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Posts posted by Gungy

  1. Good to know Goober. As for the whole steam thing, I wish they had just used the browser and allowed standalone clients to get the patches by more traditional means. I'm pretty pissed that thanks to this bullshit I now have 3 steam accounts. and that I can only run one headless client per machine, which is utter shite when I can run more than one server.

  2.  still can't run the HC, zeds will spawn on it etc. but for some reason you will be surrounded by 50 zeds and they all just despawn right in front of your eyes. any ideas?
     they, spawn. they chase you, you fight them etc, they despawn, they respawn and the cycle starts again. they last about 5 minutes, despawn, take about 1 minute to spawn again, then 5 minutes later they despawn.
  3. Zed spawning works great. however the loot just stops spawning. Does this control item loot as well as zed spawns?



    if it does may I suggest you explain how to return loot spawning back to the server for those of us like myself using custom loot spawning etc.





    after an hour the numbers of zeds and loot starts to drop, till at 2hrs there is nothing. forget this, now realise its because of a flaw in 112555 not deleting weaponholders properly.

  4. Ok TayTay after testing your build since you uploaded it, I have a few issues with it. 


    After running for about 2 hours the zeds start to spawn in fewer numbers till they are at vanilla or less. They also start to lag, i.e. you can shoot them six times and they keep coming, then suddenly the first shot registers and kills it 10 seconds later.


    Also they keep spawning directly in front of players. e.g. you arrive at the NE airfield, and there are no zeds. you get out your vehicle and then suddenly 40 spawn at various distances around you from 5m to 300m.

  5. OK time for me to chime in....


    I have this installed, the HC connects and no longer gets kicked by BE for being idle. However.......


    The HC is not invisible or totally indestructible, put enough round in him and he dies.


    Also there doesn't seem to a drastic change in the number of zombies if at all. 


    I would really appreciate some input on this from some more capable coders, what would be the best way to test whether it's the HC or clients that are spawning the zeds?




    BTW David


    Edit the mission.sqf file, in the Groups class, change items to items=3.

    needs changing to

    Edit the mission.SQM file, in the Groups class, change items to items=3.



    arma2oa_be.exe 0 0 -skipintro -nosplash -noPause -client -connect -port:2302 -nosound "-mod=@dayz_epoch" -cpuCount=2 -name=Server -profiles=HeadlessClient


    needs changing to 


    arma2oa_be.exe 0 0 -skipintro -nosplash -noPause -client -connect -port:2302 -nosound "-mod=@dayz_epoch" -cpuCount=2 -name=Server -profile=HeadlessClient


    the extra S will cause failures to start and BE kicks.

  6. I used to use this for cherno

    //dayZ Street Lights for Taviana | All Rights Reserved Andrew Gregory aka axeman | [email protected]
    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    //waitUntil {time > 30};
    private ["_nrDist","_finishHour","_startHour","_LocalLight","_doLight","_safeCount","_saferMode","_flickering","_plCellsLitVar","_objLightPoint","_awayx","_awayy","_location","_plCurrX","_plCurrY","_map"];
    //CAN EDIT
    _startHour = 17; //Hour to start switching lights on
    _finishHour = 6; //Hour to stop switching lights on
    _saferMode = true;//Safe(r) Mode - If True (default) Lights every other light (Looks better, more random). False - Lights all streetlights (Sometimes creates a radius around the player, can see lights coming on).
    _LocalLight = false;//Local Light - True creates light on each client PC only. False (default) - creates light and shares across network with other clients (Code optimised for the default).
    _nrDist = 8; //Default=8. When checking each location if an existing light is already within _nrDist number of metres (8) a new light will NOT be created. To prevent bunching (for fluorescent fights) and reduce the overall number (Street lights are usually at least 28m apart).
    //Uncomment the map you want to use
    //_map = [[0,0,0],[20000,23600,0]];
    //_map = [[484,1546,0],[14323,13556,0]];
    //_map= [[0,0,0],[12288,12288,0]];
    _plCellsLitVar = [];
    //axeFlickerLight = compile preprocessfile "lights\flicker_lights.sqf";
    while {alive player}do{
        if(daytime<_finishHour||daytime>_startHour)then {
            _safeCount = 0;
            _plCellsLitVar = player getVariable ["axeCellsLit",[]];
            //hint format ["CELLSLIT:%1",_plCellsLitVar];
            sleep 0.5;
            _plCurrX = getPos vehicle player select 0;
            _plCurrY = getPos vehicle player select 1;
            _mtrxNum = 6;
            _mapSW = _map select 0;
            _mapNE = _map select 1;
            _widthX = (_mapNE select 0) - (_mapSW select 0);
            _widthY = (_mapNE select 1) - (_mapSW select 1);
            _cellWidth = _widthX / _mtrxNum;
            _cellHeight = _widthY / _mtrxNum;
            for "_x" from 0 to (_mtrxNum - 1) do {
                if(_plCurrX > (_mapSW select 0) + (_cellWidth * _x) && _plCurrX < (_mapSW select 0) + (_cellWidth * (_x+1)))then{
                    for "_y" from 0 to (_mtrxNum - 1) do {
                        if(_plCurrY > (_mapSW select 1) + (_cellHeight * _y) && _plCurrY < (_mapSW select 1) + (_cellHeight * (_y+1)))then{
                            if(call Compile format ["%1%2",_x,_y] in _plCellsLitVar)then{
                            //hint format ["IN CELL:%1%2 | ALREADY LIT:%3",_x,_y,_plCellsLitVar];
                            //Call Compile format ["_plCell = _cell%1%2",_x,_y];
                            axeLampObjects = [_x,_y,player];
                            publicVariable "axeLampObjects";
                            waitUntil {count axeLampReturn > 0};
                            Call Compile format ["_plCellsLitVar = _plCellsLitVar + [%1%2]",_x,_y];
                            //hint format ["IN CELL:%1%2 | NOT LIT :%3",_x,_y,_plCellsLitVar];
            if(count axeLampReturn >0)then{
                _doLight = true;
                        _doLight = false;
                    _safeCount = _safeCount + 1;
                    _location = [_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2];
                    _objLightPoint = nearestObject [_location, "#lightpoint"];
                    _awayx=(_location select 0)-(getPos _objLightPoint select 0);
                    _awayy=(_location select 1)-(getPos _objLightPoint select 1);
                        if((_awayx>_nrDist or _awayx<-_nrDist)or(_awayy>_nrDist or _awayy<-_nrDist))then{
                        _location set [1, (_x select 1) + ((0.6)*sin(_x select 3))];
                        _location set [2,_location select 2 - 0.2];
                        _location=[_location select 0, _location select 1, _location select 2];
                            _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _location;
                            _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _location;
                        _lp setLightColor [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                        _lp setLightBrightness 0.04;
                        _lp setLightAmbient [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                        _lp setVectorUp [0,0,-1];
                        _lp setVariable ["axeLit",1];
                        //player reveal _lp;
                        //hint format ["LAMP NOT FOUND:%1 | %2 | DOLIGHT:%3 | COUNT:%4",_x,time,_doLight,_safeCount];
                            if(_objLightPoint getVariable ["axeLit",0]<1)then{
                           //sleep 0.2;
                            _objLightPoint setLightColor [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                            _objLightPoint setLightBrightness 0.04;
                            _objLightPoint setLightAmbient [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                            _objLightPoint setVectorUp [0,0,-1];
                            _objLightPoint setVariable ["axeLit",1];
                            //hint format["LAMP ALREADY FOUND | Var:%1 | DOLIGHT:%3 | COUNT:%4",_objLightPoint getVariable "axeLit",_doLight,_safeCount];
                }forEach axeLampReturn;
            player setVariable ["axeCellsLit",_plCellsLitVar];
        sleep 3;

    as you can see it required you to choose the map. now im at a loss with this map. any help?

  7. I'm pretty much a noob to this scripting lark. I've managed to get several good ones working on 1.0.4 like lift and tow, snap, refuel and repair and wicked ai and DZai to mention a few. my last one is this one but i'm totally confused. most of you are talking about adding text to files not within my pbo's and there is even some peeps contradicting posts.


    so could somebody give me a complete run down of how to get this working for a fresh install of epoch with a for dummies tone please.





    Do the buildings still require maintaining and destroy themselves if they are not?

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