for those who are counting).  I am NOT some tween millenia hipster who only knows what they learned in COD: Modern Warfare 16.


    That said, the guns in Epoch, especially the custom ones, are A-MA-ZING.  The model and skin on the M249 is extremely well done.


    A couple notes, not complaints, not saying OMG CHANGE THIS NOW!, just for info and consideration.


    1) The M107 rifle fires from a 10 round magazine.  Not sure if this is changeable without adding a new mag type.  Can you mod it to allow 2 Lynx mags to be used in tandem?  Not sure, not a coder.

    Already stated by one of the Devs that the use of the 12.7 is only temporary for the 107. It will have its own mag down the road. 



    5)  There is a magazine repacking script in use on some A3Wasteland servers, check it out, it rocks.  Much more elegant a solution than the current means of selling almost empty mags to the vendor and buying them back full.

    I hope they do introduce something along this line. It would be nice to even use rounds form one mag for another gun of the same caliber to reload your mag. 


    6) This is a personal request, add an FN-FAL.  thx.


    Again, this is a great start to a great mod, please dont take these points as me being dissatisfied at all, I am loving it and my buddies in [TACX] are too.  Keep up the good work.

  13. OK, 


    So I have made a couple posts about group levels to restrict access to some group items. After playing a good amount I came up with this idea that maybe will work. 


    So we have levels of radios, from Quartz on up. What if the same were implemented to locks? You could set a lock and it would start at Quartz, then you could upgrade it up to Ruby. Then in the group menu you could have levels from Quartz to Ruby. A Quartz member could only open quartz, while a ruby member could open everything. This gives group leaders the option to grant access to who they want. If you don't care, leave it at quartz, if you do you can upgrade to as many levels as the gems. 


    Also in the building system, it would be really nice to either make building parts not be affected by map items or make some small doors and such that you could use to seal off existing building door ways. 


    Anyways just a few ideas. If you all like them post back. 

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