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Posts posted by Line2.lv

  1. ElDubya don`t be silly, trader likely vanishes because you are using infiSTAR safezone script...


    Change this in your safezone.sqf:


    USE_AI_REMOVER = true; to false


    Any ways this script needs many modification which I`ll  try to post later.



    1) Trader is spawned throw Mission side so it is like a AI not a Unit NPC

    if you change it to Server PBO side, it simple does not work.


    2) Preview also does not work for me


    3) Many skins in the list are same + some does not work + some have Battleye issues


    4) Needs SC support, just need to change few lines and it will work



  2. Hi guys, since I`m hosting Epoch ArmA 3 Server on my Dedicated server I see that my RAM slowly fills all the memory full.

    I have a Dedicated Machine with 32 GB of Ram and when I start the server for first time since I restart my computer, it shows that I have filled up like 8 - 9 % of my Ram.

    After 3 days it`s already 25 %, after 2 weeks it`s ~ 80 % .... When it comes to 95 %, the Dedicated server is really slow and I need to restart the computer.


    I`m not doing anything else on the same computer, only My ArmA 2 and ArmA 3 servers and Windows scheduler for server restarts, that`s it....

    It`s not relaited to ArmA 2, because the problem started when I launcher ArmA 3..


    Have anybody notice same issue on your Dedicated server?




    • I have my own private Dedicated server.
    • Redis config memory is set to default >> maxmemory 4gb
    • (Using Windows OP) When I go to my Task Manager / Memory / I do not see any Process that commits (uses) so much memory but the Used ram is almost full
    • I have tryed many different Computer cleaners, etc etc... Nothing
  3. The problem why Admin panel is giving me Restriction kicks is relaited to the delay of the reloading of the filters.

    If I`ll try to do something with my panel before publicvariable.txt was changed,  got kicked...

    Are there any solutions how can I make the process faster? Because as we can see the delay is 4 - 5 minutes.


    If I remember right, in Altis server publicvariable.txt was changed at same time when RCon admin logged in without any delays.

    21:01:16 : Starting plugin : WatchDog V.0.16
    21:01:16 : Checking for new Bec version...
    21:01:16 : Creating watchdog for admin file...
    21:01:16 : Creating watchdog for command file...
    21:01:16 : Creating watchdog for badwords file...
    21:01:16 : Creating watchdog for badnames file...
    21:01:16 : Creating watchdog for BE filter files...
    21:01:19 : Bec is running latest version! : 1.606
    21:01:20 : Connecting to Battleye server
    21:01:20 : Scheduling 28 tasks
    21:01:27 : RCon admin #0 ( logged in
    21:01:31 : BE Filter file:publicvariable.txt was changed. reloading data...
  4. Hi guys, when I was hosting Altis server, everything was ok.

    All Admin panel was working, could do anything what I wanted.


    Also BEC with watchdog was starting without any problems and following line was shown when BEC started:

    BE Filter file:publicvariable.txt was changed. reloading data...

    Now when I installed the Chernarus and try to do something in my Admin Panel...

    The PublicVariable restriction shows up. Here are some examples what I can see in my PublicVariable filter log file, of course every time this generated code is different "rziuxa"

    16.01.2015 05:48:26: Test ( 7b90e694b24xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #0 "rziuxa" = ["Map to Teleport",2,<NULL-object>,"tcpaqby"]
    16.01.2015 06:07:54: Test ( 7b90e694b24xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #0 "exejmrpex" = [555,[[["ruger_pistol_epoch",4]],"2:976"],<NULL-object>,"amxcfl"]

    And also BEC is not showing following line in the beggning anymore

    BE Filter file:publicvariable.txt was changed. reloading data...

    When I see whole Filter folder, I see that it change something, because Watchdog is creating the files and I see publicvariable.txt.original and the new made one with some of the codes in the end of the line...

    But still get my Restriction when try to do something in Admin panel...


    Notes! (When I moved from Altis to Chernarus)

    • Yes, I changed the Battleye Patch in EpochServer.ini
    • Yes, I added fresh new DB in redis
    • Yes, I changed the Battleye Path in BEC folders Config file
    • I even set up new filters to test if it relaited to that but still same problem
    • Yes, I have already read all other Topics (Did not find any good solution), please do not redirect me to some other problem with similar symptoms

    Of course I can play the game without Admin panel, but I cannot even spectate anybody and it`s kinda sucks...

    So I`ll be very thankful for any kind of help.

  5. Mission system is not working on Chernarus server. battleye filter problem.

    SetDamage Restriction #0
    15.01.2015 19:08:01: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
    15.01.2015 19:14:22: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
    15.01.2015 19:30:34: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820
    15.01.2015 19:34:48: Slash (IP:2378) xbx0e69xxxxxx1f6ab34cadxxxxxxxxx - #0 1.000000 1:-1478172820

    Yes, these Missions are the only mod which is installed, Haven`t had any problems before that.

    Also These Missions are working on Altis Map , problem with filters starts only in Chernarus.

  6. Hi guys, before I start, please do not redirect me to some of the Topics which is relaited to WatchDog Plugin or publicvariable.txt with random generated code. I already read it all.


    When I added my Steam ID in epochah.hpp file >>>  adminMenu_Owner[] = {{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME"}

    And I try to enter the server, I get stuck on the loading screen and the log is following:

    When I remove myself from the epochah.hpp - everything is working.

    05.01.2015 07:39:45: TestPlayer ( 7b90e6ffg540691f6ab34cad9075bbc - #0 "PLAYER_REJECT_NotReady1" = true

    All other players (testers) who are not Admins - can join the server.



    • Yes, in BEC WatchDog plugin are loaded.
    • Yes, WatchDog did change the original publicvariable.txt file.
    • No, I do not even get to login and try out admin menu, I`m stuck on loading.
    • Yes, My Server / Client / battleye files are updated with the lastest version
  7. Yeah and the refeshing is really slow...

    Besides when I try to find / refresh any other server, for an example MGT, it do it very fast.


    And the most strange thing in all this is that it was not happening from the beggining.

    I know that it`s not relaited to my internet speed or port forwarding... Everything is ok there...

  8. Hi, I have a strange problem. I don`t know if this is the best place for this problem discussion because it is relaited to A3 Launcher, but since I did not find any better place, maybe some one have encountered with it.

    I do not know when the problem started, but at the beggining when I opened the server for the first time, everything was ok.

    So I cannot give any comments about it.


    The problem is following:


    My in my config.cfg I put that maxPlayers are 100


    maxPlayers = 100;        // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.


    But when I open A3Launcher, I see that max players for my server are only 64. It does not matter if I put maxPlayers = 20, or maxPlayers = 500, it still says 64.

    Also before this problem A3Launcher was refreshing my server very good and when I tried to find it in the list, it came up like in 1 second but now the ping is not refreshing at all and the server finding tool sometimes even do not work, like my server would not be there.


    • Haven`t closed any ports since this problem started
    • Have also tested disabling BEC and Mission script, still problem shows up
    • Haven`t modify any folder names (Launch parameters) @epochhive...


    Maybe somebody knows, what can be the problem...

  9. Guys I have a questions about these numbers... I can bet that also other new Admins maybe have some similar question, so here I go...

    expiresBuilding = "1209600";  // expiration date in seconds for buildings
    expiresPlayer = "2592000";  // expiration date in seconds for players
    expiresBank = "7776000";  // expiration date in seconds for players bank
    expiresVehicle = "604800";  // expiration date in seconds for vehicles

    I understand that by doing following 1209600 / 60 / 60 / 24 = I got 14 days

    But what happens on the 14 day? There is no explanation given , just that it is a expiration date in seconds for players but nothing more...


    So my question is:


    First start with the buildings:

    If I maintain the buildings will they still dissapier after 14 days?


    What about characters?

    Will my character be deleted from DB only if I`ll be unactive or regardless from it.


    Because there are no big point of playing at all if the character will be lost anyway.


    And what about if I`ll put these number to  -1 or 0 At least for Bank account...

    Will the DB will crash after some while because of the overload?

    For this question lets imagine 50 players ONLINE / Public server...



    Next about Redis config. Did a little research in guides and found following info:

    after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
    after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
    after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed

    What is the meaning of the keys? I understand that is some kind of changes in DB but can we be more specific talking about ArmA 3 Epoch?

  10. Hi guys!

    I know how to make script that does not allow to build in certain areas, but how to make following:


    I want to disable building near (500 m radius) certain building objects all around the map.

    Such building objects like Land_A_BuildingWIP, Land_A_Hospital, Land_A_Office01 and other good looting places.


    Can somebody please give me a script example.

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